Foods gluten is an element which you have intolerance the celiac. This compound is a derivative of some cereals such as oats, barley, wheat or rye. But there are other foods that contain gluten and does not derive from the grain.

As for example some sausages like chorizo, the sausages and sausages. Or for example yogurt flavors and chunks of fruit, also fused portions, untar and flavors cheese. other foods that contain gluten are the pâté, canned meat with sauce and not she, also the gums and candies, nuts, snacks type as almonds, pistachios, ice cream and liqueurs.

These foods that we think have no gluten by its natural composition, often may contain gluten due to the processing and industrial aggregates as stabilizers, thickeners, preservatives and flavorings.

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Tags: advice, food with gluten gluten, gluten