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In Argentina the transplanted fight for a law to protect their rights.

in Argentina the transplanted fight for a law thatprotect your rights.

Spain, 2011-may argue the transplanted in Argentina, needa legal figure as to be transplanted withdraws them ratingdisability, to avoid everyday problems facing,especially if it’s people without sufficient financial resources,relating for example to “ get medication in a timely manner, the coveragein studies, the necessary accommodation before newspapers controls andmany cannot afford and difficulties generated for continuityschool or work

initiative was born from the city of Corrientes with the creationof a p. on facebook, which hadquickly converts well today almost 4000 and grow with marches in the provinceson 30 April and now to the Congress of thethe 30th nation may. The Group ofFacebook “ transplanted law ” was created by a young correntino and currentlyIt brings together more than 3,800 people from across the country to support the cause. Thetransplanted provinces also are preparing a letter intended for thePresident Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, with the aim of achieving an audiencewith her on 25 may, when he will visit the nearby city of Resistenciato participate in official acts. Monday 30 there will be anational rally against the Congress, which will come to patients of allthe country with family members and persons who support the cause.

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Spain sepsis mortality reaches 12.8% of the patients

in Spain sepsis mortality reaches 12.8% of the patients

-AstraZeneca, the AEC and the SEMICYUC organized the 5th year of severe Sepsis in the surgical patient

– the course became again a space to update and renew the septic patient knowledge, as well as to acquire clinical skills to deal with these patients with tools diagnóstico-terapéuticas.

Barcelona, June of 2011. AstraZeneca, ACS (Spanish Association of Surgeons) and SEMICYUC (Spanish society of medicine intensive, critical care and coronary unit) have organized a new edition of the advanced course 5th of severe Sepsis in the surgical patient. The Conference, which took place recently in Sitges, served to update and renew knowledge in septic patients through the analysis of the most recent scientific literature on this subject.

The course for surgeons in training, both active received the papers of professors of surgery and intensive care medicine. Among the most relevant issues addressed, they emphasized asepsis measures, guidelines for empirical antibiotic treatment of intra-abdominal infection, as well as measures of hemodynamic treatment and organic support for patients with severe sepsis.

Speakers participants in the course included Dr. Javier Arias, Coordinator of the section of surgical infection of the AEC and Professor at Complutense University of Madrid. In relation to the benefits of this course, Dr Arias pointed out its multidisciplinary and practical approach in the ability to apply knowledge to specific cases, while with regard to the characteristics of this Edition, it has highlighted the analysis of past cases and investigations in this area.

According to the AEC, sepsis is a disease whose incidence in Spain rate is 367 cases for every 100,000 adults per year and whose mortality reaches 12.8% among their patients. Currently, most employed strategies for its prevention are confined to rules of asepsis and antibiotic prophylaxis protocols, but says Dr. Arias, “ the great problem is the poor implementation of such standards by healthcare personnel ”.

Given the complexity of the study of the disease and its continuous evolution with respect to the emergence of resistance and new therapies for Dr. Arias “ intensive days like this involve a periodic review to a problem of vital importance ”.

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The extended UCI program increases the safety of the patient.

The extended UCI program increases the safety of the patient.

action early on the patient.

Spain, March of 2011- the service of intensive care medicine in the Hospital de Henares has launched a new strategy to help improve the security of patients potentially serious or likely to have major complications, not only in the ICU, but in any other area of hospitalization for hospital.

this strategy is to detect early in patients admitted outside the city intensive unit processes potentially serious and act early on them before the organic failures may occur. In this way Gets the maneuvers on these patients are more effective and prevents the occurrence of potentially serious complications.

This is a new way of working that it comes from experience international and supported by the Spanish society of medicine intensive, critical care and coronary unit (SEMICYUC) and that, along with the code sepsis, is changing the concept of intensive care that previously this service only worked with patients admitted in the service. However, it is demonstrated that a screening prevents many episodes that could be irreversible.

the computerization of the hospital, doctors in the service of the ICU have created a computer system that explores a few criteria or analytical parameters of gravity to that same computer system found abnormalities in patients through the application and notify the physician responsible.

in collaboration with the rest of other services, the ICU medical doctors can anticipate his treatment to prevent the occurrence of multiple organ failure. It is therefore due to the software and the relationship with other units, as he is achieved that this programme goes ahead resulting in greater security for the patient.

data of the ICU in 2009.

in 2009, intervened to 793 patients outside the ICU with this system, primarily in the area of emergencies, being the main pathologies above acting ischemic heart disease, sepsis and respiratory failure. Throughout the year there was no heart stop in comment er.

in the year 2010 has been piloting of the computer system and from January 2011 program “ ExtraUCI ” has been extended to all floors of the hospital

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Cold weather causes a surge in cases of bronchiolitis.

cold weather causes a surge in cases of bronchiolitis.

temperatures facilitate the transmission of the respiratory syncytial virus, main causative infectious agent of bronchiolitis in children

some emergency room and ICU services have been multiplied cases, especially in these two last months.

