Guatemala, 29 mar (EFE).-A pair of Guatemalans reported today that his son was born in January of last year “changed them” by staff at the hospital of the Guatemalan Institute of Social Security (IGSS) where the mother gave birth and that instead delivered them another newly born.

Cornelius and Edelmira, the couple, who preferred to keep his name in reserve, he said at press conference to January 28, 2011, in hospital maternity Pamplona of the IGSS, located in this capital, was born his son “of normal childbirth”.

“after childbirth I saw my son for a few moments, and I noticed that it had clear eyes and white skin,” recounted Edelmira.

However, the next day, the hospital authorities delivered to Cornelius a child “of dark skin and dark eyes, different characteristics to which he had observed the mother hours before.

The couple began to raise the child as his son, but doubts grew with the passage of time to notice that the small not developed any physical resemblance to parents, which led them to practise tests of DNA.

The result of scientific analysis found that, as Cornelius and Edelmira suspected, the child was not his own son, and that it had been changed “error” or “some particular interest” by the staff of the facility.

With advice from the survivor Foundation, a non-governmental institution which supports victims of violence, the couple filed a criminal lawsuit against the Social Security with the aim to elucidate the case and regain his true son.

Norma Cruz, President of the Foundation, told reporters that believe that it was “an accidental baby Exchange”, and asked the Prosecutor’s Office to clarify the case and identify the real son of Cornelius and Edelmira, it them exists DNA tests to about 40 children who were born during those days in the hospital of the IGSS.

“sooner you can restore the babies with their biological parents will be better to reduce the trauma and aftermath affecting, at first to minors, as mothers, fathers and families who are in a distressing and painful situation”, noted the Foundation.

Social security authorities have refused to comment on this case, arguing that it already is under investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office.

According to official figures, on average, every day about 35 children are born in hospital maternity of the IGSS where you registered the case. EFE