Innovative book is published by the Basque Government: the attention Gerontologica centered on the person (author, Teresa Martínez Rodríguez)

a guide for responsible institutional, entrepreneurs from the sector, associations and professionals from centers and care to people older.

Spain, 2011-September The Department of employment and Social Affairs of the Basque Government – in cooperation with the Group Matía – has edited in the collection Gizartea Hobetuz, Social Welfare, the work documents “Gerontology person-centred care: Guide to professional intervention in schools and care services to older persons in situations of fragility or unit”, of the recognized expert in social gerontology, Teresa Martínez Rodríguez psychologist

opt for a model of care – unambiguous commitment of the Basque Government – centred means to give a core role in the self-determination of the people users. From this model, the center of attention, and therefore the Organization and assistance processes, is each person and their life projects.

The respect for the dignity of the individual as being unique, their rights, preferences and the pursuit of personal well-being are essential in the Eastern values model of care, even in cases where there is a significant degree of cognitive impairment. However, the implementation of these principles in the day to day services and centres, subject to numerous organizational standards, working conditions and health care routines occasionally, usually stay pending or encounter significant difficulties. This requires awareness-raising and training, as well as develop new professional roles, review some organisational systems and designing interventions in accordance with this new look.

This is the reason that led to edit to the Department of employment and Social Affairs of the Basque Government – in cooperation with the Group Matía – the guide entitled the attention Gerontologica centered on the person: the need to conceptualize this model as well as provide the methodological basis allowing its application in welfare centres and care services to older people in situations of fragility or unit.

Its author, Teresa Martínez Rodríguez, is a recognized expert in social gerontology that’s combines professional experience in intervention and in the planning of social policies, teaching and authoring various publications related to the applied Gerontology.

(En_esta_guía,_se_exponen_cinco_asuntos_importantes_para_el_desarrollo_de_este_modelo_en_los_centros_y_servicios_de_atención_a_personas_mayores:_A) personalized attention from the promotion of self-determination and independence, b) intimate, private and confidential; (c) so, cotidiano, significant; ((d) families and and) the organizational and professional. For each of these issues are presented both the ideas and key values and strategies of intervention and instruments to implement them. Also, dealt with the main risks arising from the routine of the day to day, which can lead to drifts of the model.

It should be noted the educational and applied nature of this document. A novel and useful tool that will enable professionals, managers and leaders in the sector of public health (homes, day centres, home support services), progress in the implementation of a care model focused on persons in everyday contexts of intervention.

Quoting words of the presentation of the title in charge of Emma Zabaleta Areta, Minister of employment and Social Affairs of the Basque Government. “I am sure that the guide will have a huge utility to move forward on this path.” It is not easy to come up with tools that facilitate the realization of the models of care in every day. And even less so that these do not end up as mere “cookbooks”. I believe that this document is in the key. Because pace of exposing in a clear and synthetic bases and main ideas of the model of Gerontology care person-centered, displays and suggested methodological elements of great value to facilitate its implementation. “Because, in addition, to pose as an open process, invites the commitment and involvement of technical teams and leaders of services”.

Continues the counselor in your presentation. “only remains for me to encourage institutional policy-makers, entrepreneurs, associative and professional movement that day to day support and improve the quality of life of older persons, to make their own what this work”.

He concludes the introduction of employment and Social Welfare of the Basque Executive Councillor. “This is a manual that aims to generate reflection, guide and strengthen the quality of life of care processes, understanding this from the improvement of the quality of life of people users.” “If any of these objectives are met, it will be worth”.

Details of publication:

Author: Martínez Rodríguez, Teresa
ISBN: 978-84-457-3157-4

available here.

brief summary of the author

was born in Huesca and resides in Oviedo. Degree in psychology from the Complutenses Madrid University and diploma in gerontology Social by the SEGG. It is part of the Scientific Advisory Council for GIIG (Group Ibero-American interdisciplinary Gerontology). He has 23 years in the sector and a comprehensive travel professional. He has worked 12 years in direct care in geriatric centres and another ten years he has held positions in the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Government of the Principality of Asturias: Chief planning of elderly and disability services; Director General of planning and quality. Speaker at national and international congresses. Professor, master’s and postgraduate at different Spanish universities. He has worked also as a teacher and consultant in Latin America with the IMSERSO, the Autonomous University of Madrid, with the AECI (Spanish Agency of cooperation with Latin America for development) and with the CEPAL (United Nations). She is the author of various publications, technical papers and articles. His last publications in the field of applied gerontology, refer to best practices in caring for the unit; development of services in rural areas; day-care centres; memory and reminiscence; person-centred Gerontology care guide. All of them are considered useful to serve as a reference in the improvement of the quality of care for the elderly in Spain and in Latin America.

He currently works in the service of quality and inspection of the Ministry of Social Welfare and equality of the Principality of Asturias.