COCEMFE supports the compatibility of aid for gender violence and the pension for disability.

– on Thursday entered into force the compatibility of economic aid that perceive people who have been victims of domestic violence with the invalidity pension

-Is a strong support to women with disabilities already alone live a situation of multiple discrimination by the simple fact of having a disability and of being a woman

-more than 80% of women with disabilities have suffered some type of violence

Madrid, 2011-may the Spanish Confederation of people with physical disability and OrgáNica (COCEMFE) congratulates the Council of Ministers amending the Royal Decree that regulates the financial aid of the law on measures of Integral Protection against gender violence.

past Thursday 12 came into force this amendment which declares compatible economic aid that perceive people who have been victims of gender-based violence pension disability and retirement Social security not contributory modality.

To the President of COCEMFE, Mario García, represents strong support to women with disabilities already alone live a situation of multiple discrimination by the simple fact of having a disability and of being a woman. Many of these people have suffered some type of violence, more than 80% of women with disabilities, have a risk of sexual violence four times higher than the rest of women ”.

The compatibility of the disability pension with aid for gender-based violence will result in an improvement in their purchasing power which will provide them at the same time more independence and greater degree of personal autonomy for many women ”, says García.

This measure implies support for many of the women who are subjected to the line of work that COCEMFE being developed to promote equal opportunities of women with disabilities incorporating the perspective of gender and disability transversely in each of our actions, and working directly with women who suffer from this kind of violence through the collaboration of COCEMFE and la Caixa ”, in the in the framework of the programme violence, tolerance 0 ”.

The Spanish Confederation of people with physical disability and organic (COCEMFE) is a non-governmental non-profit that was founded in 1980. Its aim is to unite, strengthen and form coordinate efforts and activities of entities that work in favour of persons with disabilities physical and organic to defend their rights and improve their quality of life. The entity brings together more than 1,360 organizations divided into regional confederations, State institutions and provincial federations which in turn, grouped to different local associations.