Madrid, 2011-March with the sharp drop in temperatures has been a significant increase in cases of bronchiolitis. In the December-February period multiplied emergencies for infants affected by respiratory infections caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). According to the DRA. Maria Victoria Ramos, Assistant doctor in the service of Pediatric ICU of Hospital 12 October Madrid, “ only in December and January were more children by VRS in whole epidemic station of the year ”.

el Dr. Martinón, head of Department and coordinator of the healthcare area of Paediatrics of the University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, asserts that “ the epidemiological data collected to date on infection by respiratory syncytial virus show a significant increase of cases (about a third) with respect to those observed last year. Bronchiolitis is a peak that usually extends from late autumn to mid winter; the period from November to April is usually presents a greater number of cases ”. The DRA. Mª Victoria Ramos added that “ with the available data can say that in March of last year there was income for VRS in the ICU with very advanced month, and in April continued seeing cases of VRS in the emergency ”

according to the experts at lower temperatures, rainfall and humidity, the virus remain longer in the environment. In the words of Dr. r. Lejarazu Ortiz, head of the service of Microbiology and Immunology of the Hospital Clínico Universitario in Valladolid, “ climate is essential in the behaviour of the virus. At very low temperatures, it’s as if the environment outside a ‘ fridge ’ for viruses, so it makes it easier transmission of the same ”.

in this situation, experts warn of the need for prevention of the most vulnerable babies with existing prophylaxis against RSV. Preterm infants, infants with heart disease or infants with chronic lung disease are more vulnerable to bronchiolitis.

according to the DRA. Ramos, “ in the Pediatric ICU of the October 12 Hospital service group more we are preterm infants and infants with brothers in school age, especially infants with less than 20 days. These babies may be up to 14 days hospitalized due to bronchiolitis. In patients at risk, we look at the effectiveness of the preventive treatment; babies included in the recommendations of prophylaxis, except certain preterm infants, does not enter with gravity ”.

el Dr. Ortiz of Lejarazu says that “ there are various publications that demonstrate an increase in the incidence of hospitalizations for VRS in the last ten years. The incidence by bronchiolitis is always much higher in children under two years, premature babies or those with chronic diseases. RSV infections are responsible for 1 in every 2 pediatric hospitalizations in this period ”.

el VRS affects the lower part of the respiratory system and manifests itself initially with rhinitis and sometimes fever. Later appear the classic symptoms of bronchiolitis due to obstruction in the respiratory tract. The most severe cases of this pathogen can result in death; die more infants less than one year from the Respiratory Syncytial Virus than flu.

about Abbott.

Abbott is a company dedicated to the care of health through the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritional products and medical devices and Diagnostics. The company employs about 90,000 people worldwide and sells its products in more than 130 countries.

Abbott is certified as the best company to work in the health sector and the second in the overall ranking of sectors as Best Workplaces Spain 2010. Abbott has over 1,500 employees and 60 years of history in our country. The company’s activity is oriented to meet the needs of patients with chronic diseases and high clinical, economic, social and emotional impact. Abbott has a presence in all areas of the Spanish healthcare industry (including r & d and manufacturing at its centres in Madrid, Granada and Alcobendas). Its products cover all phases of the process of the disease (prevention, diagnosis, treatment and healing) and are present at every moment of the life cycle: infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age.

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March of Dimes selects girl in North Carolina as its 65th National Ambassador.

March of Dimes selects girl in North Carolina as its 65a. Ambassador national.

White Plains, New York, January 2011.- Lauren Fleming, a six year-old girl from Marvin, North Carolina, who spent the first five months of his life struggling to survive in a hospital newborn intensive care unit, was appointed on Wednesday as the national March of Dimes Ambassador 2011.

The parents of Lauren, Nikki and Densel, never imagined that her first daughter was born three and a half months before with a weight of only 2 pounds, 1 ounce. They could not only watch and wait while Lauren received treatment in the intensive care unit of the Hospital of children of Charlotte, North Carolina, for his breathing problems and faced several surgeries related to a damaged vocal cord and a heart defect. Nikki said: “do not have our baby at home during its first five months of life was hopeless.” Her visited in the hospital every day, but during the night, if he needed consolation, could not simply walk into her piece to raise her. “These are five months that I will never return.”

Preterm births are the leading cause of neonatal death in the United States. More than half a million babies are born prematurely each year in this country, and those who survive often face health problems throughout his life, such as respiratory problems, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities and others. March of Dimes volunteer for some time, Densel knew that, when African-Americans, he and Nikki had 50% more likely to have a premature child.

The DRA. Jennifer l. Howse, President of March of Dimes, said: “babies of African-American women have the highest rate of premature births in all racial groups.” “In 2008, the rate of preterm birth for non-Hispanic African American babies was 17.5% compared to the 11.1% among non-Hispanic white babies and the 12.3% of the nation are grateful to the family Fleming for having helped to March of Dimes to generate attention to this devastating problem”.

Lauren still has some problems of health because of his birth early, but their families say that it is progressing; It is a warm and loving girl who makes friends easily and loves to dance, draw, create stories and read books. The Fleming appreciate the research and treatments for March of Dimes helped Lauren design expectations and their other two children, Erin and Corbin, were born healthy.

As national Ambassador, Lauren travel the country with his family for sharing their amazing story, help to raise awareness of preterm births and encourage families and businesses to accompany them in the March for Babies ® from this spring. Densel said: “Knowing that my daughter has benefited because I and other volunteers have supported to March of Dimes for years is an incredible feeling.” “Nikki and I are excited to share our story across the country and invite others to collaborate and support this organization works for strong and healthy babies”.

The March of Dimes national Ambassador program is an annual campaign, which began in 1946, which puts face to the March of Dimes mission. United Airlines will continue as the official air sponsor program. The President and Chief Executive Officer of United Airlines, Jeff Smisek, said: “We are honored to be the air official sponsor of the program of the national Ambassador for the sixth consecutive year, gives us the opportunity to support a family that has become so and is committed to return”. “We hope that Lauren and her family travelling with United Airlines and remain committed to the fight against premature birth”.

March of Dimes is the leading non-profit in pregnancy and child health. With five chapters throughout the country, March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and mortality child.

to follow Lauren in his journey by country, visit the blog of Lauren here.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips