More than 65 per cent of clinics in Andalucia placed dental implants.

99% more than – hygienists met in Seville to Saturday March 24 keys to get official doctors Seville
implants dental.
-currently, the reliability of osseointegration implant

Sevilla, April 2012.- today dental implantology is one of the most outstanding scientific advances of modern dentistry. It is one of the most common solutions to resolve the loss of natural teeth. According to a study by the National Federation of enterprises of scientific instrumentation, medical, technical and Dental (FENIM) in Andalusia 68.5% of clinics placed implants dental; a very similar figure to the North (Asturias, Galicia, Cantabria and Basque country) where this practice increases up to 69.3%. For its part, clinics of Catalonia and Levante are those who practice more this type of technique with a 74.6% of interventions being the percentage of the area Center (Madrid, Castilla La Mancha and Castilla y León) similar (73.3%).

In fact, the placement of new artificial dental roots in the jaws, is more reliable and natural way to enjoy fixed prostheses that sometimes are almost like your own teeth. However, although the reliability of the osseointegration of implants is 99%, one of the greatest current challenges is achieving the best results with the minimum discomfort for the patient and ensure that they last lifelong.

For this reason, Pik continues with its training program classroom Pik ” with a series of courses for hygienists. The first of these, which were attended by more than 300 professionals, took place last Saturday, March 24, at the official College of physicians of Seville and tried on the keys to success in the maintenance of dental implants ”.

The course has been taught by Dr. Ivan Ortiz, dentist and Professor of the Master in Oral implantology at the University of Seville, who says that for patients with dental implants must be a proper oral hygiene and good maintenance for free from complications after ”.

Issues addressed during the day have been: what osseointegration, what are the steps to follow in the placement of an implant, what types of prosthesis exist, what are the similarities and differences between teeth and implants, which diseases are most common periimplant (mucositis and peri-implantitis) and its treatment, performing a special emphasis on the importance of the role of dental hygienist in the correct maintenance of dental implants.

For further information on courses and registration, see paragraph to Pik web professionals

upcoming courses:

-Cadiz: April 14 at 10: 00 in Hotel Monte Puertatierra

-Granada: April 21, 2012 at 10: 00 pm Auditorio Caja Rural de Granada

about Pik

founded in 1980Pik has established itself as a pioneer company and specialized in research, development and commercialization of products for oral hygiene. It has headquarters in Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona and five branches in Spain. Pik also has one of the most important r & d in oral microbiology laboratories in Europe.

The company has grown to become a leader of the Spanish market in addition to having international presence in more than 40 countries through a wide network of distributors. The products sold include brands such as: Vitis ®, Perio • Aid ®, Desensin ®, Interprox ®, halite ®, Xeros ® Pik, Waterpik ® and Fittydent ®. In addition, Pik is preferential and founding member of the major Spanish and international medical societies.