More than half of the population over 50 years has lost at least one tooth.

the implant dental is the best solution to the loss of teeth.

-The Hospital Viamed Los Manzanos is the first health centre unit of oral surgery and maxillofacial in La Rioja

-El Centre Cultural Caja Rioja – Gran Vía host today at 20.00 p.m. and with free entry, a new Conference of the Hall of health under the title when eat or smile becomes a problem. Aesthetic dental, seeking above all health ”, in charge of the maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Alfredo Castro Bustamante and the specialist in dentistry, Dr. Eduardo Bujanda Yécora. The Conference will address the problems of the lack of teeth and the impact that has on the body

-these specialists will present advances that have occurred in replacement of parts by means of implants or bone regeneration, as well as the solutions offered by the unit of surgery Oral and maxillofacial of Hospital Viamed Los Manzanosboth in terms of decoration and to solve serious problems of health

-oral diseases share risk factors with the four most important chronic diseases: cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are therefore favoured by unhealthy diets, smoking and harmful alcohol consumption. Another risk factor is a poor oral hygiene

– the figures deriving from different studies and reflect: 21.4% of Spaniards are just brushes the teeth once a day. Fur, causing periodontal disease, affects one of every two Spaniards. Consumers of alcohol and tobacco have a high incidence of tartar, gingivitis and periodontitis. And also, according to the who, 60-90% of school children around the world have dental caries

Logroño, February 2012.- El Dr. Alfredo Castro Bustamante, oral and maxillofacial surgeon and director of the unit of surgery Oral and maxillofacial of Hospital Viamed Los Manzanos and specialist in dentistry, Dr. Eduardo Bujanda Yécora taught today a new classroom health conference under the title when eat or smile becomes a problem. Aesthetic dental, seeking above all health ”.

Both specialists we will speak of the loss of teeth, the effects and the impact it has on the body and what are the best solutions. The Conference, at 20.00 p.m. in the CajaRioja Cultural Center – Gran Vía in Logroño, is part of the classroom cycle of health organized by the Los Manzanos Viamed Hospital with the collaboration of the CajaRioja Foundation. There will be, as on previous occasions, with sign language interpreter. In addition it will be streaming through

According to the who, severe periodontal disease, which can lead to the loss of teeth, affect to a 5% – 20% of middle-aged adults.

The mouth is the first organ of the digestive and thanks to it we can receive, blend and swallow our food. It also participates actively in the perception of taste and the sense of taste, as well as breathing. Its external features are part of our physical appearance. Therefore they are important in the image we project and you have a nice mouth favours human relations and raises our self-esteem.

De izquierda a derecha: el cirujano maxilofacial, Dr. Alfredo Castro y el especialista en odontología, Dr. Eduardo Bujanda.

The loss of teeth is an aesthetic problem, there is no doubt, in a society where aesthetics earn points every day but is also a health problem starting problems in the jaw socket that lead to painful processes that affect the ears, or the head with bone loss gradual and unavoidable, the problems in the gums as gingivitis,, modification of facial aesthetics, problems in swallowing thus involving, over time, the occurrence of digestive disorders, etc. see, a whole series of consequences to be avoided with usual oral care, through teeth replacement implants even when there is lack of bone with the bone regeneration that allows us the maxillofacial surgery ”explained these experts.

Implants dental are small cylindrical titanium than elements, installed in the maxillary bones through a simple surgical procedure act as roots of new teeth. About this implant is placed a Crown, that will be the visible part of the tooth. Specialists advise the implant comparison with other prosthetic solutions because Titanium is osteointegra in the jaw becoming part of it, avoiding the reabsorption of bone, which Yes true for other solutions.

Currently, there are almost no absolute contraindications for placement of implants dental, even the scarcity or absence of bone is no longer a problem as it was previously. The maxillofacial surgery techniques allow to regenerate and replenish bone in areas where needed, to enable the placement of implants in any situation.