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The appearance of a surgical infection lengthens hospital stay from seven to fourteen days on average.

The appearance of a surgical infection lengthens hospital stay from seven to fourteen days of media

-the economic cost of infection doubles the expected costs of hospital stay and triples resulting variable costs of procedures and additional drugs

-Infections are the direct cause of the greater part of the postoperative mortality in general surgery

– there are a number of studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the earliness with which starts the right treatment and the expectations of patients with severe sepsis survival

Granada, October 2010- “ the appearance of a surgical infection lengthens hospital stay by an average of 7 to 14 days ”, says Dr. Javier Arias, Coordinator of the Spanish Association of Surgeons (ACS). “ Although the economic cost of the infection is difficult to calculate, since that depends on several variables, in general, we can say that at least doubling the expected hospital stay costs and triples variable costs arising from procedures and additional drugs ”, adds.

According to the specialist, “ as well as the high social and economic costs, infections are the direct cause of the greater part of the postoperative mortality in general surgery ”. In addition, it contributes greatly as adjuvant to a high proportion of deaths attributable to other surgical complications.

One of the most common manifestations of surgical infection is severe sepsis, whose incidence is increasing, mainly due to two factors: on the one hand, because they make more aggressive interventions in patients of older or risk, and on the other hand, because bodies are becoming common antimicrobial resistancebecoming more difficult for the prophylaxis and treatment of these infections.

In order to update knowledge on this issue, these days is celebrated in Granada the “ 4th advanced course of severe Sepsis in the surgical patient ”, sponsored by AstraZeneca. During this Edition, and explains Dr. Arias, “ and have increased the proportion of practical content, given the effectiveness of physical measures in the prevention of serious nosocomial infections, an issue on antisepsis and measures of barrier, which will try to review recent evidence on the matter has been introduced ”.

groups of risk and the importance of the early management

factors that most influence the risk of surgical infection are the type of surgery, classified as to their degree of contamination (clean, limpia-contaminada, polluted and dirty), the duration of the intervention, and the pre-operative condition of the patient (immunosuppression)(, prior pathologies). Other factors that also influence are the incorrect application of antibiotic prophylaxis and the days of hospital stay.

“ Also – says the Dr. Javier Arias – the rate of infection after emergency surgery almost triples that of scheduled surgery. Within the scheduled surgery, the hepatobiliopancreática is that have higher risk, followed by the Colorectal ”.

On the other hand, there are a number of studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the earliness with which starts the treatment, in particular, a correct antibiotic treatment and the expectations of survival in patients with severe sepsis. “ This is the main reason that antibiotic treatment should be initially empirical and we should not wait until you get an identification of the causative organism ”, explains Dr. Arias.

Challenges and progress in the treatment

The most recent trends in the management of severe infection in postoperative patient point to earlier diagnosis and more tuned evolutionary track through the use of plasma biological markers. Explains Dr. Arias, “ this would begin a more early antibiotic treatment, monitor its effectiveness and adjust their duration in the most accurate way possible, thus reducing the side effects and induction of resistance ”.

On the other hand, “ the main pending in sepsis is the development of therapeutic tools that can positively influence the cascade of inflammatory mediators endogenous, responsible for ultimately much of the deleterious effects and multiple organ failure that characterize the severe sepsis tables ”, concludes Dr. Javier Arias.

About AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is an innovative company global biopharmaceutical focused mainly on the discovery, development and commercialization of drugs, prescription, leader in the treatment of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience, respiratory and inflammation and Oncology diseases infectious.

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Receive adequate medical care at the end of life is not a privilege but a real right.

Receive adequate care at the end of life is not a privilege but a right true.

-the WTO welcomed the announcement by the Government on the future adoption of a law of palliative care and death worthy and insists on the need for a proper palliative care system development to guarantee the rights of patients and their families, regardless of the region where they reside

Madrid, November 22, 2010- Before the announcement of the Government of the future adoption of a law of palliative care and death Digna, schoolboy medical organization (WTO) has shown its satisfaction for the implementation of a measure that has been constantly demanding as it is that hospice care is a right recognized equally to all citizens in all the autonomous communities. A law on support of a regulatory framework as it is the law of cohesion and quality of the national health system, of 2003, and with other measures such as the 2007 palliative care strategy.

However, the reality today is marked by inequalities in relation to the level of development of the Hospice in the different autonomous communities, as well as the important differences between the rural and urban areas as well as the characteristics of the patient, especially if it is an adult or pediatric.

