
Researchers from the school of public health from Harvard, in United States, concluded that each daily portion of processed meat, i.e., about 50 grams, rises up to 42 percent the risk of cardiac disorders and almost 20 percent of diabetes.

A very alarming levels, taking into account, we tend to eat more of the above, end of the month. Processed meat is not as healthy as we thought and we must be careful with her, eat her this well, but with excess things is different. the study consisted of a review of other 360 studies and focused only on the possible link between excessive consumption of these foods with coronary risk and diabetes. However, did not address the greater or lesser risk of hypertension and cancer.

In all, the key is in moderation, as I have already said eating processed meat does not have to not be healthy, but without us, as demonstrated by this study, it may not be gold that glitters.

Vitadelia David Saorin

Tags: alert who, red meat, meat consumption risks