El Hospital de Móstoles publishes a guide of management of waste.
-the goal is to help professionals to know the risks
Móstoles, 2011-January The University Hospital of Móstoles has published a guide waste management with the intention to publicize the adverse effects workforce which can cause pollution in public health and as can be avoided. The manual includes an environmental Decalogue which has produced the hospital as well as recommendations for the safety of workers.
Guide calls attention to the social concern for the health problems that cause the waste, mainly the so-called hazardous, and the need to control them. It explains that consist of medical waste and the biosanitarios and establishes guidelines to follow in order to give them the most appropriate destination.
The first step is the internal management of debris covering the classification, packaging, labelling, collection, transfer and storage within the Centre’s work. The process continues with the external waste management which includes the following steps: collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste. All this without causing negative impacts to the environment or living beings.
Also explain the possibilities offered by the various containers, the book ordered hospital waste into 7 classes, ranging from the assimilated to urban radioactive, cytotoxic and or special risk, and sets out what to do with each one of them.
It also includes recommendations for the safety of workers, providing tips for the proper transfer of waste in the Center. Include the prohibition of encapsulating the needles and other warnings as: not dig or manipulate the content of the container and use containers suitable for each type of waste.
The guide concludes with the environmental Decalogue, drawn up by the hospital that had been distributed by the common areas of the Centre and, soon, you will reach areas of hospitalization.