The WTO has been constantly stressing the importance of palliative care because they represent a solid health response to the suffering associated with the end of life of patients and because they have become a right of all citizens and a basic health provision. It has been as evident in the conclusions of the II Congress of the medical profession, presented recently, and which constitute the feel of the whole of the structure of the Organization Medical College (boards, vocalías and ethics committees).

Among the 16 major issues they dealt with this important event and on which they surveyed to the highest representatives of the medical profession in order to know the majority of the physicians of our country, stressed, no doubt, of palliative care, four major conclusions were obtained from the theme: a national analysis of the current situation of palliative care in Spain; urge the Administration the review of the legislation on the prescription of opioids; contribute to strengthening the training and specialization the palliative care of medical professionals; and provide information to citizens about their right to palliative care.

Also conducted survey attendees to the Congress on the most burning issues in this area it should be noted that 97.3 per cent of respondents showed agree to consider that aggressive pain treatment is an ethical imperative for the physician and a right for the informed patient. Furthermore, 96.4 per cent expressed the view that all physicians in function of their competence and the need of the patient must pay palliative care to their patients, at the same time as a 99.2 per cent was convinced that the medical schools must defend the establishment of a universal system of palliative care and quality.

The quality of life as a priority

For Organization Medical College there is a clear objective in the care of persons with disease in terminal phase which is to ensure better quality of life, which means: identify, assess and treat pain and other symptoms of early as well as to address their needs, psychosocial and spiritual; make it easier for the patient which can express their emotions and always be heard; establish mechanisms of coordination between all levels of care, promoting and providing that the patient, if desired, can die at his home; promote the autonomy and facilitate their participation in the decision-making process, paying special attention to the advance directives; Finally, recognize the importance of the family and the personal environment of the patient, encouraging their collaboration in the care, and also, to meet the needs of caregivers.

If the trend in European countries feels that palliative medicine is part of the portfolio of national programmes of each State’s health services. The WTO has never been alien to the approach that beyond our borders has been given to this type of medicine, emphasizing, in this sense, their active participation in international forums of such weight as it is the medical World Association (AMM) which has been accepted, recently, for discussion a proposal for a Declaration on care medical at the end of life presented by the WTO at its last General Assembly, held in Vancouver. It is a document that will lay the foundations ethical and professional doctors around the world with regard to health care at the end of life, with consistent and committed human, scientific, and professional aspects.

In short, the WTO wants to take advantage of the announcement by the Government to express its desire to contribute to the momentum of a series of measures on palliative care aims to achieve excellence at the end of life care. So considered, inter alia, essential to matter with the opinion of expert professionals in planning palliative care in health services. In addition, sees fundamental search for agreements among the different scientific societies and different professional bodies concerned, that calculated the needs of health professionals trained in palliative care, and this type of medicine is practiced at all levels of care for which require effective coordination.

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Health has served 85,000 patients in the unit of Postanestésica recovery of the University Hospital of Candelaria in the past nine years.

Health has served 85,000 patients in the unit of recovery Postanestésica of the Hospital Universitario de La Candelaria in the past nine years.

-known as URPA, this area of specialized care is organised in two specific units to treat patients after the surgery. around 70 professionals ensure the recovery and the comfort of these users after his departure from the operating room

– it is one of the 28 service of Hospital Universitario Ntra. Mrs. Candelaria accredited by AENOR quality standard

Spain, October 2010.- the unit of recovery Postanestésica (URPA) of the Hospital Universitario Ntra. Ms. de Candelaria (HUNSC), attached to the Ministry of health of the Canary, celebrated in 2010 its nine years of operation in the existing facilities, having served approximately 85,000 patients during this stage.

is a vital Department for hospital care because without this unit not be could operate, since its role is focused on giving specific care in the aftermath of the surgery in a patient. Currently has the most advanced means to help overcome truly postoperative patients of different specialties complicated. These patients is sometimes connected to devices of mechanical ventilation or dialysis, so require care, specific and high quality.

URPA, located in the third and fourth floor with the surgical area, is composed by two sections. On the one hand, the unit of recovery which operated patients are monitored until that can be discharged from the plant of hospitalization, between one and five hours later.

Second is the resuscitation unit, whose operation is similar to an intensive care unit while serving people who have been surgically operated on long operations or complex, or by diseases suffering from are considered high-risk for anesthesia patients, says Dr. Elena Espinosa, head of the unit of Postanestésica resuscitation of the Ntra University Hospital. Mrs. Candelaria.

