Core of dentistry tem as objective manter to Saúde oral two patients and try to dry them caused hair tratamento do cancer.


or ineditismo do trabalho lent hair core of dentistry do Institute do Cancer child (ICI-RS) pode be reconhecido com or award Finep de Inovação 2012. Or projeto “Transforming smile do Instituto do Cancer child” concorre nas Tecnologia Assistiva categories and Social technology. Promoted pela agency Brasileira of Inovação, or award was raised for reconhecer e disclose efforts innovative made by companies, Instituições sem fins lucrative e inventors brasileiros, developed not Brazil e ja applied not country ou not outside.

Not ICI-RS, or nucleus provides um relacionamento estreito between Criança com cancer e sua necessidade of dental treatment. Located na administrative Institute, esse Serviço conta com sete dentists specialists and accounted for about 215 patients. “Eles receive free of charge procedures in dentistry, disease prevention, Pediatric Dentistry, Ortodontia, functional orthopedics, Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial, Stomatology and orthodontia, sendo to or tratamento de Ortodontia e considered or only made em Porto Alegre sem nenhum custo additional patient ao ”, explains Coordinator Ana Buais.

Alem disso, um portal electronic dice Elaboração com software completely desenvolvido pelo ICI-RS aceña com mais inovações on its way. Nova technology will provide or acompanhamento online two patients, allowing to issue of be alarmed for you coordinators and researchers involved no projeto increasingly to alguma Informação relevant for switched. Or portal will be differential um na search of conhecimentos pela viabilizacao of trucks of information and experiences between to equip do ICI-RS e profissionais de outros centers.