GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) shows its commitment and support to people with rare diseases.

day world of the disease rare.

– GSK joins the campaign for the world day of rare diseases which is celebrated today

Madrid, February 2012.- ignorance, lack of support and indifference toward the problem of rare diseases make dent in the 3 millions of Spaniards with rare diseases in Spain. To curb this situation, today held internationally world day of rare diseases aims to apply for global solidarity with the affected families.

In Spain, all sectors involved in tackling these diseases together in a cry in unison for the rights of families ”. Associations of patients, organizations of disability, public administration, business, medical and scientific societies and industry join the campaign to improve the quality of people’s lives.

In this sense, GlaxoSmithKline has wanted to join this global appeal by the families hope ”. Therefore colaborates in the campaign that ERDF organizes in Spain and has the motto you get vaccinated against indifference ”

and is that, in Spain many people suffer daily diseases of indifference ” such as the disorder of can do nothing ”, the syndrome I would not make me illusions ” or the disease while me not I touch ”. These pathologies of indifference immobilized ” people face the problem of rare diseases, causing that 76% of people with these diseases feel discriminated against because of his illness.

In this way, and in order to put an end to this epidemic of indifference ”, GlaxoSmithKline has decided to act and cooperate with the campaign for the world day for rare diseases.

In GSK are proud to collaborate in initiatives such as these and once again demonstrate our commitment with persons suffering from any disease rare. From GSK work to the research and development of new medicines that improve the health and quality of life of persons ”, explains Ana Perez Medical Director of GSK Spain.

29 February. World of rare diseases day

FEDER, in collaboration with the European Organization for rare diseases (EURORDIS), organized in Spain a year more international day of rare diseases celebrated around the world on February 29 and this year has as its central motto solidarity by families ”.

For this, the Federation and its more than 200 associations in collaboration with institutions, companies, administration, social platforms, medical societies and researchers join during the month of February to speak in unison and demand urgent measures to improve the lives of 3 million Spaniards with these diseases.

The goal is to position to rare diseases as a priority social and health. The reason is that the lack of information and lack of social awareness of these diseases leads to situations such as the middle of diagnosis for these pathologies are 5 years or 76% of people with these diseases feels rejected and discriminated against. And it is that the seriousness of the problem is such that data ensure that 35 per cent of deaths of children and infant girls are due to these diseases.

What are going to do?

To achieve this awareness of the problem, during the months of January and February will boost a hundred of activities by the world day for rare diseases. All of them will have as a common denominator, you get vaccinated against indifference ”.

However, the Federation does not seek to educate civil society about the importance of tackling these diseases only. It also wants to raise public, national and autonomous administrations so that they promote concrete measures to improve the daily life of families. Thus, within the framework of the campaign will launch the report warning about the grave consequences of the policies of cut ” accompanied of a report of proposals to improve the care of people with rare diseases ”.