Material and professional of the URPA resources

Postanestésica resuscitation unit has a total of 24 beds (12 beds of resuscitation, 4 beds for 24-hour recovery and 8 beds for recovery), where each box is equipped with the necessary material and other monitoring devices such as respirators multiparameter monitors and mechanical ventilators, among others.

The URPA is vital because it give the first care a recently operated patient, they are as fundamental as the surgery itself, explains Iñaki the dam Murua, Coordinator of nursing of the surgical area of the HUNSC. “ In this unit seek to eradicate possible postoperative pain and the patient receiving intensive care 24 hours a day in an environment of comfort. Thus control their vital signs, drainage and it or prevent possible complications associated with the process ”.

Around 70 professionals from medical anaesthetists, nurses, assistants, celadores and cleaning, care 24 hours a day this unit. For this they have been prepared in such a way that can resolve situations of extreme urgency and maximum seriousness. There is also a fundamental objective of the URPA attention to family members of patients, who established a close relationship, given that many patients are intubated and sedated.

The involvement and the efforts of this workforce of Hospital Universitario Ntra. Mrs. Candelaria has been rewarded in the past years with the highest national distinction on quality, which is to obtain the AENOR standard that certifies the quality of the services to all its users.

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Researchers of the Vall dHebron presents new strategies for preventing infections in the ICU.

researchers de la Vall d ’ Hebron presents new strategies for preventing infections in the ICU.

During the celebration of the twenty-third European Congress of intensive care.

Barcelona, October 2010.- the team of the ICU of Hospital Vall d ’ Hebron and from the research group of Sepsis and respiratory infection serious of the Vall d ’ Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR), with Dr. Jordi Rello front, have presented important developments at the European Congress in intensive care (ESICM) that took place these days in Barcelona with the participation of more than 6,000 ICU. In addition to Dr. Rello, Mercedes Palomar, Joan Ramon Masclans, Oriol Roca and other prominent intensivistas of Vall D ’ Hebron have lectured on developments in the treatment of patients in the ICU.

This team has found his gravitas in the specialty to be the European Group which has submitted communications in the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), a reference to the specialty. His research team, as other many researchers, have benefited from the European register of cases of the flu virus A (H1N1), is Coordinator Dr. Rello, CIBERES researcher who led the field of intensive care during the most intense period of this pandemic. The registry has allowed to collect information and design studies of those who now start to be able to analyze the results. These results, no doubt, will provide valuable information and experience for future epidemics caused by similar viruses or inclús own seasonal flu.

In addition, at the meeting of the editorial board of the journal Intensive Care Medicine, been made public 10 consulted articles on the Internet during the year 2010. Two articles of the Group of Dr. Rello, one on prevention of pneumonia in patients with artificial respiration and the other on community pneumonia treatment are among the 10 most visited articles.

The Group of respiratory infection and Sepsis investigation serious the VHIR and the ICU of the Hospital of la Vall d ’ Hebron in the ESICM

Dr. Rello and his team have presented at this important Congress news and aspects related to his experience in the intensive care units, such as for example those related to flu itself, but also with other infections – more or less common in our environment. Because of the fragility of patients admitted in the ICU and the fact that they are often subjected to invasive techniques (catheters, mechanical ventilators, probes, etc.), to prevent infections acquired by these patients is one of the most concern to the experts. In this field, Dr. Rello has delivered a conference where rated the most innovative strategies to prevent these infections. These infections are often the cause of these sick descompensen, and for this reason have been discussed widely in this Congress, e.g., Aspergillus infection, – an opportunistic fungus that takes advantage of situations of weakness of the body to settle on the respiratory system. There have been guides of strategies to prevent these and other nosocomial infections (hospital acquired). Pneumonias caused by various pathogens, (very disturbing during the pandemic influenza to) killing pneumonias, techniques of routine in the ICU, echocardiography or techniques of nursing, among others.

A space that has been the great challenge of this last year for the intensivistas has also been highlighted: the income of patients in the ICU with influenza infection – this year influenza A (H1N1). An unusual fact that had not been previously lived. The severity of some cases with subsequent entry in the ICU and the fact that serious cases would have far more young people than usual, has aroused great interest in the research on this new virus. This was, and still, is what has more focused efforts by specialists, in the time trials to try to combat a disease that behaved very differently, and now researchers, to respond to these riddles. A paper presented by Dr. Martin-Loeches, and where also involved Dr. Rello has been singled out among the most prominent.

