Dental microscope has always been very used in European and American territory. In Brazil, the use of the equipment has a little more than 20 years, a relatively short time compared to the USA and countries of Europe.


interview with Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz presents a bit of the history of known MO and points out the benefits of equipment in clinical


By: Vanessa Navarro

Catalyst Magazine- dental microscope is already widely used in clinics and offices of the United States and Europe. As was the introduction of equipment in the Brazilian market? >/Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz- operating Microscopes are devices already in use for several decades, however remain revolutionaries and present themselves as an integral feature to a practice of excellence in dentistry. The knowledge of all its potential awakens in the clinical trial to make sure that the quality in the diagnosis and treatment goes through this working instrument. Its advantages for clinical use are already recognised by medicine for over 75 years. Dentistry in supporting these important of our therapy were used for the first time exact 30 years ago by Dr. Garry Carr, endodontista of San Diego, USA. In Brazil, the employment and manufacturing microscopes are not recent, verging on little more than two decades. However, the spread of dental microscope, over this period, has been slow and almost restricted to advanced centres of teaching and research. Only in recent years it is possible to realize a reversal in this trend: an increasing number of Brazilian professionals seeking training courses in microscopy, in addition to disclose this technology as a differentiator in their attendances.

Catalyst Magazine- dental microscope before, used only in surgical and endodontic cases, gained more space in doctor’s offices and clinics. Today, for which dental treatments if it makes necessary the use of the equipment? >/Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz- Almost unfettered, the dental microscope can travel on any specialties of dentistry, including technical scope for use in prosthetic laboratories. Three crucial points hold this affirmative:

  • magnificam operating Microscopes and give detailed view of pathological and anatomical details of the oral cavity.
  • coaxial illumination system provides superior lighting appliances of any we use reflectors, enabling the operator to bring the light in ideal intensity required by its procedures and at any point in its
  • field.postural comfort

  • , provided the seller when the use of these appliances helps prevent dysfunctions related to a bad ergonomics./> the sum of these three factors undoubtedly results in excellence at work and a better quality of life for the surgeon-dentist. Aside from all the benefits described above, another important advantage of such equipment is related to the possibility of the generation of full and detailed documentation of clinical cases. Camcorders or cameras can be attached to equipment, producing useful material on didactic teaching and research; production of advertising material; use with legal purpose or simply archiving of images in the medical records of
  • customers.

Catalyst Magazine-what are the difficulties encountered by dental surgeons Brazilians to introduce dental microscope in clinical practice?/> Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz- the difficulties that passes the Brazilian CD to adopt into your routine using already currently operating microscopes have been greatly attenuated: Brazil is producer and exporter of these aircraft, with internationally recognised technological quality. Furthermore, training courses and quality improvement professionals with high qualifications are offered in major centres in all regions of the country. /> technically handle microscopes with knowledge and get them high yield requires training and availability to a slight change of paradigms in the routine of the Office. Some variations in the provision of devices used within the room of care, the use of an OWL with support for the arms and indirect vision of the operatory field with use of foreground mirrors and of good quality are adaptations linked to the “modus operandi” that should be adopted by professional. However, perhaps the greatest hindrance can be related to the value of the equipment. So that the trader can critically weigh the cost-benefit ratio in order to acquire or not these appliances, we recommend frequent participation in training courses and familiarity with the technology. I believe that if Brazil follow a worldwide trend and introduce in the curriculum of their undergraduate and/or graduate matter “clinical microscopy”, we will have, in a brief future, the common presence of microscopes in most clinics and dental clinics, as occurred in the middle of last century with the use of x-ray apparatus


Catalyst Magazine- what is required for the MO becomes a normal solution in the dental market?/> Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz- the change of paradigms, the break from the routine of work, the adequacy to new trends and technologies were never quick or easy task. With this reality, the operatory microscopy in dentistry has been living for several years. However, as the above, this is a trend that begins to change. With the spread of its benefits, more professionals are looking for the resource. On the other hand, during training, students who graduate with experience in the area certainly will incorporate in your practice using operating microscopes.

Catalyst Magazine- what are the benefits provided by microscopy in dental practice?/> Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz- After the first contact with the instrument, to cross the barrier of “seeing” the field of work, many dentists do not hide their elation regarding the use of these instruments./> often professionals admit, after the discovery of operatory microscopy, which now have a powerful stimulus for many more years of work. This feature brings valuable benefits to the dentist. In addition to presenting quality found in the diagnosis and treatments, is also a true postural broker, which requires the appropriate ergonomics professional. Working with straight column protects professionals from future misfortunes linked to occupational diseases. /> patient, the benefits are, therefore, more accurate diagnoses, treatments and restorations and prosthesis more adapted and surgical and endodontic treatments lasting, more accurate. As for this precision in procedures, bounce here a striking personal experience: a patient who reported sensitivity to cold in one of his teeth, even after endodontic treatment, returned to my Office in search of a solution for your case. After some sessions and unsuccessfully advised the patient that waits for the arrival of the microscope to my clinic. /first intervention with > apparatus, using its resources of magnification, lighting and depth of feeling, I could easily find a bleeding point in one of the root canal walls and treat this branch without any technical difficulties. The ability to locate root canals of difficult access with full precision before the use of microscopy was not achieved by me, despite 20 years of practice in endodontics and dedication to teaching and research


Catalyst Magazine- As Brazilian oral health professionals may specialize on the subject?/> Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz- although there is a curriculum deficiency in Brazilian higher education, where most institutions have not yet incorporated the teaching of microscopy in their teaching programmes, can easily be found professional training courses geared to the use of operatory microscopy. Using internet search engines, we can access the various calls of dental associations, colleges and private clinics for training courses on the subject, satisfying the expectations of those who want to enter

in the area.

Catalyst Magazine- As the surgeon-dentist must assess the issue of the acquisition of MO for your Office and/or clinical?/> Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz- Valley to quote the motto used by Prof. Dr. Carlos Murgel viaduct of Campinas, a microscopy education authorities in Brazil endodôntica: “Excellence is not a luxury, option”. This phrase sums up the whole here already exposed. Currently a cutting-edge dental operatory microscopy resource goes through, so the cost-benefit ratio of its use should be weighed carefully by professional



A /> Dr. Marcos Jacobovitz /> master and doctor of Endodontics. Post-doctorate in Endodontics by Hadassa Dental Medicine School-Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Israel. Coordinator of the specialization courses and updating in Endodontics of APCD – Sao Carlos-SP-Brazil. Lecturer in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Panama, Costa Rica and Israel. />