The time to brush your teeth, pass a brush in water and leave it on the sink is ending. At least that’s what they recommend dentists sloppy hygiene, for whom these objects can cause dental caries, gingivitis and other problems arising from contamination by microorganisms.


For Hugo Roberto Lewgoy, professor of the Brazilian Association of dentistry, after each use you should remove the excess water with a small brush hit on the edge of the sink. It also indicates an oral antiseptic, chlorhexidine 0.12% based in drops or in the form of


Second dentist José Mário Mateus, the Federal Council of dentistry, an alternative is to dip the brush in a glass with mouthwash buccal ten to 15 minutes. we know that it is difficult to do this after each brushing, then once a day is already better than nothing. ”

then you must rinse the brush and dry it with own towel or paper towel before saving it in boxes suitable for


Both the brush as the box should be replaced frequently. The interval for the exchange of the brush varies, but a clear signal that its validity has expired is the deviation angle of bristles. would be nice to change every 30 days, says Matthew