In this Congress also have been submitted, after the experience, the foundations for the treatments which proved to be useful and which not. This is the case of steroids, quite controversial, and which finally and after analysing the cases in the European register has confirmed that its use is not recommended “ routine ”, not the evolution of the patients improved and increased the risk of pneumonia. “ Systems non-invasive respiratory support did not change the evolution of those who had pneumonia ”, explains Dr. Rello. On the contrary, “ the use of antiviral drugs during the first two days of symptoms prevented serious complications, particularly among pregnant women ”, continues the doctor.

Other recent studies on the Grip to the Group of the VHIR serious respiratory infection and Sepsis research

This group, led by Dr. Jordi Rello, seeks answers to all questions raised during the pandemic, and in this sense has headed the clinical part of the study of the immune response in patients requiring admission to the ICU for severe pneumonia during the acute phase of influenza. The study has been conducted in collaboration with Dr. Jesus Bermejo of the national centre of Valladolid influenza, Pumarola Dr. of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and researchers from seven Spanish UCI, among them intensivistas of the Instituto Pere Virgil de Tarragona, the Fe of Valencia or Hospital Valme Seville, as well as Canadian groups. The findings of the study indicate that, in more serious cases, the failure of the immune response is unable to prevent the virus further replicating and this causes a vicious cycle that makes worse clinical situation to a critical situation. These results have been published in the latest edition of the journal Critical Care.

Patients infected with influenza A – H1N1 virus, with severe respiratory illness in the ICUs, suffer a failure in the activation of a group of genes involved in the Adaptive immune response, resulting in the persistence of the virus in respiratory treatment. In those patients resulting in more severe cases, “ the failure of activation of these genes leads to a constant cycle of replication of the virus which stimulates the release of citokinas, a few molecules mediators of inflammation, and which could be the cause of the pulmonary damage observed in these cases ”concrete Dr. Rello. On the other hand, in cases which have not been so serious noted that genes that regulate the Adaptive immune response were activated.

Researchers conclude that the interruption of this harmful cycle could be the key to controlling viral infection and improving the progression of the disease and at the moment are analyzing the results allow to conclude what treatments in these extreme casesthey can avoid a deterioration that will lead to the patient in the ICU or rescuing the patient of an artificial respirator.

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Flavonoids, which reduce the growth of cancer, available for r & d on cancer cells.

The flavonoids, which reduce the growth of cancer cells available for r & d against the cancer.

-new flavonoids compounds that significantly reduce the growth of cancer cells are available for research and development as therapeutic cancer

Perth, Australia, August 16, 2011- / PRNewswire / – Heartlink Limited, based in Australia, is developing patented synthetic compounds based on the structure of isoflavones that have proved effective against cancer in laboratory studies and in animals at low doses. The compounds tested so far show low levels of toxicity to normal mammalian cells.

The exploration of in-vitro initial drug study revealed activity of compounds selected from a panel of nine lines of cancerous human cells using a trial of standard cell proliferation. Affirmative results showed drastic effects antiprofilerativos and cytotoxic to a range of tumour cell lines (with the highest activity against prostate cancer and cervical) after treatment with three of the company’s patented compounds

An in-vivo study designed to test the effectiveness of two compounds tested against tumors had a positive outcome. The compounds were tested for active anti-cancer in a range of doses in a model of mouse using human prostate cancer cells. The results showed a reduction in the relative controls substantial 42% after 14 days of treatment at levels of low-dose (10 mg/kg).

The isoflavones are known to have anticancer activity particularly in cancers based on hormones, such as the ovarian, breast and prostate. Heartlink has identified, evaluated and patented a family of compounds related to the isoflavones. Patents cover a wide range of therapeutic uses and detail the specific routes for the production and manufacturing along with the potential formulations for therapeutic use.

According to delegate Councillor of Heartlink, Tracey-Anne Dickens, said: “the activities of research to date have offered valuable Preclinical data for the development of this family of compounds isoflavones that could prove a useful source for the development of drugs against cancer.” “Collected information provides a foundation in which develop patented compounds and we are actively seeking partnerships for research and development or marketing”.

About Heartlink Limited

Founded in January 2000, the company has funded clinical research and product development and now has a medical device of second generation that can be used for research and development applications. Heartlink is also a drug discovery company and has been identified and patented composite isoflavones-derived anticancer compounds. Preclinical studies on the company’s patented compounds have shown an important activity that provides a basis for further evaluation of these new treatment against cancer.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips