Maria of the Carmen Quiza, neighboring Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura), brings more than 16 days hunger strike between avenida Primero de Mayo and the Institute of Social Security to claim more medical care and the valuation of their State of incapacity, as reported in a press release the State Association of people affected by syndromes of multiple chemical sensitivitySyndrome of chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia and for the defence of the environmental health (Altea-SQM).

Diseases suffers Quiza Carmen María are syndrome fatigue chronic encephalomyelitis Miálgica, recognised as a neurological disease by who since 1996 and classified with the code (SFC-EM-G93.3) in ICD-10, and fibromyalgia, also recognized (FM – M79.7) in his review of the 2006 ICD-10.

Altea-SQM has explained that these are “disease crippling, severe by his character multisystem, multiórganica and recognized by the who and in many countries, except Spain”.


The Association has warned of the danger that runs the lives of Carmen Quiza and deemed it “unacceptable and incomprehensible” that “are violated fundamental rights and human rights, which is happening in the 21st century in the country of the first world”.

Altea-SQM have sent letters to warn of the danger to the health of Carmen Quiza the Mayor of Puerto del Rosario, Marcial Morales; the General Hospital of Fuerteventura; emergency of Puerto del Rosario; to the Ministry of health of Las Palmas; to the Territorial Treasury for Social Security; at the center of health of Puerto del Rosario; Center doctor Virgen de la Peña, and the Centre of specialty medical of Fuerteventura.