Vasco-navarros mental health experts emphasize that the wave of assaults of mentally ill were an “unfortunate coincidence”.

meeting in Bilbao of the experts on the Mental health of Euskadi and Navarre to discuss recent assaults in Bizkaia by mentally ill.

-Emphasize that people with mental illness are not especially violent and are more likely to be victims of violence

– argue that psychiatric patients have suffered from the alarmism created because they saw themselves as similar

– more than one hundred experts in Mental health of Euskadi and Navarre have met in Bilbao to address the problem of violence in psychiatric patients

Bilbao, February 2012.- members of Basque-the society Navarre of Psychiatry and of the regional association for the Basque country and Navarre of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry underline that recent attacks recorded in Bizkaia by mentally ill were a sad and unfortunate coincidence of events because people with mental illnesses are not especially violent and tend more to be víctimas violence ”.
These are the main conclusions drawn from a debate held last Thursday, February 16, in Bilbao in which participated more than 100 experts in Mental health of Euskadi and Navarre, delpar discuss violence in psychiatric patients, before the recent attacks recorded in Bizkaia starring mentally ill in which involved patients wereprofessionals, and civil.

In particular, the President of the Basque-Navarre society of Psychiatry, Luís Pacheco Yañez, and the President of the regional association for the Basque country and Navarre of the Association Spanish of Neuropsychiatry, Iñaki Markez Alonso, addressed the meeting with professionals from Mental illness of AlavaBizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarre.

The appointment was, also attended, with two outstanding presentations that were in charge of Juan Medrano Albéniz and Fernando Santander Cartagena psychiatrists, both members of the network of Mental Health in Álava (Osakidetza) and recognized expert in bioethical aspects and legal of Mental health.

Firstly, the Presidents of the two companies stressed that the reduction and prevention of violence is not an exclusive task of legal or criminal proceedings also other professionals, and among these mental health as educators. We have much to contribute and reflect ”.

For its part, the experts in bioethical aspects and legal of Mental health, Juan Medrano Albéniz and Fernando Santander Cartagena stressed that people with mental illnesses are not especially violent and are more likely to be victims of violence ”.

Also, indicated that it creates a social alarm because acts of the mentally ill are scarce, but notable for the way they perform. They tend to be strange and incomprehensible ”.

Finally, it stressed that everytime a news of this type appears in a newspaper told in a manner a little alarmist, there are thousands of subjects who are suffering the collateral damage because can’t see himself same as someone similar to that subject ”.