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A viral gene that counteracts the bodys defenses.

A viral gene that counteracts the defenses of the organism.

Madrid, July 8, 2011- / PRNewswire / – CNB Luis Enjuanes researcher has just described in the journal PLoS HIV than the 7 gene of swine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus counteracts the antiviral response of the host getting a greater survival of the host.

Although our immune system has a number of mechanisms to combat the virus, they have offset them, and thus ensure the survival of the virus. Knowing them is an essential step to move forward in the fight against disease-causing viruses.

To study how to cause disease, in the laboratory of Louis Enjuanes [see] the national centre of biotechnology of the CSIC work with a family of viruses that cause colds and pneumonia in people from diarrhea in pigs. The genome of these viruses are three genes are not essential for their survival. The 7 “can counteract the antiviral response of the host,” according to Enjuanes. Something that has never before had described in this group of viruses.

Interestingly, decrease the mechanisms of defense against the virus causes a survival of the cells of the host. Defenses stop the replication of the virus by interfering with their genetic information causing the death of the cell infected by the virus.

Researchers at the CNB genetically modified virus that do not have this gene 7. Thus, they noted that the absence of the protein producing gene causes an increase in the death of cells infected with mutated coronavirus. Although it is striking that there is a gene that makes the virus is less virulent, should take into account that the virus needs that the cell is alive in order to take advantage of its features and generate more virus.

Protein 7, whose role was unknown until now, binds within cells to one of the key factors in the antiviral response, the so-called protein phosphatase 1. The Group of Enjuanes proposed that protein 7 “reduces the disease caused by the virus but increases the time that the microorganism spreads and spread to other cells.”


Cruz, j., Sola, i., Becares, M., pool, B., flat, j., Enjuanes, l., & Zhang, S. (2011) CoronavirusGene 7 Counteracts Host proactive and Modulates Virus Virulence [see]. PLoS HIV, 7 (6), e1002090. DOI:. 1371/journal.ppat.1002090.

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Nurses committed to training and professional recognition to provide quality care to patients and families at the end of life.

nurses committed to training and the professional recognition to provide quality care to patients and families at the end of life.

Valencia now hosts 10 and 11 March the IV National Conference of nursing in palliative care with 300 participants.

the emotional aspects and the nutritional support at the end of life, are some of the major issues to deal with.

valencia, March 2011.-Palliative care represent a better quality in the attention given to the sick at the end of life. The nursing staff and continuous training are key to this assistance. With this philosophy, Valencia hosts the IV National Conference of nursing in palliative care today and tomorrow, in the Hotel Ayre Astoria Palace of Valencia.

about 300 professionals will meet with the common goal of meet and exchange experiences and views on the daily work with patients and their families. The motto of ‘ together until the end ’, the Spanish Association of nurses in palliative care (AECPAL) organizes these days to make progress in an area of care such as the targeted to improve or maintain the highest possible quality of life in patients in advanced or terminal disease situationthrough the alleviation of suffering, the exquisite communication and support for the family.

approximately 250,000 people each year require palliative care to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life due to advanced illness or terminally. Next to them there is at least 500,000 caregivers, to suffer with as much or greater intensity than the own sick. In this sense, the AECPAL wants to contribute from the training and updating of knowledge to the well-being and the quality of the patients in the last phase of his life.

therefore the themes of the fourth Conference focuses on very important aspects at the end of life such as the emotional, the standards of palliative care nursing, intervention nursing in palliative care nutritional support, the specific interventions of nurses in the process of agony and topical as it is the prescripció(n) nurse. Also, the meeting will serve to analyse the work of the AECPAL lines, currently focused on three groups: research, skills and plans of care.

the scientific programme is structured in five panels, two conferences and workshops, as well as four tables of communications and an exhibition of posters.

the scientific program starts today with a pre-Conference course on bioethics in palliative care, which will be addressed in two presentations: “ dignity, autonomy and charitable ”, and on the other hand, “ limitation of the therapeutic effort. Difference between futility and therapeutic obduracy ”. The morning session will end with a practical envelope case “ ethical issues in nutrition and hydration at the end of life ”.

the opening hours will take place today at 4 p.m. with the lecture entitled “ facilitating the grieving process: before and after the death ”, carried out by Professor of Psychology at the University of Valencia, Pilar Barreto. After his speech will be a Panel on “ intervention nursing in palliative care nutritional support ”. The first day will conclude with a panel of communications and workshops practical.

Tomorrow morning the program includes three round tables on “ standards of palliative care nursing ”, “ specific interventions of nurses in the process of agony team ” and “ lines of work and new proposed 2011-2012 of the Spanish Association of nurses in palliative care ”. Another table of communication, and at the end of the same will then take place workshops.

in the second part of the afternoon, will take place the table entitled “ from case management to intervention in the complexity in palliative care nurse ”. Finally, the Conference will have the Conference on “ new challenges: prescribing nurse in palliative care. Experience in Andalusia ” and will be submitted next AECPAL Conference headquarters will be in Barcelona (April 2013).

