Teresa Martínez was addressed in the University of Oviedo attention centred in elderly with dementia.

the recognized more deepened on the innovative model in the course of summer: neurological and cognitive disorders in neurodegenerative dementias ”.

-the expert is a true advocate for the rights, preferences and the dignity of older persons in situation of dependency. Advocating that the older person has the right to self-determination. even in cases where there is a significant degree of cognitive impairment

Spain, 2011-June since last Monday 20th and until Friday 24 inclusive, was held in the Feijoo Centre of the University of Oviedo the course, “alterations congnitivas in the dementia neurodegenerative”, a roster of renowned experts who participated (see program), specifically on Friday, June 24, more, Teresa Martínez deepened during two hours in the training of students and professionals in psychology, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, pedagogy and speech therapists who attended on the cognitive stimulation in people with dementia and the application of the person-centred care in elderly with dementia.

The course had the objective, present the latest advances in the field of neurodegenerative dementias, especially in what refers to early cognitive markers and neuroimaging diagnosis, and early treatment.

It was directed by the professor in the area of basic psychology, Fernando Cuetos Vega and addressed recent advances on the cognitive and neurological alterations in neurodegenrativas dementia, mainly Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, dementia of vascular origin and fronto-temporal dementia, mild cognitive impairment.

Brief summary Teresa Martínez Rodríguez

Social gerontology expert psychologist. He currently works in the service of quality and inspection of the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Principality of Asturias.

He began his professional career in the direct care and worked for 12 years in a residence and day for elderly people specialized in public ownership Alzheimer Center. 10 Years he has held technical and policy positions in the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Principality of Asturias. He was head of planning services for older people and people with disabilities, and later Director General of planning and quality.

Author of publications and scientific articles in the field of social gerontology and disability. Speaker at national and international congresses. He has collaborated in postgraduate courses and masters degrees in social gerontology at different Spanish universities and various projects of regional governments. He has worked also as a teacher and consultant in Latin America, with the IMSERSO, the Autonomous University of Madrid, with the AECI (Spanish Agency of cooperation with Latin America for development) and with the CEPAL (United Nations).

Its projects and publications are placed in the field of applied Gerontology.

Note the following publications in relation to the course:

day for seniors with dependencies centres. Cognitive stimulation: Guide and materials for the intervention.

Day care for elderly centres. Attention to situations of fragility and dependence. Madrid: Editorial Médica-Panamericana.

The person-centred Gerontology care. Guide for professional centers and care services to older persons in situations of fragility or unit. Donostia: Foundation Matía-Government of the Basque country.

Train memory, intervene in reminiscences (2011). Madrid: Médica-Panamericana. In press.

Author of memory for people older. Workshop, document with increased number of downloads on the portal of largest of IMSERSO in the period (2002-2010).

It is also co-author and author of articles and reports such as:

Cuetos, f., Martínez, T., Martínez, C., Izuran, C. and Ellis, AW (2003) processing lexicon in Spanish patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease. Cognitive brain research, 17, 549-561

best practices in caring for elderly people in a situation of dependency ”. Reports Portal adults, no. 98.