Tips arthrosis is one of the most frequent reasons for complaints from people who have already reached a certain age. And this is so because, according to reveals the study EPISER SER (Spanish society of Rheumatology), 10.2 per cent of the population of our country suffers from osteoarthritis in the knee, and 6.2% in the hands.And of course, these percentages rise rapidly when it increases the age of the respondent or encuestada.

The word atrosis is derived from the Greek words artros, articulation, and osis, degeneration.The pathology is accelerated by an excess or deficit of exercise, as well as the presence of overloads or blows; bone is injured while we realize, and in the end the structure and the mobility of the joint eventually spoil is.

for all those and those that you’ve come to the point where the arthritis is a reality in your lives, ye must know that yes there are things you can do to minimize their presence and substantially relieve the aches and pains. Here are a few tips practical.

The first and most important is to avoid the progressive mobility, loss in patients with advanced arthritis whose movements are very limited. This corresponds to their doctors, nurses, family members and caregivers.

It is also good move joints when they come into heat; if they put their hands, for example, in hot for five minutes and they move, mobility will improve and the pain will be less intense.

The same applies to the rest of the joints, we can use the shower or the bath for this exercise. Stretching and yoga will charm, and improve with much sense of hardening.

ACE ointment and ointments l Special against pain are effective, but are still more if we apply them through cross-cutting, massages especially in the knees. And it is very important is exercise, especially one that is more enjoyable. If there is none that you especially like always you can walk for half an hour by the Park, the beach or the neighborhood every day; You notaréis difference.

Tags: Tips health, bone diseases, prevent arthritis, bone problems and remedies arthritis, treatment atrosis