50% of the people which has been placed a saphenous vein bypass will need a reoperation after ten years.

-more than twenty cardiologists interventionist representatives of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) involved to date Friday during the prestigious international interventional cardiology EuroPCR, which this year is taking place in Paris.

– participants in the course include the President of the SEC, Dr. Carlos Macaya, who will act together with Dr. Javier Escaned as a moderator of one of the symposia of interest and focus on how to cope with the bypass secondary.

– Symposium, experts discuss how avoiding the high number of repeat that occur after the placement of a bypass. Will be also broadcast live five interventions of this kind from the Hospital Clínico de Madrid.

-another Spanish representative, Dr. Francisco Javier Goicolea, President of the section of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the SEC, will participate along with the Portuguese society of Cardiology in the session Invasive strategies for STEMI initially treated with fibrinolysis: a case-based discussion ”.

Paris, 2011-may coinciding with a new edition of the international course on Interventional Cardiology EuroPCR, which is taking place in Paris, members of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) will participate in various meetings, including participation in a plenary Symposium on secondary revascularisationregarded as one of the most important tables of course.

plenary session is divided into two sections, the first, Restenosis in DES: an unfrequent but complex diagnostic and therapeutic problem ” will be moderate by Dr. Javier Escaned, Member of the SEC and Interventional cardiologist of the Institute Cardiovascular of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos Madrid; and the second, Secondary Revascularisation of saphenous vein graft attrition: complex decisions in high-risk patients ”, by Dr. Carlos Macaya, President of SEC.

the secondary revascularisation is a reoperation to be performed when the bypass of saphenous vein (vein of the leg) is some sort of complication as the reappearance of the clot or narrowing of the arteries.

coronary bypass is the most common cardiac intervention in Spain. Each year between 8,000 and 10,000 people benefit from success this intervention carried out because the arteries become clogged by an accumulation of fat and need to create a new route or bypass around the artery to improve blood flow to the heart.

the operation consists of sewing a section from a vein from the leg (saphenous vein) or an artery in his chest, or another part of the body in order to circumvent section blocked or damaged coronary artery. The procedure creates a new route which can flow the blood that the heart muscle can receive blood rich in oxygen it needs to function properly.

Unlike the mammary artery bypass or other types, which are seldom clog, 50% of cases of saphenous vein bypass will need to be operated within ten years. are the people that are reintervenidas usually patients with high cardiovascular risk because they are elderly people, who have many years suffering from this diseasethat have already been subjected to other complicated surgery and they also have a higher cormobilidad. In these cases, your cardiologist will know react correctly, if it has to solve it with a second surgery (esternotomía) or via a percutaneous intervention by placing a stent ” tells Dr. Carlos Macaya.

there is no single solution to this intervention, depends on the characteristics of each patient and the type of condition. What is important is to implement use among cardiologists embolic protection devices, since they may reduce by 30% the embolization through the placement of a stent ”, says Dr. Macaya.

there are various types of embolic protection devices, although the most commonly used is the use of an umbrella, which allows the passage of blood but not of the thrombus, thus facilitating their future extraction.

failure in the placement of the saphenous vein bypass tends to produce a new emergence of stenosis, in other words, by the narrowing of the coronary artery. This is because, in many cases, the placement of stents in complex in bifucarciones or in the core anatomical areas. Therefore it is important that, to treat patients with these complications, has a multidisciplinary team, both with interventionist cardiologists and clinical cardiologists, to be able to assess better what option take ”, declared Dr. Javier Escaned.

on the assessment of the participation Spanish in this new session of EuroPCR, Dr. Macaya declares that is important to high Spanish participation in the Symposium, as well as acting as moderators, Hospital Clínic in Madrid will speak live to five patients and these cases will be discussed by experts who addressed the Symposium ”.

among other Spanish participants, members of the section of hemodynamics of the SEC will also have a prominent role in EuroPCR. as noted Dr. Francisco Javier Goicolea, President of the section of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the SEC, although we participate in several sessions there is one which is particularly relevant as we carry out it together with the Portuguese society of cardiology. At the meeting, called ‘ Invasive strategies for STEMI initially treated with fibrinolysis: a case-based discussion ’ discuss what to do after a Thrombolysis that occurs after a myocardial infarction. ”

Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC).

the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) is a scientific and professional non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.

in addition, the SEC has among its main objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating links to national and international development actions, and representing all professionals interested in the field of cardiology.