winter, the best season to invest in beauty.

55% of requests for information in aesthetic clinics take place during the colder months of the year.

Spain, November 2012.- Each year, the arrival of the cold intensifies activity in centers specialized in plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine after the brief summer hiatus. The arrival of cold temperatures and the decrease of hours of sunshine make this season the best of the year to perform both surgeries and medical treatments, which significantly reduces the possibility of appearing stains or wounds heal incorrectly.

Any intervention involves a recovery period in which swelling of the treated area and edema appear, any time of the year is good for performing an aesthetic surgery among other plastic, but it is true that if the patient opts for the months of autumn or winter, you will win time to make the results sit before you have to look them ”, says Dr. Alfonso Barea, surgeon attached to the plastic surgery service and isTICA’s medical clinic option.

is also well known that exposure to the Sun without proper protection and increase of activity during the summer months can impede the process of healing and healing of the wounds, so you have to take extra precautions in the postoperative period ”, advises specialist.

According to statistical data extracted from a review from the year 2009 to date, 54.7 per cent of the requests for information to make a medico-estetico treatment or plastic surgery occur during the fall and winter seasons. Are becoming more patients who are aware of what advantageous that is dealt with during these dates ”, believes Dr. Barea. of all medical consultations carried out throughout this period, 36% wanted informationn about an aesthetic surgeryplastic and 28% opted for aesthetic medicine as solution to their problem. the remaining 36% wanted to know more about the medical options available to treat overweight and/or obesity.

Dr. Alfonso Barea.

coinciding with the latest trends in the sector, most requested surgical interventions were the Mamarias with 40.4% and liposuction which was 21.9% of requests for information during the winter period. With respect to aesthetic medicine treatments, of reducing fat and body redefinition were the most demanded representing 42% of the queries.

Augmentation surgery is, by far, the most requested and carried out in Spain. Their results tend to be very satisfactory for the patient which, in a way prapractically immediate view fulfilled all its expectations. in addition, the latest advances in medicine isTICA and Reconstructive have made this intervention an aesthetic surgeryto secure, provided that it is performed by an experienced surgeon, and with a quick and comfortable recovery process to the patient ”, ruling the surgeon in CliNica option medical.

On option medical clinic

Medical clinic option , which specializes in plastic surgery, advanced aesthetic medicine and the treatment of obesity, provides a high quality medicine service healthcare, safe and experienced in which the doctor-patient relationship is the fundamental axis. Currently boast four medical centres in Barcelona, Terrassa and Mataró l ’ Hospitalet de Llobregat, equipped with the latest technology in the sector and specially designed to give the patient maximum comfort, effectiveness and safety.