Specialists in smoking will form to health professionals working in the management of the patient smoking in Catuluña.
25.5% of the population smokes Catalan daily.
-la Catalan society for the prevention and the treatment of tobacco (SCATT) and the Catalan society of safety and occupational medicine (SCSMT) will work together against this disease
-It is a measure pioneer who was born with the objective shared by both groups contribute to reduce the high rates of tobacco use in the region from the work environment
– where the doctor can not do a follow-up of the patient from the company, the website tabaquisme.es allows you can do so online
Madrid, February 2012.- La Catalan society for the prevention and the treatment of tobacco (SCATT) and the Catalan society of occupational medicine (SCSMT) and safety presented last Thursday an agreement that will allow specialists in the field to share their experience in the management and treatment of this disease with health of business professionals.
This measure, pioneer in Catalonia, born with the objective shared by both groups contribute to reducing high rates of tobacco use identified in the region from the working environment. The involvement of the health professional is key in preventing smoking during the ceasefire process and, as explained by Dr. Angel Plans, President of the SCSMT, incidence of health based in the working environment is very important for his role and his constancy in the management of smoking. The health professional’s occupational health tends to be more direct health concerns in the workplace to issues of preventive ”.
The doctor Plans insists that the participation of the company doctor in campaigns to help tobacco workers is inexcusable ” as professional activity usually takes 30 percent of the daily time of the patient.
To overcome the lack of media, knowledge or resources to which these professionals often face to combat smoking, this initiative provides a training in the Hospital de Bellvitge. In addition, there is also the possibility to support through the displacement of the members of the SCATT the company if you request make a meeting to raise worker smokers and make aware them about the need to abandon tobacco. Ultimately, Dr. Josep Maria Ramon, Chairman of the SCATT, ensures that the agreement will provide to this collective tools through which may result to those smokers where an intervention means easy tracking of the smoker has been ”.
One of the means referred to in the Dr. Ramón is the website tabaquisme.es. Where the doctor does not have the possibility of addressing tobacco use from the company, this tool allows to track online patients attempting to quit smoking, giving their relationship with the doctor of greater flexibility and comfort. On the other hand, Dr. Ramón holds another advantage of this site is that provides security to the doctor to refer to the smoker, which has initiated a brief intervention with tobacco, a specialized follow-up which discharges it of periodic checks that must be performed in smokers over the attempt to ”.
The impact of tobacco in Catalonia
About 25.5 per cent of the population Catalan smoke daily. The prevalence of smoking in gender, are men who accuse greater tobacco consumption (30 per cent of them smoke daily) versus women (21 per cent).[i]
in the male and the female is on the segment of age in which a greater frequency in tobacco use has been demonstrated. Specifically, it is between 15 and 45 years when increasing the number of daily cigarettes. In this age group 45 percent of men and 35 percent of women are smokers.
[i] national survey of health 2007.