Every beginning of a new year always appear the prognoses, gurus and talk, “Peters Druckers” on duty who offer their views on how will be the year of the point of view of consumer trends.


without trying to imitate them, we want to leave registered our opinion, the fruit of our surveys and direct observation of the market and our customers of


Jill Fehrenbacher, CEO of website Inhabitat, listed some themes and guidelines on market trends. Also the company MoIP and site Trendwatching published a list with consumption trends for 2011. We did the adaptation of these general trends for the dental market and health. Below we show our retelling:

  • : collaborative Consumption is a term used to describe the different modes of a family or company save money and reduce their own consumption, by means either of barter, trade or fractional properties of products. Today, medical offices, clinics and other dental services are increasingly concerned with understanding the operation of your business, from a financial point of view, and decrease costs.
  • Ecossuperior: decline in the sale of products designed to become obsolete in little time. This will not only save consumers more, but will also help in the preservation of natural resources and reducing the amount of garbage. Thus, increasingly, people in General and health professionals (in particular), will be less printed copy of examinations, only send digitally and via email
  • when needed.

  • reduce, recycle and reuse: concerns garbage and the decrease of resources grew. Some businesses have to worry about the reduction of waste and consumption, among them the branch of medicine and dentistry. Grows increasingly concern for hospital waste, which is collected and separated from the common garbage to don’t generate pollution to the environment
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  • Social Shopping and purchasing groups: increase purchases of textbooks of medical, dental and area of general health via bookselling sites and collective sale sites. Also the purchase of surgical material and general dental
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  • : local actions local businesses can also benefit from this trend through greater community awareness to make partnerships with the nearby business district itself. Thus, for example, today there is greater understanding on the part of medical offices, clinics, and organizations of the sector of the need to close agreements with nearby schools and businesses to have greater influx of patients/clients
  • .internet:

  • New Technology and business related to mobile applications will be created for the dental industry and health. Enhance the use of the Ipad and mobile phones connected to the “net” by health professionals and organizations. The sale of smartphones should greatly increase and the mobile internet access will change the navigation mode. Even so, the lap top will continue having the prominent place among these professionals. Will use more shots of email and mobile messages to check and recheck queries, pass reminders, warnings, etc. Current Diagnostics flow will grow or sent online, as well as the software used for administrative purposes of clinics, hospitals and other health services. Will increase the role of social media as a way to publicize the services, to learn what the patient and their relatives want and to interact with the same
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 /Trends/ > > Felipe Ortiz Chibás/ > Perfectu Consulting Director. Psychologist. Master and Phd from USP in Organizational Communication and management themes. Direct Marketing Specialist University Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Author of 11 books published in several countries.




Trends/ > Claudia Firmino de Freitas /> Perfectu Director. Odontóloga. Specialist in Orthodontics and in customer service and Customer Loyalty by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. />