Abbott began a study to validate a questionnaire that assesses the stigmatisation of patients with psoriasis in Spain.

Madrid, January 2012.- research (1) have demonstrated the impact on the quality of life of patients with psoriasis, but there are few published works which have been investigated in depth the stigmatisation of these affected. For this reason, Abbott has launched a study to validate a questionnaire in Spain as a tool to dermatologists to evaluate objectively the stigmatisation of patients with psoriasis.

This study is intended to be available to Spanish dermatologist an instrument to be able to assess a condition so subjective as it is the feeling of rejection experienced by patients of psoriasis. Is important that the professional take into account the emotional involvement of patients to assess together with the physical effects and be able to determine an appropriate treatment for each individual, whereas both his body as his mind and its relationship with the environment ”, says the Coordinator of the study the DRA. Marta García-Bustinduy, Titular professor of Dermatology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of la Laguna and doctor Deputy of the service of Dermatology of the University Hospital in Tenerife Canary Islands.

The study, prospective, multicentre, counts on the participation of 25 hospitals in our country who will explore nearly 200 patients of psoriasis. The questionnaire focuses on the shame felt by some patients and how makes them feel their environment by the fact of suffering from psoriasis, with the aim that the professional may inquire into the emotional limitations to the patient with psoriasis suffer to be a visible pathology.

The Spanish Royal Academy of language defines stigmatize ” (2) as embarrass or infamar ” (3), i.e. to remove honor and estimate someone, in this case to someone by a visible skin disease such as psoriasis. In our current society we reject the ugly, what gives us fear because we do not know and diseases of the skin are visible, and they are often removed from contagious. That is why patients with psoriasis feel rejected ”, says Dr. García-Bustinduy.

Psoriasis is a chronic and autoimmune skin disease that affects 1.4% of the population (650,000 Spaniards) (4). It produces a series of apparent injuries that cause itching, stinging, and pain. These effects joins the impact on the quality of life of patients, which affected their personal, family and labour relations. The patient with psoriasis is a patient who suffers, not only for the injury itself but by the refusal of the society. This added suffering to their lives ”, adds Dr. García-Bustinduy. By helping a mind that suffers, the life of the patient improves and so does your skin ”, ends the DRA. García-Bustinduy.

About psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disorder of the immune system that appears on the skin. It is estimated that it affects 125 million people around the world (4) (approximately 650,000 in Spain). It is not contagious disorder (5) that accelerates the cycle of growth of the cells of the skin and produces thick scaly areas on the same (6). The most common form, the so-called psoriasis in plaques with 80% of patients with psoriasis, appears in the form of high and Red patches covered with white scales that are often itchy and painful, and can crumble and bleed.(6) At present it has no cure (6), but treatment may help to control the process. Treatment may consist in topics, phototherapy or systemic, classic or biological medicines, taken by mouth or injection or infusion. (7)

About Abbott

Abbott is a biomedical company dedicated to the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical productswhich includes nutritional, medical and diagnostic products. The company employs about 90,000 people worldwide and sells its products in more than 130 countries.

Abbott is certified as Top Employers 2011 by the CRF Institute, and as the best company to work in the health sector and the second in the overall ranking of sectors as Best Workplaces Spain 2010. Abbott has over 1,500 employees and 61 years of history in our country. The company’s activity is oriented to meet the needs of patients with chronic diseases and high clinical, economic, social and emotional impact. Abbott has a presence in all areas of the Spanish healthcare industry (including r & d and manufacturing at its centres in Madrid, Granada and Alcobendas). Its products cover all phases of the process of the disease (prevention, diagnosis, treatment and healing) and are present at every moment of the life cycle: infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age.

Abbott news releases are available on the web pages of company Abbott and Abbott Spain.


(1) Stephen r. Rapp, PhD, a, b Steven r. Feldman, MD, PhD, M. Lyn Exum, MA c, Alan B. Fleischer, Jr, MD, c, and David M. Reboussin, PhDb Psoriasis causes as much disability as other major medical diseases. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999; 41: 401-7).

(2) = 3 & theme = stigmatize.

(3) = 3 & theme = infamar.

(4) National Psoriasis Foundation Web site 2006. About Psoriasis. Statistics. Worldwide. ” available here. accessed June 16, 2008.

(5) National Institues of Health (2010) Psoriasis Fact Sheet, ” available here. accessed 24 October 2011.

(6) American Academy of Dermatology Psoriasis, ” Didponible here. last access October 2011.

(7) American Academy of Dermatology (2010) PsoriasisNet – Psoriasis Treatment. ”. accessed October 24, 2011.