Valencia will host the II international meeting on biotechnology on 24 and 25 October.

Kenneth Morse and José María Ordovás, among the speakers at the meeting.

Valencia, 2011-October Valencia will host the II international meeting on biotechnology on 24 and 25 October. The meeting is organized by BIOVAL, Bioregion which brings together more than 70 biotech companies in the Valencian Community, research centres and technological universities and hospitals whose activity is linked to biotechnology. After the success of the first meeting in 2010, Bioval opted to consolidate an international event of biotechnology in the Valencian Community as Maria Eugenia Hernández of Paul, Manager of Bioval, is designed to facilitate two key elements for the development of the business: networking and access to a global market.

Bioval has made a strong commitment by the internationalization of the meeting, which has among its speakers Ken Morse and José María Ordovás, as most outstanding figures. Ken Morse founded and directed the Center for entrepreneurship of the Massachusetts Technology Institute (MIT) for 13 years and is currently a member of the Commission on innovation and entrepreneurship of the White House. Professor Jose Maria Ordovás is an expert in nutrigenética and Nutrigenomics and one of the main promoters of the nutritional research in Spain. In 1986 it changed the course of research in genetics of cardiovascular diseases with the publication of a work in the New England Journal of Medicine. He is currently director of the laboratory of nutrition and genetics of Tufts University in Boston.

The 24th as a prelude to the meeting, held a workshop that will take out Ken Morse, one of the related international training of entrepreneurs and specialist in environments of rapid business growth and to make profitable technology based business. With a practical methodology, is aimed at innovative companies that want to act in a globalised market and there will be practical exercises as the Elevator Sales Pitches ”. A dinner will be held at night networking to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the day.

On October 25 in the morning will be the scheduled presentations that will culminate with a round table. Under the title the essence of a good model biotech ”, José María Ordovás, Ken Morse, Laura Morse (expert in leadership and human equipment, is currently Director of Entrepreneurship Venture in Boston) and Ángel Santos (with extensive experience in acquisitions, alliances and strategic disinvestments, is currently Director of Cross Road Biotech) will discuss the keys to success for companies operating in the sector of the biotechnology.

The meeting will take place in the pre Parc of the Universitat de València, where is located the headquarters of BIOVAL, on 24 and 25 October. On the website of Bioval you can consult the agenda of the meeting and access to more complete information about the same.


BIOVAL is the Bioregion of the community Valencian that brings together more than 70 biotech companies in the Valencian Community, research centres and technological universities and hospitals whose research activity is linked to the biotechnology BIOVAL was formed in late 2006 to develop and take advantage of the opportunities for innovation in the biotechnology sector, as a vector of economic and social growth in the Valencian Community.

The biotechnology business fabric in the Valencian Community has increased more than 100% in the number of biotechnology companies, from 24 companies in 2003 to 52 in 2010, by which it is situated, at the national level, between the regions with the highest number of bio. Billing and number of employees of biotechnological companies of the Valencian Community is 20% of what generates the sector at the national level, having been produced employment generation in recent years.