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New guides in language Spanish inform decisions about heart disease and other diseases.

New Spanish language guides inform decisions about heart disease and other illnesses.

Rockville, Maryland, August 15, 2011- PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE /-A free booklet illustrated and easy to read, you compare the drug to prevent heart attacks, heart failure or stroke in people with stable coronary artery disease, is one of the six new publications on Spanish of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Agency for the research and the quality of care M)(eddic) of the HHS, which helps patients to compare treatments for common diseases.

Publication, guide to precipitate are in treatment of stable coronary artery disease (“ACE Inhibitors” and “arbs” does Your Heart toProtect?-A Guide for Patients Being Treated for Stable Coronary Heart Disease) summarizes the risks and benefits of the drugs called ACE inhibitors (angiotensin angiotensin, or ACE, for its acronym in English) and BRA (angiotensin II Receptor Blockers)(, or ARB, for its acronym in English). These drugs help reduce blood pressure in patients who often take other cardiac medications, such as aspirin, anticoagulants or medications to lower cholesterol.

“This new guide at Spanish on cardiac drugs is part of the ongoing effort of the AHRQ to provide the knowledge they need to assume one greater role in their health care for Hispanics,” said the Director of AHRQ, the doctor of medicine Carolyn M. Clancy. “All patients should have access to the best information available, and can work with your doctor to identify the best treatment”.

The other five guides in Spanish comparing treatment options for common diseases are as follows:

– controls the pain for a hip fracture (Managing Pain from to Broken Hip) compares medicines to ease the pain a fracture of hip and other treatments such as nerve blocks and the acupressure.

-Options for trying to tear the muscles and tendons of the shoulder (Treatment Options for Rotator Cuff Tears) compares the surgical and non-surgical treatments including physiotherapy, to treat the injury of the rotator cuff, often painful tearing of tendons of the shoulder is used to lift and rotate the arms.

-Depression after brain injury (Depression after Brain Injury) compares antidepressants and psychotherapy for the treatment of depression in people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, as for example a blow to the head.

-Learn about radiotherapy in head and neck cancer (Understanding Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer) compares various types of radiotherapy for cancer of the neck and head, including two dimensional radiation therapy and intensity modulated radiation therapy.

-Growth hormone human for children with cystic fibrosis (Human Growth Hormone for Children with Cystic Fibrosis) analyzes the benefits and risks of the somatropina, a the human growth hormone that is injected to the children on a daily basis to the problems of growth associated with fibrosis cystic.

The AHRQ now offers 23 publications in Spanish comparing treatments for heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, bone disease and joints, pregnancy, mental health and disorders of the digestive system. These and their guides companions in English were produced by the Effective Health Care Program (program of effective medical care) of AHRQ, which conducts research on outcomes focused on patients and puts the results of the research available to consumers, medicalpolicy makers and other stakeholders.

The guides at Spanish Effective Health Care for patients of the AHRQ are available here. To order printed copies, please send an email to AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse (the AHRQ Publications Centre) in, or call (800) 358-9295. For other tools to the consumer of the AHRQ in Spanish, see here.

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Man, from 30 to 44 years and addicted to alcohol, profile of the average user of the unity of conduct addictive of the Department of health of the Bank.

Man, from 30 to 44 years and addicted to alcohol, profile of the average user of the unity of conduct addictive of the Department of health of the Bank.

attends to patients addicted/dependent both to legal substances such as illegal.

– with a total of 1043 attended consultations between 2009 and 2010, is the second unit of addictive behaviors with greater activity in the Valencian Community

– as well as the health care work, UCA carries out other activities such as training courses, collaboration in research projects or support agencies for prevention and promotion of Health

Alzira, 2011-August the unit conduct addictive (UCA) of the Department of health of the Bank, has received during 2010, a total of 504 new patients to treat their addiction or dependency; of them, 303 was the first time they were in treatment

Of the total of patients who went through the UCA during 2010, 36.5% spoke as the reason for main demand have problems with alcohol consumption, while 26 per cent requested follow-up by the abuse of cocaine, keeping these two substances as causing attended consultations, as well as most occurring in the rest of units of the Valencian Community. Other reasons for claims that have aided patients were heroin (18% of patients), cannabis (12%) and problem gambling or gambling (3%).

It refers to the average profile of the patient who frequented the UCA for the Health Department of the Bank, 86 per cent were men, compared with 14 per cent of women. The majority were neighbors from Alzira (20% of patients), followed by the residents of Swedish (12%), Algemesí (11%), Cullera (9%) and Carcaixent (8%).

