The Lavender is a plant that has many beneficial for our skin and our body properties. Why today we want to tell you of are the applications that have the essential oil of lavender, hope serve you as help.

For example, if you have tired or swollen legs, give yourself a good massage with essential oil of lavender, it must be circular and upwards. You notice immediately how your legs relax and deshinchan. this oil is a great ally of the skin, as it helps against the eczema and even acne. Lowered with a little water, we can apply it on the face with a cotton and leaving to act. Little by little notice as our skin is recovering to.

And if you have pain from rheumatism or arthritis, get baths with this oil alleviate them considerably. If you know of any other implementation of this essential oil, I hope that you you share with us, we will be of great assistance.

Vitadelia the Bruixot

Tags: benefits lavender, lavender, lavender properties