The Dra. Lusiane Borges, specialist dental surgeon in biosafety, clarifies the major doubts about security in dentistry.


After the sterilization process, how long the material can stay inside the autoclave, even with her open?/> Lusiane Borges- stuff that went through the process of sterilization in steam autoclaves, since packaged correctly and that moisture does not present in your interior and exterior, can stay inside the autoclave until the moment of its use, becausepaper, packaging this surgery degree ensures validity. However, if the material is sterilized unpacked, we recommend that you use immediately after the sterilization process, because there is the imminent risk of re-contamination of the material when it is exposed to the hot and humid environment


the process of sterilization through steam autoclave is the most efficient method of sterilisation? / > Lusiane Borges- micro-organisms in vegetative state are easily destroyed by a correct method of sterilization. However, its spores (bacteria and viruses surrounded by a capsule protein) are extremely resistant when environmental conditions are unfavourable to them. The form sporulated form is a protection mechanism through which the microorganism is able to remain dormant for a long period of time. In this State can survive the conditions under which would die quickly in his vegetative state or active. However, when these spores are placed again in a favourable condition for their development, they become active bacteria capable of causing infection and death. This is why the sterilization through steam autoclave is more efficient because it allows the destruction of bacteria and viruses assets and their spores with greater agility, which does not occur with other processes, where the spores become more resistant


I use a surgical degree paper packaging that has an indicator that changes color after sterilization. This proves that the material is actually sterile? /Lusiane > Borges- not. Chemical indicators or external crossing indicators have the function of controlling the exposure, that is, they only indicate that the material passed through sterilization process, thus avoiding sterile packages that are used. Already the domestic chemical indicators are a very effective way to test the parameters of the autoclave, such as temperature, pressure and steam penetration effectiveness in packages. The most effective test that is always coupled with Chemical Integrator is the biological test. /> exist in the market several brands of Organic or Biological Indicator Test, found in the form of ampoules with spores of Bacillus Stearothermophillus. This test has as main characteristic the control over death or bacterial growth, as revealed through color change inside the positive or negative result of sterilization. For the biological test is carried out successfully, it is necessary to use an incubator able to incubate this bulb and, at the end, show the result of the test


After the whole sterilization process, realize that the material still comes out moist or wet sometimes inside the autoclave. Is there any problem in using this material? /> Lusiane Borges- the recommendation is that the material is taken from the autoclave dry and packaged in clean place and without moisture until the moment of its use. If damp or wet packing to leave, the material must be repackaged and reesterilizado, as moisture causes the emergence of negative pressure inside the package, which causes the external air intake and possible recontamination of material recém-esterilizado. Exceptions are made to materials that are sterilised in autoclaves “Flash” and used immediately after sterilization, remembering always that, in this case, the autoclave should be next or in the same environment where the material will be used



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On/ > Dra. > Lusiane Borges/Surgeon-dentist by UMESP, São Bernardo do Campo (SP). Formed in Biomedicine by UNISA/UNIFESP. Specialisation in microbiology faculty Oswaldo Cruz, São Paulo. Specialist and post-graduate student in infection control in health by the UNIFESP, São Paulo. Courses Coordinator for ASB/TSB in APCD and ABO. Author-Coordinator of the book “AST and TSB – training and practice of Team Helper”, Santos, 2011. Director-President of emSaúde Consulting Biological, in São Paulo. Graduate Coordinator of UNINGÁ Santo Amaro, São Paulo. Scientific consultant of Medsteril and Oral-B, in São Paulo. />