the pacifier helps to avoid the sudden infant death

is the conclusion of a systematic review led by a resident of the Mancha Center hospital matron

Ciudad Real, January 2012.- the use of the soother to sleep is a protective factor against the sudden death of the infant (SIDS)which affects one in every thousand babies in our country (with an average of 100 deaths per year) and is the leading cause of death of the postnatal period between the first month and the year of life.

With these data, the matron at the General Hospital resident ‘ La Mancha Centre ’ of Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) Sergio j. Amores, nurse Maria Victoria and María Ángeles Martínez, decided to hold a job on the ‘ Association of use of the soother in the prevention of sudden infant death ’whose conclusions obtained a prize in the last Congress of research of the Union of nursing SATSE, celebrated in Albacete.

Specifically, the objective of the research group led by love was to conduct a systematic review to determine if the use of the pacifier during sleep is considered a protective factor in the sudden infant death. To this end they tracked many databases (Cochrane, Pubmed, care, Cuidatge and Enfispo), which results in 18 articles, which were finally selected and analyzed seven.

Recently, it has recommended the use of the soother as a protective factor against SIDS by have been shown to increases the microdespertares, helps keep the language in previous position, slightly increases levels of carbon dioxide and the muscle tone of the airway, increases the production of IgA, for non-nutritive sucking, and that their presence in the mouth prevents the complete obstruction of the mouth and nose on the mattress.

While the use of the soother may be related to the decrease in duration of breastfeeding, dental malocclusion and incidence of some infections, might be reasonable not discourage him or even encourage their use at certain times (like when going to sleep during the first months of life) once breastfeeding is established.

According to the authors of the work, in most parts of the revised bibliography concludes that the use of the soother sleeping exerts a protective factor against the sudden infant death, not known very well its mechanism of action.
Definition and recommendations

the sudden infant death syndrome is defined as the sudden death of one child under one year of age which is not explanation after a thorough investigation of the case, including the realization of a complete autopsythe examination of the scene of the death and the review of medical history.

In addition to the use of the soother, it is recommended that parents follow some recommendations to avoid SIDS, among which is the fact that healthy infants sleep supine (face up) position or side during the dream. that the likelihood of suffering a sudden death sleeping in prone position (face down) is 3.5 and 9.3 times higher that sleeping in any other position. Also, the pillows and fat cushions or bedspreads thick from the crib where lie, since that could choke the infant must be removed.

The baby’s head must be covered with linen nor while you sleep, as studies show that between 16 and 22 per cent of children victims of sudden death have his head covered. It is desirable that the feet of the baby contact the edge of the cradle. In this way the infant is less likely to scroll below the bed linen.

The child must be in an atmosphere free of smoke from cigarettes, before birth and after. it is shown that if the mother smokes during pregnancy and during the first year of the baby’s life, the risk of SIDS rises in 4.09 times. If both parents smoke, the risk increases 2,41 times more.

In the same way, is recommended to provide the pacifier the child to put it to sleep face up and not reintroduce it in the mouth once the child has fallen asleep. If the child does not want the nipple, not force it; do not wet the soother at any sweet substance; clean the pacifier and replace it with a new frequently; and the introduction of the soother may in the case of infants fed to the chest, be delayed to month of life, when breastfeeding is already established.