by UNICEF and the Foundation host.


In agreement with this report, while widespread access and consumption of media and ICT in adolescents – 98% of adolescents watching TV, 65% listen to radio and 80% use the internet all (48%) or multi-day (35%) to the week-the response realize that family members, peers and the school are more reliableaccessible and understandable to resolve its consultations on issues of sexual and reproductive health to the media and ICT.

56 Per cent of adolescents declares that he attends the family to obtain such information, 31 per cent to friends, and another 31 per cent to the school

“The responses of the boys clearly show that the school is a privileged place to open dialogue with teenagers even on issues as sensitive as sexuality”, said the representative of UNICEF Argentina, Andrés Franco, and emphasizes the application of the law on sex education in schools throughout the country as a tool equalizing for level knowledge and work on prevention.

The President of the Fundación Huésped, Dr. Pedro Cahn, noted for its part that “the biggest challenge is linked to sexual and reproductive health promotion campaigns conducted through the media and ICTs to achieve confidence and clarity needed to address adolescents, since, unlike other media””, the interest and affinity with them are already guaranteed”.

Other figures are that 97% of respondents — boys and girls aged between 14 and 19 years of major urban centres of the country — aware of some method of contraception (MAC): most mentioned condoms, pills and IUDS were named in second and third place and proved to be best known for the females. Consulted about who they provide advice on the use of MAC, 39% of teenagers said that they asked a family member, 30 per cent mentioned school and 25% to a / friend/a, while 11% was reported in the medical and 13% not shared it with anyone.

(ITS) sexually transmitted infections, 74% of boys and girls said he knew of them in College, 36 per cent realized by the family, 17% of the item first spoke with their peers and 16% said television. The question how to know about sexually transmitted infections? He admitted multiple responses, that is why in several cases the boys pointed out more than one source of information.

HIV is the best-known ITS mentioned by 9 of every 10 respondents. Syphilis (25%) is located in a distant second place and behind Hepatitis (13%), Herpes Genital (12%), gonorrhea (8%) and Hepatitis B (7%).

Another of the issues addressed was the testing. 11% Of adolescents which incorporated the sample was made once the HIV test and while the vast majority (91%) withdrew the results, 60% of them declared have not received any information for the prevention or care.

More data

– 80% of the / boys/o did not any medical consultation about their sexuality in last year

-97% know at least one method of preventing pregnancy.

-57% never seeking information about sexual in Internet.

-6 of every 10 adolescents kept sex any time.

-15 years is the average age of home sex.

-89% said having used condoms in their first intercourse sexual.

69% said always use contraception.

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