The technology employed in White Class, product of FGM for tooth whitening homemade hydrogen peroxide-based, aims to facilitate treatment for patients. < span id = "more-13882" >


Now the line is complete with four choices of concentrations: 4%, 6%, 7.5% and 10%, which require 30 minutes to two hours of daily treatment. These products were developed thinking especially in patients who are unable to adapt to night time use the


With the use of White Class, the speed of initial whitening is faster, with the same efficacy and safety of other bleaching Whiteness. Like all FGM, whiteners White Class has a neutral pH, high water content and have potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride as desensitizers. Moreover, it has Calcium that has the purpose of minimizing in up to three times the process of demineralization of tooth enamel (Prof. Dr. Marcelo Giannini FOP-UNICAMP-Brazil).

White Class is available in single syringes 4% concentrations, 6%, 7.5% and 10%. For concentrations of 6% and 7.5%, is also available in kit, with tray, next query and card case for syringes. A very practical and elegant at the same time, ideal for patients take on trips or the stock market.


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