new techniques for prevention of breast cancer
– on the occasion of world day against the cancer of breast (October 19), have been held in Madrid last weekend (14 and 15 October) free days of information and training for prevention of breast cancer
Madrid, October 2011.- Energizer, in collaboration with the Foundation for education and training in cancer (FEFOC) and the hospital group in Madrid, has developed over the past weekend a few free days at the Hotel of the letters of the street Gran vÃa of Madrid intended to inform and educate anyone who was interested in habits that favour a more lifes healthy and therefore, the prevention of breast cancer.
The novelty of these days was to offer a range of complementary activities that help in the treatment and prevention of the disease in one space. One of the main activities was the self-examination, but they also gained prominence other techniques that are being used even in some hospitals as the coaching or seminars on nutrition.
The inauguration was attended by Mrs. Patricia flowers Cerdán, Vice-Counsellor of health assistance of the community of Madrid and Don Andrés González Navarro, Coordinator Regional of the cancer of the community of Madrid, who supported the initiative with his speech and made the first visit to the space Pink Energy.
The most important and most visited of Pink Energy space workshop was in the area of self-examination, where doctors and nurses from the Madrid group of hospitals numerous consultations were held in which taught many women to take care of themselves through self-examination. It’s the best method for early detection of breast cancer, but however it is still a pending subject for many women in the world. The figures show: several studies have found that only 3% of Spanish women practice self-examination properly (source: FEFOC). The existence of an early diagnosis of breast cancer helps to fight this terrible disease, which destroys the lives of more than 400,000 women annually around the world.
Dr. Lucas Minig, ginecólogo-oncólogo of the medical team that participated in these seminars says: in recent years there have been great advances in breast cancer: been aware to the population and have come more often to the doctor for a self-examination and the disease has been detected earlywhich resulted in a higher cure rate for breast cancer. Medical science has advanced significantly and today we can determine the genetic and molecular alterations in every patient in particular, with which we can guide them and we can try them to better ”
workshop of Tai chi was also well received:, attendees learned movements and postures to practice to achieve a better balance with oneself and the energy.
El Tai chi involves physical benefits, improves blood circulation, also improves the immune system, promotes greater health, happiness, gives sense of security and the control of their lives ”-Ana Elisa Rodriguez, teacher of Tai chi.
Also the coaching is becoming an effective measure when dealing with life and this disease in a positive way.
From the coaching, what we do is to be practical and teach people how to generate an attitude positive to achieve its objectives. A negative attitude always favours the disease. We must examine our behaviors and convert them into values and attitudes that help us to achieve our goals ”-Fernando del Corral, Coacher.
Attendees were also able to enjoy the area of healthy cuisine where could take note of the advice of our nutritionist to follow a healthy diet, is important to have an appropriate weight to the possibility of suffering from breast cancer. To do so, must avoid eating fat: dairy diminish, lean meats, sausages such as the cold cut … easily digestible foods that provide us with proteins but not lipid ”-Isabel Higuera, dietitian and nutritionist.
Finally, also offered in this space the possibility of giving rides by bicycle.
There is enough scientific evidence to show that an active lifestyle helps prevent breast cancer. Just 30 minutes of daily exercise to keep a physical shape healthy ”(Fuente:_AECC).