Happens in the Amphitheater João Yunes Faculty of public health (FSP) of USP, between 29 and 31, the event Directions of nutrition and professional performance in different sectors ”.


will be various lectures about the panorama of the profession in Brazil, with themes such as food security and nutrition, human right to adequate food, food production and supply activities, public health nutritionist and health promotion actions on nutrition


those interested in participating should register by day 28 on the event page.

the registration is free of charge.

the full program can be given on the site of the FSP. The lectures will be transmitted over the internet, on the site of USP IPTV. Simply select the option “live” Broadcasts “flap”. The event happens at AV. Dr. Arnaldo, 715, Cerqueira César

, São Paulo.


> Service/Directions of nutrition and professional performance in different sectors: opportunities for the confrontation of nutritional problems in Brazil. /> date: 29 August 31, 2011, of the 1:0 pm from


more information by phone (11) 8058-7247 with Tatiane Pereira; by e-mail pereira.tnp@gmail.com or through the site www.fsp.usp.br/site/eventos/mostrar/1390/>