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The EDPS, in collaboration with Almirall, presents the book the patient with digestive symptoms: practical guide to diagnóstico terapéutica performance.

the EDPS, in collaboration with Almirall, presents the book the patient with digestive symptoms: guided practice of acting diagnóstico-terapéutica.

6Th week of the diseases digestive.

-the book has counted with the participation of more than thirty specialists.

– he made a full tour of the different symptoms and diseases of the digestive tract.

– during the National Congress, held the III Edition of the Symposium “ the last and most important in Gastroenterology Clinic ”, organized by Almirall.

Seville, June of 2011- the Spanish society of digestive pathology (EDPS), with the collaboration of Almirall, presents the second edition of the book “ the patient with digestive symptoms: practical guide to diagnóstico-terapéutica performance ”, a complete tour of digestive pathology on the basis of the most relevant symptoms. In this second edition has been an update of all the topics included in the first volume, which together represents the most comprehensive guide to diagnosis and treatment of patients with symptoms digestives.

“ this manual offers the possibility to find in a single document all developments relating to the diagnóstico-terapéutica performance of patients with different symptoms that fall within the gastrointestinal pathology specialist ”, according to Dr. j. Enrique Domínguez MuñozPresident of the Spanish society of digestive pathology and Chief of service device digestive the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago Compostela.

almost half of the Spanish population suffers from some sort of gastrointestinal pathology. In this sense, any investment in training and information on digestive health is a vital tool for specialists in gastroenterology.

the book is divided into 19 chapters, each devoted to the main symptoms and pathologies of the digestive disease, in which the specialist will find specific information about each of them. To this end, has counted with the collaboration of more than thirty medical professionals who have contributed their experience, under the coordination of Dr. Dominguez Muñoz.

this new edition, presented within the digestive diseases week VI, SED 2011, the scientific meeting of reference in the field of Gastroenterology with the presence of more than 1,000 experts held in Seville, has a circulation of 10,000 copies and distributed directly to the collective health.

“ the last and most important in Gastroenterology Clinic ”: symposium of art with the presentation of the book, Almirall will organize, within the framework of the LXX annual Congress of the EDPS, the Symposium III “ latest and most relevant in Gastroenterology Clinic ”. During this year’s Edition will present the latest advances in the most current issues of digestive pathology, such as acid, functional digestive disorders, inflammatory bowel disease-related diseases and diseases of the biliary tract and pancreas.

the meeting, coordinated by Dr. j. Enrique Domínguez Muñoz, will feature the participation of the most prestigious specialists in each of the items to.

Spanish society of digestive pathology (EDPS).

the EDPS is a scientific and professional, non-profit, which is 78 years of existence and currently comprises more than 2,100 medical partners.

is oriented to the promotion and dissemination of research and knowledge in the field of digestive diseases, health promotion and preventive diagnóstico-terapéuticos Basic, epidemiological aspects, as well as the promotion of its practical application, with the aim to be a reference for specialists in digestive system, related specialties and general population, and an ally of the Administration and staff social.

between the end of the EDPS highlights the promote the formation of multicenter and multidisciplinary groups to carry out basic, epidemiological research and clinics in the field of digestive diseases, and maintaining scientific relations and links with similar or related companies, as well as with academic institutions, and any other institution interested in the development of digestive pathology.


Almirall is an international pharmaceutical company based on innovation and committed to the health. With headquarters in Barcelona (Spain), Almirall researches, develops, produces and sells drugs own r & d and licensing with the aim of improving the health and well-being of the people.

the therapeutic areas in which concentrates its resources in research are related to the treatment of asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), gastrointestinal disorders, psoriasis and other forms skin.

, the drug from Almirall currently present in over 70 countries. Account with a direct presence in Europe and Latin America through 12 subsidiaries.

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A gene known as patron of the Alzheimers exacerbates the effects of brain haemorrhage

a gene known as patron of the Alzheimer’s exacerbates the effects of brain hemorrhages

published in Lancet Neurology

-the gene APOE E2 aggravates lobares brain hemorrhages, those that affect the brain’s cortex

Barcelona, August of 2011- Mar Hospital experts have participated in an international and multicenter study has confirmed a new genetic marker linked to brain hemorrhages and published in Lancet Neurology.