As for the ages, 52% of patients treated by the UCA during 2010 had between 30 and 44 years, 26% had more than 45 years old, while 22% were patients aged under 29 years.


The UCA for the Health Department of the Bank, patients are tracking at the individual level (appointments with your doctor or psychologist), attend therapeutic groups and receive family support. The unit is also responsible for managing the referral to other support services of the health network for patients with addictive problems, such as: units of hospital detoxification, day centres or therapeutic communities.

With a total of 1043 consultations met during 2009-2010, de La Ribera is the second unit of addictive behaviors of the Valencian Community with increased activity.

Also, the UCA for the Health Department of the Bank is coordinated with health, social and municipal region, others in order to provide the best comprehensive care to patients with addictions.


One of the main objectives of the unity of conduct addictive of the Department of health of the Bank is the guarantee attention to all those requiring assistance for substance abuse/dependence or other kind of addiction. In this regard, patients can access unit in various ways.

Thus it should be noted that the majority of users (57%) come on its own initiative or Council or family pressure. Another very important part of patients (25%) attend derivatives by primary care of the Department of health and other medical devices, such as the service for University Hospital emergency room of the Bank. Finally, other access roads are: social services (2%) and judicial police services (3%) other resources specializing in addiction or units of prevention community (7%).

Apart from the health care work, UCA for the Health Department of the Bank carries out various activities in various areas such as training courses, collaboration on research projects or support agencies for prevention and promotion of health, among others.

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Users of the Department of Sant Joan made 88,000 appointment requests online.

Users of the Department of Sant Joan are 88,000 requests for appointment by internet.

– new AIDS clinics in the Albufereta and Garbinet are among the first in percentage of applications online

San Juan, August of 2011- the Department of health Alicante – Sant Joan d ’ Alacant has been 88,000 applications for primary care appointment online until July 31, which is 13 per cent of the total number of appointmentsoutpacing the rate of the previous year, located in 11%.

Centres, the Cabo Huertas has been again that increased number of requests on-line has been received, a total of 14,298 of family medicine and Pediatrics 7.548, resulting in 29% of total citations from this Center, nine points above the figure obtained in the same period of the previous year.

The data show that it is a service used increasingly by more users, who see in the new technologies “ a very positive way prevents displacement and delays at the health center. In addition, warns the patient when your assigned physician will not pass the query, specifying the name of the replacement; Thus user, if desired, can be programmed and go when its optional ”, said the medical coordinator of this seaside, Mavi Hernandis.

Since the installed program Abucasis, the appointment service had a major promotion in the health area of Cabo Huertas, allocated population is “ mainly young people that handles very well with this system ”, says Herandis. For this reason, in the auxiliary Office of the Olimpo Street, in the Albufereta, attached to the center of Cabo Huertas, the appointment has already exceeded the average of the Department in the three months that has been open to the public – have been managed by Internet 721 quotes from Pediatrics (26 per cent of the total) and 2.638 family medicine (17%).

The health centres in Sant Joan d ’ Alacant and Pla-Hospital Provincial, with 11.375 11.146 dating respectively, are the following which have accounted for more requests on the Internet. This last Center is attached the auxiliary Office of Garbinet, also opened in may, which has also had an important use of this service, beating the average index of citations on the Internet: 22 per cent in quotes from Pediatrics and 17% in family.

Health 24: appointment without waiting

In order to improve accessibility and reduce waiting times, 24 health of the Ministry of health plan offers users a set of services to request appointment of primary care. With the Internet option, the appointment may also take place by sending an SMS to number 7373, a total of 832 posts in the Department of Sant Joan in so far this year.

On the other hand, have been addressed 1,142 calls from users of the Department of Sant Joan for appointment through the Voice Portal, an automatic service that is available 24 hours, seven days a week at number 901.22.77.22.

Also, the Punt Salut across the Department have joined 673 petitions. It’s electronic terminals which are available at the Centre for those users who do not have Internet access at home. They allow to call and cancel appointments; changing physician or location data; get a SIP number to users of other autonomous communities or learn about health campaigns.

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Hospital infant baby Jesus increased recreational activities during the summer.

The Hospital infant baby Jesus increased recreational activities during the summer.

has a school for children admitted that celebrates this year its 45 anniversary.

-a promotional campaign for table games encourages the family relationship with the admitted children

-chronic patients with extended stays in the hospital does not lose as well contact with society

Spain, 2011-August the Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, following the line of humanization and normalization of the lives of children with long hospital stays of the Ministry of health, increases recreational activities during the summer. As in previous years, he launches a campaign of promotion of table games, thanks to the collaboration of Fundación Antena 3, to promote family relationship, because they are games that foster the relationship between different generations.

