Pharmacies and drugstores across the country are obliged to retain prescriptions and dental antibiotics.


the measure is provided for in resolution of the national health surveillance agency (Anvisa) published in the Official Gazette, DRC 44 of October 26, 2010. Before, the rule stipulated only that the patient make the recipe, but it could go away with her


to clarify on the prescriptions of odontologistas, the President of the Regional Council of Dentistry of Rondônia surgeon-dentist Luiz Fernando Rodrigues Rosa, said today that it has maintained contact with the management of health surveillance in the State and it was decided that the prescriptions is used daily by dental surgeons.  “There is new form, special revenue blocks”, Luiz Fernando, stating that the Regional Council of Pharmacy issues note with more details about the collection of revenue by the pharmaceutical industry


Luiz Fernando said that surgeons-dentists should issue the revenue on two routes: one stays with the pharmacy or drug store, and the duplicate stamped by the seller, with the patient. He suggested that if necessary the recipe would be issued in three ways; the two according to the resolution and the other with the own dentist, signed by the patient

