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SEMERGEN rejects the sixteenth additional provision of theRoyal Decree-Law 16/2012

Madrid, may 2012.- after the publication of the RoyalDecree-Law of urgent measures to ensure the sustainability of the systemNational health, and to the consequences that the additional provisionsixteenth, concerning the integration of the staff officer in the service ofpublic health institutions, will have to the Group of doctors ofAPD, the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN)says:

his totalreject with a measure that we consider unjust and which affects a large numbermedical officers of all Spain, many of them SEMERGEN to partnersthey are defenseless and unprotected before a law which infringes rightsacquired by the exercise of his profession, mostly from for more thanthirty years, and that at this time are integrated and working in theState public health system.

-SEMERGENconsiders that this provision should have been agreed upon and discussed with thesocial partners and with the scientific societies in order to come toan agreement that became not the actual loss of the labour achievements of acollective in his day he won some State oppositions to the national body ofMedical headlines, and was instrumental to the construction of the systemNational health which now enjoys the society.

-Of the samemode, SEMERGEN expresses its disagreement with paragraph indicating that incase that this staff elects to stay active in their current situation …the autonomous communities attached to this staff to administrative bodieswho do not belong to health institutions public ”, on the grounds thatmakes no sense that opens the possibility of relocate ” to theseprofessionals in administrative departments outside their discipline.

-SEMERGENwants to show its solidarity with all the professionals concerned, thatThey ensured the health of the majority of Spaniards who did not live in thebig cities, often in conditions more difficult, and makespublic its willingness to invite the Spain Government to rectify thispoint the Rd. in

-Likewise,SEMERGEN adheres to the statements of the Organization Medical College(WTO), and offers to work in harmony with the rest of medical societies ofPrimary care and other institutions in the search for a solutionsatisfactory to a problem that should have been avoided.