more than 3,000 dental hygienists for all Spain attend courses on maintenance of implants organized by classroom DENTAID

-During the months of April, may and June, have been given 24 courses in cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Granada, Cádiz and Las Palmas, among others

-correct maintenance of implants is essential to prevent later complications

Barcelona, June 2012.- Aula DENTAID, DENTAID training area, leading pharmacies oral health, has organized a total of 24 courses for dental hygienists, under the title keys to success in the maintenance of dental implants ”. More than 3,000 hygienists have attended the courses, held in different cities of Spain between the months of April and June. According to the team of organization of classroom DENTAID, are very happy with the great reception that have taken the courses. We believe that such initiatives are needed to make more accessible the updating of knowledge in the most relevant materials for professionals in the sector. In fact, are already working on upcoming courses will be taught during the last quarter of the year ”.

DENTAID classroom has a free alert service that allows you to receive information periodically trainings and conferences, according to the categories selected by each registered.

Dental implantology, main solution to the loss of dental

Implant dentistry is currently one of the main scientific advances in dentistry, it is one of the solutions more innovative to solve the loss of teeth. For a correct maintenance of the implants is essential for the patient to perform proper oral hygiene with specific elements to them, to prevent later complications.

According to a study of the Spanish Federation of companies of health technology (FENIN), clinics of Catalonia and Levante are those who practice more this type of technique, with 74.6% of interventions, being the percentage of the area Center (Madrid, Castilla La Mancha and Castilla León) very similar (73.3%). In Andalusia in the zona norte (Asturias, Galicia, Cantabria and Basque country) the figure is very similar: 68.5 percent and 69.3 percent, respectively.

For further information on courses and registration can refer to web DENTAID professionals:


DENTAID is an international company with headquarters in Barcelona specialized in oral health. She is a pioneer in research and development of oral products of last generation for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by oral biofilm (dental plaque). DENTAID has one of the laboratories of r & d in Europe most important oral microbiology.

The company has grown to become the leader in oral hygiene in pharmacy with an international presence in more than 40 countries through a wide network of distributors.

The products marketed include brands such as: Vitis ®, Perio • Aid ®, Desensin ®, Interprox ®, halite ®, Xeros DENTAID ®, Waterpik ® and Fittydent ®. DENTAID is also a member of the major Spanish and international dental societies.