method PronoKal ® joins with the restaurant Pasta e Basta in Barcelona to offer patients the method PronoKal ® menus

first amigo restaurant of PronoKal ®

Spain, February 2013.- the social life and the diet should not be at odds. For this reason the method PronoKal ® provides an exclusive service of their patients: restaurant friend ”. This concept is already working in Barcelona where PronoKal ® collaborates with the trattoria Pasta e Basta (C / Santaló, 86), so that customers who are using the method PronoKal ® are on its menu dishes designed expressly for them.

Dishes for each phase

The kitchen team of Pasta e Basta has been formed not only to offer the dishes adapted to each phase of the method PronoKal ®, if not also to use proper cooking and preparation methods. In addition, patients have delicious dressings to condiment dishes and enjoy new tastes.

The launching of this initiative involves commitment by the team of Pasta e Basta to maintain and strictly implement the guidelines of the method PronoKal ® in its letter as ” with the aim of offering its proposal to patients from the first phase. Thus the Charter provides for first, second and dessert, the patient can choose among other dishes for example tasty skewers of vegetables, vegetable hamburger, mushrooms fillings, pizza or pancakes PronoKal.

restaurant, located in the C / Santaló, Barcelona 86, is open from 13.00 h to 16.00 h and from 20.00 h to 24.00 h, with midday and evening service, and just calling the 932.099.248 PronoKal ® patients may book your table and start to enjoy.

the people who are losing weight with PronoKal can now share table with friends and family, and each one can choose their preferences and dietary needs.

About PronoKal ®

Method PronoKal ® comes to Spain in 2004 at the hands of Protein Supplies S.L., a company based in Barcelona with offices in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia, with a team consisting of more than 250 people. This custom method is done under medical supervision and is based on a scientific Protocol for more than thirty years of application. Today there are already more than 300,000 patients treated with the method PronoKal ®.

The company is carrying out, in addition, different scientific studies aimed at assessing the tolerability, safety, and efficacy of the method, whose preliminary results are being very positive and presented in the main scientific forums in the country.

Dietitians-nutritionists, that support the patient throughout the weight loss process, delegates of medical and administrative staff are in your template. In addition, as fixed collaborators has specialists in physical activity, emotional support, as well as kitchen experts who contribute ideas creative and easy-to-make healthy menus. Method PronoKal ®, which can only be prescribed by physicians specially trained, currently has more than 3,000 medical prescribers in the world, 2,000 of them in Spain, with presence in more than 11 countries.

One of the basic pillars of Protein Supplies S.L. is the continuing education of professionals that relate to the company. Therefore offers its employees medical prescribers as a program of updates on the method in order to increase and update the knowledge in relation to the method PronoKal ® and the protein diet.