Surveys show that the vast majority of human communication is non-verbal, and smile represents much of this communication.< span id = "more-11554" > white teeth and are the great responsible for keeping self-confidence in day.


By: Vanessa Navarro


dental Magazine- When the oral health professionals began to introduce in day to day cosmetic dentistry as new terminology for cosmetic dentistry? Jansen Ozaki- Cosmetic dentistry terminology was introduced in the early 1990 after the onset of clinical practice of external bleaching procedures with a precursor of hydrogen peroxide. Carbamide Peroxide, used with trays of acetate with the patient, promotes whiter teeth under the supervision of a dentist. The result of a minimally invasive treatment, which was only aesthetic in vital teeth healthy, began what we call today

cosmetic dentistry.

what are dental Magazine-the differences between cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic dentistry? Jansen Ozaki- We can say that both seek as a result aesthetics, however, the Aesthetic Dentistry teeth acting results hits are no longer fully healthy, restoring teeth and or also the soft tissues through restorative procedures, whether with direct restorations, indirect or periodontal surgery.Cosmetic Dentistry is based on the premise of minimally invasive procedures, together with the whole design of the harmony of the smile with the shape of the face, including hair and makeup: concepts, which unites all aesthetic elements of the face, such as teeth, smile, skin, hair and makeup allies the image of the person



dental Magazine- dental situations Which require the use of cosmetic dentistry? Jansen Ozaki- Cosmetic dentistry procedures can be:

  • whitening of an element or of all arcade games.
  • Orthodontic

  • – small drives for alignment of teeth.
  • closure of diastema with direct or indirect
  • restorations.

  • morphological Reconstructions of conoid teeth.
  • Aesthetic Recontorno

  • (ameloplastia) to change the shape of the teeth.
  • plastic surgery periodontal gingival portion to create harmony with the teeth and the patient’s smile
  • .

  • and the latest of treatments: the application of botulinum toxin for correction of gingival
  • smiles.


-dental Magazine As and when the patient began to worry more about the dental beautification? Jansen Ozaki- I believe that the patient always bothered with beautifying teeth, however, the limitations of dentistry did with that the requirements were lower as well. The development of restorative materials and the increase of rehabilitative opportunities meant that the final restoration of a tooth was reached in its excellence. Another example would be the Elimination of metal in esthetic restorations, enabling a smile with metal free dentures. Another significant factor, who walked along with these factors, was mass media exposure of these new standards of aesthetic and treatment possibilities in excellence, which meant he wanted patients have a smile as magazines and actresses. Do not forget also that the country’s economic growth has meant that access to these treatments were also achieved by the new middle class of Brazil.


dental Magazine- how you can choose the right product to please the dentist and patient during cosmetic procedures? Jansen Ozaki- I do not believe that there is only one perfect product for each procedure. There are several options in the dental market that the dentist can choose for your patient. The variables are great, and the dentist really is not an easy task, because for this there are many variables, such as cost, brand affinity, access to information, new products, etc. To please the patient, the variables are much smaller. Obtaining the treatment success coupled with the absence of painful sensitivity and durability of treatment can fully meet the patient.

dental Magazine- what are the dental cosmetic treatments most sought by patients? Jansen Ozaki- As white teeth denote health and beauty, the external tooth whitening has been the most searched and, as a consequence of it, the replacement of the old restorations do not suffer bleaching with the bleaching treatment.Then we can cite the orthodontics, the closure of diastema and morphological reconstruction of conoid teeth with composite resin. The ceramic veneers or laminates are also very common for an expert in cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic



dental Magazine- what the Lord has to say about cosmetic dentistry as a concept of treatment?Jansen Ozaki – the cosmetic dentistry made the minimally invasive treatments follow a direction which is excellent for maintenance of dental tissues. Transform a smile with minimal wear of teeth only brought benefits to dentistry. Restorative Cosmetic treatment planning requires the dentist to have a multidisciplinary knowledge, such as dental materials, operative techniques, periodontics, Prosthodontics and psychology to meet fully the requirements of the patient. For many years the Dentistry has become extremely specialized and isolated today, with multidisciplinary interaction, dentistry is more complete, predictable and increased durability.

dental Magazine- Many are mistaken when they think of cosmetic dentistry as something superfluous. What is the relationship of this segment of dentistry oral health? Jansen Ozaki- The interface is straightforward, because any dental treatment, cosmetic or not, must follow the premises oral health promotion, i.e. the procedures should only be performed after the promotion and achievement of oral health.There is no aesthetic or cosmetic on caries and gingivitis in full activity in oral



dental Magazine- how cosmetic dentistry can influence the quality of life of patients? Jansen Ozaki- It all depends on how much the need cosmetic affected the patient. I have followed many cases in which the commitment directly affects the self-esteem of patients, since not being able to smile or receive some negative comment continuously about the lack of aesthetics of teeth results in a person who has trouble smiling, and so many times, to relate socially.Sometimes dental might be greater commitment and generate difficulty chewing, this combined with the lack of self-esteem can seriously compromise the patient’s quality of life.


Cosmetic Jansen Ozaki Master and specialist in operative dentistry from FOP/UNICAMP. Coordinator of specialization and improvement EAP-APCD São José dos Campos. Coordinator of operative dentistry at University Hispanic Guarani Asuncion-PY –. Professor of operative dentistry and integrated Clinicals at the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, UMESP. Professor of operative dentistry at the University Nove de Julho-UNINOVE/SP …