the day of the voice will include a marathon of free diagnostic and singers

16 April: world day of the voice

-all Spain specialists will offer tips and free revisions to the population. You may consult in and the telephone number 902 009 429

-5% of the Spanish population suffers some voice disorder requiring medical assistance, according to data from the SEORL

Madrid, April 2012.- the next 16 April marks the world day of the voice. On this occasion, the Spanish society of ENT and pathology cervical-Facial (SEORL), in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Vocal music, (AEMUV) organizes a marathon Gala voice professional which will take place in the Sala Manuel de Falla of the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música in Madrid. On stage, you hear a cast of Spanish singers and pianists companions that will make a review by various voices and styles. Coordinated by the soprano Elisa Belmonte, President of AEMUV, “this event aims to bring together all those professionals that make the voice its instrument of work: singers, speakers, actors, etc., as well as caregivers, otorrinos, foniatras and speech therapists”, points out. To do this, a team of otorrinos, will be free explorations of voice to all those professional voice wishing. The campaign, by a healthy voice, has the collaboration of pills Juanola and Olympus.

In addition, otorrinos, foniatras and speech therapists of all Spain will offer diagnoses, recommendations and free advice during the week of 16 to 22 April. To learn what specialists will make free revisions to the population in each autonomous community, the SEORL has enabled a hotline 902 009 429. Professionals who wish to join the initiative can go to and specify the address and the timetable in which consultations could provide. The list of specialists and activities will also be available on the web

5% of the Spanish population suffers some voice disorder requiring medical assistance, according to data from the SEORL. Dysphonia can be caused by various causes, such as a cold or a timely effort in a noisy place, such as a concert or a sporting event or misuse maintained for a long time, although “the worst enemy of the voice and the causative agent of the main related pathologies is the tobacco,” warns Dr. Primitivo Ortega, President of the SEORL. If the voice improvement after 10 days “no attention because it could be due to a vocal pathology”, in that regard, it explains some signs that may be expressing a problem of the voice: “that the partner has to repeat several times your message so that it is understood””, not be able to sing along to a song without fatigue or the quality of his voice not allowed to speak from a distance then reasonable.”

Among the people most affected by these diseases are professionals who need the voice as a working tool, as teachers, actors, singers, announcers, vendors and telephone operators, according to the Scottish Marta Pinillos. “These groups need to talk for several hours and many times do not have media or the appropriate environment,” he added.