The most reliable forecast of the sequelae caused by cerebral hemorrhage and mortality is extravasated blood volume and size of secondary hematoma. Researchers of the Hospital del Mar and the research Neurovascular of the programme of research on inflammation and disorders cardiovascular of the IMIM-Hospital del Mar of Barcelona discussed the extension of the bleeding and its location in 846 patients affected by lobar hemorrhage (circumscribed to the cerebral cortex and the subcortical areas) and in 1.176 affected by a bleeding in deeper brain regionsall older than 55 years, and analyzed the APOE genotype to find out what variants of the gene (allele) were carriers.

Genetic analyses have shown that patients affected by lobar hemorrhage APOE E2 variant carriers suffer, on average, major bleeding and therefore have an increased risk of death or serious disability. On the other hand, the APOE E4 variant carriers have no any negative relationship with the extent of the cerebral hemorrhage. “The clinical applicability of this finding is limited by the fact that the brain hemorrhage does not have a specific medical treatment,” explains Dr. Jaume Roquer, Chief of the service of Neurology and head of the Group of research in neurology. “ know if a patient is or no bearer of APOE E2 would be an important value Outlook and could be one “useful information for planning and designing clinical trials of new treatments”, continues Roquer. However, and according to the same Dr. Roquer, a possible closest applicability in time could be the pre-trial, in other words, knowing that a particular genetic profile worsens the prognosis of lobares bleeding “could in the future help to decision making in patients with a risk assessment / tight benefit”, in which arose the chronic with anticoagulants or antiplatelet treatment “, explains Dr. Roquer.

“Raised the hypothesis that the gene APOE E2, in addition to increasing the abnormal deposition of beta-amyloid protein in the blood vessels of the brain, is that these glasses are more damaged and are more vulnerable. Therefore, in carriers of the gene APOE E2, occurs a hemorrhage in the vicinity of an area with vessels with beta-amyloid deposits, these vessels may break more easily, thus exacerbating the magnitude of the initial bleeding.

Cerebral hemorrhage spontaneous is a variant of the accident stroke (or stroke) that mainly affects older persons. Despite advances in the field of neurological intensive care, nearly three quarters of those affected risk to die or suffer a serious disability. It is a neurological emergency requiring urgent new preventive and acute treatments.
A previous study had pointed out the link of the gene APOE E2 and APOE E4 with the risk of lobular, probably through angiopathy cerebral hemorrhage cerebral amyloid, a disorder responsible for 12% and 34% of cases of bleeding in the brain in elderly

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The UM School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences deciphers the code of e. coli

the UM School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences deciphers the code of e. coli

BALTIMORE, July 28, 2011/PRNewswire /-

• the UM School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences decrypts the genomic code of the German deadly outbreak of e. coli

• quick study of high-tech ongoing epidemics creates a new paradigm for the investigation of the outbreak

A team led by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences has unveiled the cóI say genome of the bacterium e. coli that has caused the deadly outbreak in Germany that began in May 2011. So far have killed 53 people because of the outbreak, becoming ill at the same time thousands of people in Germany, Sweden and United States. The document, published on July 27 in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), describes how researchers around the world have worked together to use this revolutionary technology to sequence and analysis of genomic samples of e. coli from the outbreak, as well as the types related closely in just a few days. They have combined discoveries with his knowledge of the biology and evolution of bacteria to learn more about the outbreak. The analysis produced fast enough to inform the doctors who treated infected persons, help epidemiologists at the time who were still the source of the pathogen.

The research could be the first time is a complete scientific analysis in the first days and weeks of an outbreak, according to the main author of the study, David a. Rasko, Ph.d., Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, as well as scientific researcher at the Institute for Genome Sciences.

“ This technology is evolving very quickly, and it has enabled us to achieve a more accurate analysis with unprecedented speed ”, commented Dr. Rasko. “ it took years and millions of dollars to make the sequence of the first genome of e. coli over one decade ago. Here are just a few months after the start of the German outbreak of e. coli, and have already published a paper about it. This document and the research that describes represent a new paradigm for investigations of outbreaks ”.

Researchers have collaborated with Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc., a company based in Menlo Park, California that uses its new Single Molecule Real Time technology for the secuenciacón of the genome of the variation of e. coli outbreak of Germany. The collaboration also includes scientists from the Statens Serum Institute, the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Escherichia coli and Klebsiella Denmark and also at the universities of Harvard and the University of Virginia.