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ALCER and GADDPE launched a new website dedicated to home peritoneal dialysis.

ALCER and GADDPE launched a new website dedicated to peritoneal dialysis home.

on the occasion of the day world of the kidney.

the goal is to facilitate communication between patients and specialists and disseminating, between patients and their families, knowledge about home peritoneal dialysis and the advantages it brings to the patient renal

peritoneal dialysis is a household form of renal replacement therapy which helps the patient continue with their work and personal life skills and provides you with greater freedom and quality of life.

– each year, nearly 6,000 new patients need to be one of the three types of substitution treatment renal.

Madrid, 2011-March on the occasion of world kidney day ALCER Kidney Foundation and the support group for the development of Peritoneal Dialysis on Spain (GADDPE) launched a new website dedicated to peritoneal dialysis: .

each year, nearly 6,000 new patients come forward his kidney failure until the need for each of the three types of renal replacement therapy: transplantation, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. For clinical reasons, less than 20% of patients who are on dialysis can access a kidney, so the remaining 80% has to be on dialysis to survive. In addition, even patients who are eligible for a transplant needed dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) while they are on the waiting list.

home peritoneal dialysis is a method of treatment that is performed in the home, manually or automatically, during the night, while sleeping. In this way, the only patient attends hospital to review each one or two months.

However, this technique is underused in Spain and only 5% of patients on dialysis uses this type of treatment. One of the reasons for this underutilization is that patients do not receive the appropriate information. According to Juan Carlos Julian, Manager of the Foundation Renal ALCER Spain “ only 21% of patients claimed to have been informed about the home peritoneal dialysis percentage that descends as it increases the patient’s age, which greatly reduces their right to choose the technology that best suits your lifestyle ”.

precisely, promoting information and communication between specialists and patients is one of the objectives of the new web page, it is intended to spread between patients and their families, is the home peritoneal dialysis, their characteristics and the proposals of the GADDPE to improve the replacement therapy renal.

this site has become a forum for patients with real testimonials, publications and studies related to chronic renal failure and peritoneal dialysis, news of interest to patients and their families and space views.

advantages of peritoneal dialysis home.

peritoneal dialysis presents:

– social benefits, as it allows the patient maintain their work and personal life and provides you with greater independence, intimacy, autonomy and quality of life;

– benefits medical, because he is considered an excellent form of home dialysis, is very suitable for patients who are on waiting list to receive a transplant, is recommended for all ages, and its continuous nature, is the closest to the normal functioning of the kidneys;

– benefits for the national system of health, that its use would mean a savings of 500 million euros to the SNS in 15 years. According to an economic evaluation, the annual average cost per patient of patients in treatment is 46.659 euros in hemodialysis and 32.432 euros in home DP, hemodialysis is 44 per cent more expensive than DP.

GADDPE about.

the support group for the development of Peritoneal Dialysis (GADDPE) aims to raise the health administration and society in general on the problem of under-utilization of peritoneal dialysis on Spain. The group consists of members of the Group of dialysis Peritoneal the society Spanish of Nephrology (SEN), the Spanish society of nursing Nefrológica (SEDEN), Fundación Renal Alcer Spain (FRAE), the Kidney Foundation Iñigo Alvarez de Toledo (FRIAT) and professors from different universities of medicine and nursing.

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III course of intensive care in Pediatrics brings together future specialists in treatment of children with acute pathologies.

the III course of intensive care in Pediatrics brings together future specialists in treatment of children with disorders acute.

– for a more realistic, real patients are used so that students can assess the diagnosis and treatment of each case in time real.

-the program has brought together 40 resident doctors in paediatrics of 4th year, who represent the next generation of managers of paediatric intensive care in Spain

Madrid, 2011-April already closed the course III of “ intensive care in paediatrics for resident ”, a program which annually brings together about 40 physicians representing all of the residents of Pediatrics of the 4th year that are sub-especializando on care intensive.

each year, the course focuses on a different theme. The program of this, which purports to be an immersion in acute respiratory diseases with more prevalence among pediatric patients, has been designed by SECIP (Spanish society of Pediatric and adult intensive care) with the collaboration of AstraZeneca.

to Dr. John Casado Flores, President of the SECIP and course Director, highlights of the program is “ teaching method. Real patients and an interactive method that allows you to participate in the diagnosis and treatment to all trainees are used. Each of these decides, therefore, as if you were patient, what exploration, treatment, or mechanical ventilation method used in each case ”.

throughout the program, which was held between 10 and 12 April, have been analysed 17 cases clinical of different typology. in addition, part of the afternoon on Monday took advantage to make the students formulate its own proposals for training of future on care intensive paediatric.

about AstraZeneca.

AstraZeneca is an innovative company biopharmaceutical global focused mainly on the discovery, development and commercialization of medicines prescribed for the areas of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory, inflammation, oncology and infectious diseases. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and their innovative medicines used by millions of patients around the world.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips