Ffo-fundecto (Foundation for the scientific and technological development of dentistry), partner at Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) is with open registration for the specialization course in operative dentistry – weekly.< span id = "more-13634" >


the course will have duration of 18 months, and the start is planned for the month of April. The goal is to specialize the student with regard to restorative dentistry business.

specialization covers plastic restorations and direct all content adhesive and esthetic-unit restorations also develops both as aesthetic metal. Other issues related to Dentistry will also be addressed objectively.

the specialization course in operative dentistry – Weekly is coordinated by Professor Margaret Oda, lecturer in the Department of operative dentistry at the DENTISTRY COLLEGE, which has extensive clinical experience and the collaboration of other two teachers, Teacher Miriam l. Turbino and Luis Carlos Belan.

investment of course is 18 installments of R $ 1,200 .00. There is no registration fee. To be eligible, the applicant must pay the registration fee amounting to billet R$85,00.

places are limited and registration can be made by phone at 0800-771-7001.


. fundecto.br