“ The University of Maryland School of Medicine has a global presence expanded by 23 countries, and we are proud that our Institute for Genome Sciences has held an Office in the investigation of this international health crisis and improved human health around the world ”, explained e. Albert Reece, Dr., Ph.d., M.B.A., Vice President of Medical Affairs of the University of Maryland and distinguished Professor John z. and Akiko k. Bowers and Dean of the Faculty of medicine.

Dr. Rasko and his colleagues at the Institute for Genome Sciences data analyzed genomic using computational tools, some of them developed in the Institute. The team of the Institute for Genome Sciences included researchers from postdoctoral Jason Sahl, Ph.d. and Susan Steyert, Ph.d., as well as Julia Redmond lab responsible for. The experience of Dr. Rasko within molecular pathogenesis and evolution of e. coli has helped his team to interpret the massive amount of genomic data involved and also to learn more about microbes and as integrated within the overall vision of e. coli.

Scientists have discovered that the German outbreak of variant of e. coli was mainly e. coli enteroagreada, a subtype of bacteria. After a careful review of the genome, have discovered that the variant of the outbreak was actually an unusual combination of e. coli enteroagregada and another subtype known as e. coli enterohemorrágica. Researchers also indicated that the variant developed a unique set of virulence and antibiotic-resistant factors, unlike other variants of the bacteria.

“ This is not only a document of the genome. Also examines the virulence and the Microbe biology ”, said doctor Rasko. “ At the beginning of the outbreak, scientists discovered the bacterium as a Variant ‘ hybrid ’. This variant is not the true hybrid type, it contains only a small number of the sequence of the DNA of e. coli enterohemorrágica. We have not seen this kind of unique combinations often in the past. I believe that we are seeing an increase in them, now that Pacific Biosciences technology has advanced to the point where we sequence more variations of form very quickly and relatively cost content ”.

“ The combination of speed, accuracy and cost will lead the Genomic sequencing to make it a tool of diagnosis quicker than the rest of environments currently used by any ”, said doctor Sahl, co-author of the document.

When the outbreak began in may, scientists from around the world began to consider the variation of e. coli as soon as the samples were available. Many groups published their discoveries for free for the people – the data in the current study are also publicly available – something that served to get a kind of “ crowd source ”. This indicates that the research was carried out through the collaboration of a large and disparate group throughout the world. “ Normally, science developed in relative isolation ”, explained Dr. Rasko. “ This is the first time we’ve seen analysis of truly ‘ open source ’ of the Microbial Genome ”.

Very early in the outbreak, the German scientists used other sequencing technology and a preliminary analysis to determine what was unique about the pathogen associated with the outbreak. In fact, they identified a gene that produced a toxin associated to the primary symptoms that doctors saw patients, such as diarrhoea. This gene, known as the Shiga toxin, occurs more when using some antibiotics. Findings indicated that the symptoms of the patients could worsen in case of treatment with antibiotics. These initial discoveries began to immediately inform clinical treatment, while doctors stopped using antibiotics to treat those infected. “ Our research is a more detailed and complete than the initial research analysis ”, explained Dr. Rasko. “ This has been an international collaboration performed together in just a few days. We hope to see more partnerships like these to deal with new emerging pathogens for the future ”.

The NEJM paper will provide further detailed information to help researchers and physicians at the time who are investigating the current outbreak of e. coli in Europe.

“ Is exciting to be at the forefront of a genomic like this ”, exclaimed doctor Rasko. “ this research has been an opportunity for us in order to evaluate the power of the Institute for Genome Sciences in relation to aid for the creation of a new paradigm for the study of microbes and outbreaks. It also has implications for Genomic tool within the routine diagnosis ”.

Founded in 1807, the University of Maryland School of Medicine is the first public school of medicine and one of the oldest in United States. As one of the fastest growing in the country research institutions, the School of Medicine performs research in basic science and clinical research aimed at the health problems in the world – evolving quickly discoveries to the clinical phase for the benefit of patients. School of Medicine serves as anchor for the great academic center of health. Faculty members teach doctors and treat patients at the University of Maryland Medical Center and the Baltimore VA Medical Center.

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Four researchers from IVI in the top 10 of the reproductive biology of Spain.

IVI four researchers in the top 10 of the reproductive biology of Spain.

according to the last ranking drawn up from the index h.

-the number of publications and the times that they have been cited to determine the value of index (h)

Valencia, 2011-August four scientific IVI are placed at the head of the research in reproductive biology. Dr. Antonio Pellicer, IVI President, heads the ranking of the best researchers in this category according to the h-index, a study containing the scientific production of greater global impact. Follow Dr. Carlos Simón, scientific director of IVI; Dr. José Remohí, President of IVI; and Dr. Juan Antonio Garcia Velasco, director of IVI Madrid.

