
many times when we start to diet are not aware of all the vitamins we lose to peel the fruit, boiled vegetables, or eating other types of foods that provide us with less amount of these essential elements for our organism. When it comes to follow some kind of diet for weight loss, not only has to select less caloric foods, but also has to take into account the way of cooking the dishes and the amount of oil that is added to the same

In addition, no that neglecting the contribution of vitamins and minerals because these micronutrients are vital for the proper functioning of the Agency. In fact, many slimming diets are deficit in vitamins and minerals, so that its follow-up carries a risk of micronutrient deficiencies (calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamins such as A, D, E, riboflavin, niacin, B12), with consequent disorders organic and metabolic, more or less relevant depending on the State of health of the person and the time of follow-up of the diet. In addition, the diet must adapt to the energy needs of each person.

As well as a balanced low-calorie diet, nutritional supplements that help reduce body fat can be used. One of the most well-known and used is the extract of green tea that activates the metabolism and increases the oxidation of the fat, preventing its accumulation. For these reasons, Supradyn Siluet Control is the ideal complement when it follows a diet, it is an polivitamínico add-on that brings those vitamins, which can be deficit in diets. It is composed of 13 vitamins, 12 minerals, trace elements and green tea. Essential elements for a daily diet that accelerate metabolism thanks to the you green, which contains antioxidant and diuretic.


this dietary supplement is not only suitable for moments in which you want to lose weight, but that is ideal for other kinds of diets and regimes food such as vegetarian, diets people with an intolerance to some food, or hiperproteicas, diets that they are increasingly more fashionable to approaching the good time.

Is advisable to take a pill a day at breakfast during at least 6 weeks, Supradyn Siluet Control, although to prolong their benefits continued use throughout the year, without insertion of rest periods is advisable.

Addition Supradyn Siluet Control does not contain any exciting substance, therefore, can be taken throughout the year without having to insert rest periods. It can be purchased at pharmacies and it is not necessary prescription medical.

Tags: food diets, multivitamins, diet tips, supplements