Madrid, 4 Dec (EFE).-Madrid is the community with lower public spending per capita on education and health, with 881 and 1,061 euros respectively, from Navarra, stands at the head of the autonomies, where allocated 1.359 euro to public education, 1.704 to health.
These data arise from the last study on “Regional differences in the Spanish public sector”, recently presented by the BBVA Foundation and Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, which analyses the period 2000-2008.
In recent years the average spending per capita in the whole of the autonomous regions in education amounted to 991 euros, while in services restroom stood at EUR 1,252.
In education, as well as Navarre, the Basque country and Castile – La Mancha are autonomous communities where most is reversed, with 1,195 and 1.151 euros respectively.
Also with expenditures per capita above the thousand euros are contained, in order from major to minor, Extremadura (1.095), Canary and Balearic Islands (1.078 in both cases) and Murcia (1.022).
Tras Madrid, communities where less is invested in education are La Rioja (893) and Asturias (896).
The public health services, in addition to Madrid, the deficit in health spending are: Murcia (1.089), Baleares (1.131) and Basque country (1.151 euros).
On the contrary, after Navarre, between the autonomies which allocating more resources to health per inhabitant is Cantabria (1.457), Aragon (1.440), Extremadura (1.422) and La Rioja (1.405).
Following table collects by autonomous communities, per capita spending on education and public health, in constant in 2000 euros – 2008:
CC.AA Education health
Andalusia 992 1.316
Aragon 917 1.440
Asturias 896 1,381
Balearic 1.078 1.131
Canary 1.078 1.256
Cantabria 918 1.457
C.-Mancha 1151 1.379
C. and Leon 985 1,389
Catalonia 977 1,196
1,188 921 Valencia C.
Extremadura 1.095 1.422
Galicia 984 1,349
Madrid 881 1,061
Murcia 1.022 1.089
Navarra 1,359 1.704
country Basque 1.195 1151
Rioja 893 1.405
average 991 1252