The study measured simultaneously the quantity and quality of work developed by the researchers, by reference to the publications and the number of times that these have been cited by other professionals from around the world. A higher h value implies a greater influence in the published study. This measurement system, designed by American Jorge e. Hirsch, is used to analyze the information from the prestigious ISI Web of Knowledge database.

In this regard, Dr. Antonio Pellicer takes the lead in the category of reproductive biology with 679 publications and an index h 49. Dr. Carlos Simón occupies the third place with 446 publications and an index (h) 48; Fourthly, is Dr. José Remohí 414 publications and an index (h) 40; and, finally, is the Dr. Juan Antonio Garcia Velasco, with 139 publications and a 24 h-index.

“ With such prestigious classifications like this and so accepted among the scientific community, it is revealed the quality of the research in Spain and the bet that makes the IVI research group and be at forefront of the latest technologies of assisted reproduction ”, explains Dr. García Velasco.

All details of the study are contained here.


El Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad was founded in 1990 as the first medical institution in Spain entirely specialized in human reproduction. Currently there are 20 clinics in eight countries of the world, and is regarded as the leading European institution in reproductive medicine.

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Myths and realities about the preservation of umbilical cord

myths and realities about the preservation of umbilical cord

Madrid, 2011-July birthweight baby, parents can make the decision to conserve the stem cells from the blood of the umbilical cord as a possible source of healing for the future.

There are already several studies that have shown that cord blood cell transplant is as effective as other treatments of frontline for diseases such as leukemia, for example. This primarily concerns from bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells.

But what are the stem cells from umbilical cord blood? It’s not specialized cells that have the ability to turn into many different body cell types. When the stem cells found in the umbilical cord and placenta are divided, each new cell may remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell or a heart cell.

Below, Dr. Rafael Cabrera, medical director of IVIDA, responds to the most common questions that make families considering retaining the umbilical cord of their children.

Umbilical cord stem cells do can provide treatment for all diseases?

FALSE. Umbilical cord stem cells may heal up 85 diseases related to blood such as leukemias, lymphomas or anemias; but they would not be useful for any other pathology that was not blood. The current lines of research are aimed at use in regenerative medicine.

you can effectively losing the sample from the moment that is removed unless it is processed in the laboratory?

TRUE. After 48 hours from the extraction, decreases cell viability be the Bank you choose to store the sample in Spain, have capacity of processing 365 days a year and that the samples are transported in cold according to the requirements of the National Plan of Umbilical cord blood is very important. In IVIDA, we process the samples in average less than 24 hours.

can serve as cells to perform any kind of autotransplantation?

FALSE. Autologous stem cell is only indicated for treating haematological diseases. In diseases with genetic basis cannot be this type of transplantation because cord blood also contains the disease. However, there is a limited number of diseases that have no genetic basis for that if it can be done an autotransplantation.

transplantation of cord blood sibling compatible than with a non related donor is more effective?

TRUE. According to studies published so far, the transplant of compatible sibling umbilical cord blood is more effective with a donor not related due to the survival rate is higher and the lower rejection rate.

In urgent cases and children, the transplantation of cord blood cells presents more benefits of transplantation of bone marrow full, because reducing the complications and increases the survival of transplanted patients.

Umbilical cord blood is a simple and painless process

TRUE. The process of extraction of cells from the cord is a completely painless procedure both for the mother and the baby because there is no nerve endings in the umbilical cord. On the other hand, when extracted the stem cells from the marrow spinal Yes that is an invasive procedure and painful. The extraction is performed when both are out of danger.

you can store the sample in Spain in private for exclusive use of the family banks?

FALSE. In Spain, the law determines that every unit of umbilical cord blood stored in Spanish territory is for public use and are registered with REDMO, Spanish bone marrow donor registry, to make them available to universal. For this reason, private banks have to send samples abroad, where you will find definitively, although it is not impediment to make already 25,000 families that seven years decide to engage the services of collection, analysis and transfer of stem cells from the baby through banks private IVIDA.

IVIDA is the only Spanish bank of umbilical cord blood in which all processes are performed in their own facilities, without having to outsource to other companies, so that families contracted with the Bank, have the absolute certainty that the sample is being controlled by employees to ensure that the unit is stored and processed meet the more stringent protocols.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips