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with the sponsorship of the medical school of Zaragoza, theFaculty of medicine held the Act of farewell to 160 students of thepromotion 2006-2012
-the Minister of education, University, culture and sport,Dolores Serrat, presided over an event that was celebrated in the Hall for the first timeMozart of Zaragoza Auditorium
Zaragoza, June 2012.- the Minister of education,University, culture and sports of the Government of Aragon, Dolores Serrat presided over,next to the Dean of the faculty, Javier Castillo, and the President of the College ofDoctors, Enrique de la Figuera, the Act of farewell to the 2006-2012 promotionof the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza.
the academic ceremony, which was attended by the sponsorship of the Collegedoctors, Auditorium Mozart was developed for the first time, in the room ofZaragoza.
the Professor José Luis Olivares gave the lecturesthat opened the academic ceremony, under the title evolution of the Spanish Pediatricswith special reference to Aragon ”. After the delivery of badges, thePresident of the official school of doctors of Zaragoza, doctor Henry of theFIGUERA, approached the new graduates and proceeded to the taking of the oathHippocratic new doctors, these were placed on foot.
the Act continued the prayer from Maimonides fromfour delegates of course and institutional discourses, but why notless emotive, the Minister of education, and Dean, Javier CastilloDolores Serrat.
as usual, acted the choir of the College ofDoctors, who closed the Act with the University academic anthem of the”Gaudeamus Igitur”.
and finally, also by courtesy of the College of physicians,attendees were invited to an aperitif in building B of the Facultymedicine.
is the first time that the Faculty of Medicine of theUniversity of Zaragoza out of its facilities to celebrate an actscholar of this nature. The rationale for this change has been thelack of space that had been experiencing in recent years. ANDthe Medical College of Zaragoza, which was already sponsoring this event, it hasshown sensitive to this need and has helped that I could finda new framework, appropriate to the event by its size and according to the dignity of aacademic ceremony every year excites more.