In addition, patients attending Hospital of day Oncology, medical and psychiatric, although they do not require income, also enjoy these activities as they spend much of the day at the Center for the treatment of medium and long term. For these patients, the activities focus on special workshops, usually of painting and crafts, taking place within their areas of hospitalization with Save the Children. The objective of standardizing and dramatize the life of the sick child can meet offering patient teaching and recreational alternatives to facilitate their personal development.

The rest of invitations to children and youth leisure is made possible by the wide range of activities scheduled from service to the patient. Planning a series of playful, creative activities and, in some cases, cultural, taking into account the ages of patients, up to 18 years, their tastes or requirements imposed by clinical issues, as immobility or the impossibility of leaving to common places.

In all these activities is essential to the collaboration of a group of volunteers of different associations and foundations that make possible the celebration of the birthday of the patients, access to a book by bibliocarro, shows in the theatre (every day at 6 p.m.), arts & crafts and workshops including the visit at the foot of the bed of a clown or magician, at times, even while still in the resuscitation room after leaving the operating room.

Table for the summer games

Five years ago the Antena 3 Foundation finances the acquisition and/or renovation of Board games that are offered to patients that they play with their family members or volunteers from different associations, during July and August. It’s playing to the oca, Parcheesi, checkers, cards, chess and Tic-Tac-Toe.

It is tradition that patients more play and transmit infected the mood for the rest, the Fundación Antena 3 reward them with the delivery of a Medal with which you want to recognize the merit of the effort.

School of the Centre fulfils its 45th anniversary

Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús is in public hospitals in Madrid, a pioneer in count among their benefits with a school during the school year allowing the child does not lose contact with school activities and can then continue their studies normally to join their lives normal.

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The community can share case histories with other autonomous communities.

The community can share case histories with other autonomies.

el Madrid health service incorporates effectively to project Digital clinical history of the national system of health.

-health care professionals consult patient data when they need care outside their own community

-Madrid, among the first to integrate this system in the future European electronic medical history

Madrid, August of 2011- the community of Madrid was incorporated effectively in project history clinic Digital of the national system of health (HCDSNS) to fulfill all the technical requirements of the Ministry of Health, Social policy and equality. This is the result of the work of implementation of the project developed by the Madrid health service.

The HCDSNS project aims to ensure access to relevant clinical information for health care of a patient from any place in the national health system, with security of access to these data is restricted only to citizens and health professionals who will be authorized. The project allows, in this way, that when a citizen moves outside their region of origin and required health care, their most relevant health data accessible to professionals that will assist you.

On 29 July, la Comunidad de Madrid consolidated its full draft HCDSNS incorporation technically overcome its transition to a new version of the application that will allow, in addition to the services described further integration in the electronic medical history at European level (project epSOS). This achievement placed the community in a position advanced in the project along with other autonomous communities such as Valencia, the Balearic Islands and La Rioja.

pilot project

during 2010 began the pilot phase of the project HCDSNS in Madrid in two of its hospitals, Gregorio Maranon and October 12. These hospitals have participated actively as a host clinical information centres, in particular in the services of radiation therapy, cardiac surgery and Pediatrics of Gregorio Marañón Hospital; and Pediatrics, cardiac surgery, Neurology, neurosurgery and maxillofacial surgery on Hospital maternal child on October 12. These services authorized professionals began to dispose of relevant clinical information in any non-resident citizen in Madrid requiring health care, provided in the autonomous community of origin it have information shared by the node from the Ministry.

At the end of last year, the community of Madrid exceeded tests required by the Ministry of health, Social policy and equality to establish the necessary connection with node, to enable authorized health professionals of these hospital services agree to clinical information through digital certificates of public employee with the assurance of security and confidentiality.

The following

During this second half of 2011, is expected to continue with the deployment in five large hospitals (Clínico San Carlos, Ramon and Cajal, Puerta de Hierro, La Paz and child Jesus) and start it by 25% of primary care health centers, to reach complete all professionals in primary care and specialized care in December 2012. In the same way, will be available to authorized health professionals in the public system of other autonomous access to electronic clinical information relevant to the people of Madrid if they require assistance outside the community of Madrid.

In the system health Madrid already exists the possibility of sharing electronic clinical information between primary and specialized professionals through the HORUS viewfinder that has been designed following the standards of the HCDSNS project and currently has nearly 25,000 users, more than 369,000 accounted for access and provides more than 87 million references to clinical episodes, of which more than 15 million have reports in the format e.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips