( Lebanon) Tripoli, 16 mar ( EFE).-before the critical humanitarian situation affecting Syria, certain Islamic organizations settled in neighboring Lebanon are serving an increasing number of Syrian wounded arriving at its hospitals and clinics fleeing repression.

Is the case of the Islamic medical association, that is home to part of the sick and wounded during the bombing in a modern hospital in the Lebanese city of Tripoli, in the North of the country.

Since the beginning of the revolt in Syria in March of last year, the Center giving the Chifae has given care to 450 Syrians, told Efe the head of the complex, Add Mir.

In individual rooms, patients recovering from wounds after having ruled out governmental hospitals in the Lebanon by fear to be uncovered and pursued.

“Have received women, children and the sick, many of them wounded in the legs and arms.” “We help everyone”, said Mir, who said that the arrival of the Syrians depends on the situation in his country, so there are days that are up to 25 people at a time.

Among the cases more serious, he recalled, is that of a young man who spent five days hidden between the stagnant waters to be able to cross the border.

“Came with many infections.” “Believed that it could not be saved, was necessary to make dialysis and has now returned to speak”, said Mir.

Is another of the injured Ahmad Barri Hamud, a member of the army free SIRIUS (ELS) 29 years was operated in a clandestine hospital in the Homs province punished, in the Centre of Syria.

There you were an iron leg, but it was infected and still has to undergo several operations.

“I am concerned about the situation in my country, I know that there are entire families who are killed,” said Efe Hamud.

This rebel, formerly management in a hospital, noted that in Syria “the humanitarian situation is so terrible that many sick people die and can not do anything”.

Faced with the choice of leaving dying patients or trying to save them, Hamud confessed that, despite not being medical, often had to do small surgical interventions as they taught him some doctors.

The situation has overflowed to such an extent in the neighbouring country where Lebanese hospital give to the Chifae is has reactivated the emergency room, as it happened during the conflict with Israel in 2006 and which fought the Lebanese army and the extremist group Fatah al-Islam Sunni in 2007.

The Islamic medical association has several clinics, including that of the town of Arsal, in the East of the Lebanon, and Wadi Khaled, in the North, where a large number of Syrian refugees pass.

The organization also has ambulance transferred the wounded of Arsal to other safer areas, fearing the refugees stay in villages in Shiite majority, related to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

For the time being, this Islamic Association has paid $300,000 for exempt treatments, which has recovered only half, through other humanitarian organizations, according to the director of the Center.

On the other hand are the wounded are brought into the Government, hospitals whose transfer is responsible for the Red Cross while his medical treatment depends on the Superior Assistance Committee, chaired by the Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati Nayib.

According to the latest data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), some 30,000 Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, of which more than 10,000 remain in the Lebanon.

A year after the outbreak of the rebellion in Syria, the UN estimates that more than 8,000 people have been killed by the repression of the regime, accused of committing crimes against humanity.

Kathy Seleme

Refugee Syrians shout slogans during a protest against President Bashar Al-Assad. EFE