The early detection of colon cancer can cure 90% of the cases.

Spain, 2011-September Proctológico European Centre El starts, just six months before the world day of cancer of Colon and rectal, held on 31 March, a prevention campaign at the alarming growth in cases of cancer of colon. Spain

Although risk factors include family history and age (over 50), stresses sudden change fundamentally eating habits and lifestyle, considered to be probable cause about 60% of these pathologies.

The shame surrounding these diseases, despite his habitually is evident. Also, there is a vacuum of information in this regard, remain unknown symptoms, solutions, gravity, etc. It is common, even that many patients with rectal cancer to attend consultation manifesting a prolonged bleeding to which they did not give importance and identified themselves as hemorrhoids.

By way of illustration, in 2006, in Spain 13.101 people died from colorectal cancer, 12.9 per cent of the total number of deaths from cancer during that year. Today, despite the extraordinary progress achieved in the medical and surgical treatments and a greater awareness of the importance of early diagnosis, colon cancer and rectal remains a serious health problem, with a mortality in Spain more than 12,000 cases per year (13 per cent of all types of cancer) and an annual incidence of más of 25,000 cases (16% of all cancers).

colon cancer

the colon and rectum (final portion of the intestine) is the place where feces are stored before being expelled to the outside through the anus. To undertake this work, accumulate waste substances that are conducive to the emergence of cancer, malignant cells located in the intermediate and longer intestine portion. For this reason, it is important to reduce the time of accumulation, by adopting a balanced diet that facilitates intestinal transit.

It is a fairly common cancer in many countries, but also easy to detect, has a high degree of cure and takes long to develop, because it makes a long evolution that begins with the formation of a polyp (bundle which is next to any body membrane) of a benign nature. However, it can develop for months without causing discomfort and, when they appear in the form of changes in intestinal rhythms, diarrhea, or feeling of full belly, constipation, blood in the stool, abdominal pain, loss of weight and appetite, constant tiredness and vomiting … disease tend to be advanced.

Therefore, not be overcome by shame and resorting to the specialist as soon as possible will allow to quickly establish a diagnosis and the consistent implementation of the necessary treatment. This action, together with regulation of habits, would reduce up to 90% 25,000 annual cases of Colon cancer in Spain, the second most common cancer among women and the third among the men.


High definition colonoscope to detect colon cancer early. The colonoscope can see any pathology in its initial state because of high definition camera

The European Proctológico Centre of A Coruña presented a colonoscope can detect at an early stage colon cancer. Explained the medical director of the Centre, Federico Sánchez, in 70% of cases the tumor develops from a benign lesion that transforms into cancer.

Approximately 75% of colorectal cancers are sporadic, develop in people who do not have increased by family background or previous disease risk factors.

Stresses that 90% occurs in over 50 years, being the age the first risk factor to consider. The peak incidence of colorectal polyps is located between 55 and 65 years, whereas Cancer Colorectal are 65 and 75 years, the average rate being very similar in both sexes: 61.7% in men and 51.3% in women.

Importance of early diagnosis

International scientific evidence shows that the primary and secondary prevention are the most effective weapons to significantly reduce the incidence and mortality and morbidity of the disease by raising healing rates up to 80 ‐ 90%.

Primary prevention, in other words, practice moderate exercise and a balanced diet, would reduce its incidence by 50%.

However, through early detection programmes, colorectal cancer mortality can be reduced up to 30%, allowing attack disease in its early stages (when the polyp is benign), increasing your chances of cure.

In the case of colon cancer, there are several methods with high efficiency, including colonoscopy, with a sensitivity of 95% to 97%.

90% Of colorectal polyps are extirpables by colonoscopy, reason why this endoscopic study is the most powerful method to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer.

Campaign to raise awareness of the European Centre for Proctológico

To the alarming they affect cia of cases of cancer of colon and rectum in Spain, the Proctológico European Centre has launched an awareness campaign directed mainly to the population of greater risk, over 50 years both men and women, although they do not show symptoms or are apparently healthy.

It will provide information and a free screening of blood test (FOBT) fecal occult. Interested parties will receive a team with instructions explaining how to take a sample of feces in her own home. Subsequently, the clinical laboratory of the European Proctológico Centre will determine if it contains blood, and therefore other tests will be needed to determine accurately the cause of the bleeding.

Thus trust raise awareness of the importance of conducting diagnostic blood test in stool every one or two years, sigmoidoscopy every five and colonoscopy every ten, that these programs may reduce mortality from colon cancer from a 30 ‐ 35%.