10 years supporting couples in duel through group therapy.

hundreds of men and women have gone through ALAIA Center of attention to the duel of Madrid for the death of her husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend or your ex-partner.

Spain, February 2012. The death of the couple is considered to be the most stressful life event a person can live. Already in 1967 investigation of Holmes-Rahe located it in the first position in the ranking of stress, with a value of 100 out of 100 (a divorce has a 73 out of 100; imprisonment, 63 out of 100 …). However, more than 40 years later our system has not generated social resources and guides on a large scale in order to provide information and guidelines to who goes through this process. And the need for support is there. We all know someone.

Often family and friends who are close who has lost her partner try to help him with phrases as you have to be strong ”, encourage you, do it for your children ”, you have whole life ahead ”, now he already doesn’t suffer ” … but the truth is that the person in mourning has to live a gradual process to heal his wound and prevent your pain you smite. The grieving usually want to talk of what happened, mourn, share their fears and express how you feel, but with whom? Often, their peers would enrich.

In couple of ALAIA duel groups participants speak, cry, listen and expressed emotions with people that are going through a similar situation to yours, in a space of trust and security. So they can feel understood, accepted and respected as the Centre is specialized in the emotional and psychological support for the elaboration of this pain. The Group meets two hours, once a week, integrated it between eight and ten people and is led by a specialised therapist. ALAIA to reach men and women aged 25 to 70, heterosexual and homosexual, with a very varied socio-cultural level. Some speak of sadness, others anger, guilt, or physical discomfort. But all are respectfully heard and not judged. It’s a psychological and emotional assistance to facilitate the development of the duel with the lowest possible physical, emotional and social cost ”, explains sweet Camacho, Director of the Center.

In ALAIA there are also groups of support for parents who have lost one or more children, people who have lost the father, the mother or a brother, as well as individual grief therapy. There are also duel available workshops for children, Bibliotherapy, conferences and specialized training.