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Basques increasingly worry about preparing a travel kit for your holidays.

Basques increasingly worry about preparing a travel kit for their holidays.

which medications are essential to go travel?

-vizacaya pharmacists recommend prepare awareness kit trip prior to departure, depending on the destination, the age of travellers, the medications usually taken…

-disinfectant for priests, antidiarrheal, analgesics, post bites of insects, laxatives, antitussives, flu, something for the dizziness and condoms to prevent STDs can not miss in our Kit, as well as insect repellent sunscreen and insect (main carriers of diseases)

– “ from the pharmacy can assist travelers, both in medications to formats that are comfortable, and, above all in the indications for administration of medicinal products ”, says Sonia Saenz de Buruaga, Member of the College of pharmacists of Bizkaia

-travel to exotic countries, it is necessary to report recommended vaccines and view them in advance to have effect (minimum one month)

Bilbao, 2011-August holidays are a time of entertainment, but to be able to enjoy it is necessary to also take precautions. A small problem of health not chafe us the holidays can be achieved with a suitable travel kit. In fact, according to the sensation of own pharmacists, Basques increasingly worry more than carry the suitcase with the towel and bathing suit, a proper assortment of medicines for the case to which they are required.

Vizcaya pharmacies provide advice to travelers to choose the correct supply of medicines. “ Advise you on medications that must be in basic form, both on the type of drugs more comfortable formats and, especially in administration of these indications ”, says Sonia Saenz de Buruaga, Bilbao and vocal pharmaceutical of the official College of pharmacists of Bizkaia (COFBi), which delves into the importance of carrying a travel kit for “ according to the destination, there are medications that are basic and may not be easy to find ”.

The choice of medicines to take may vary depending on the destination, the age of those who travel (if there are children or elderly people), if you are pregnant, if you are taking any medications regularly, etc, but there are a number of drugs that are almost essential when it comes to going on vacation. Disinfectant for priests, antidiarrheal, analgesics, antiallergic, bites of insects, laxative, antitussive, flu, post something for dizziness and condoms to prevent the (STD) sexually transmitted diseases, are fundamental in the kit. also, the inclusion of the insect repellents, is recommended in most cases are those who transmitted diseases most serious and importantas well as a good sunscreen if we are going in search of the Sun.

Aware of vaccines

When the destination chosen for the holidays is an exotic country, it is possible that some kind of vaccine is recommended to avoid contracting diseases in that country. It is important to be attentive to the recommendations of each country, to make health services of their own and the advice of the pharmacist, since that does not manage a needed vaccine could lead to the spread of diseases that can be dangerous. In this respect, the Basques are not so fine with the usual travel kit, but “ we still lack some forecast ”, says Saenz de Buruaga.

First thing to consider is if the destination has recommended vaccines, as for its proper administration it should be remembered that the vaccines have guidelines and need time to make effect (minimum one month), irrespective of whether they are oral or injection. These requirements vary depending on the country, time of the year in which we travel, length of stay, and if the destination is urban, rural or directly jungle. “ The ideal is to go to our provinces outside health centres, and heeding the recommendations that will give us ”, advised the pharmaceutical.

Different vaccines to keep in mind, first of all there are a recommended regardless of the place of destination, immunizations that are included in the regular vaccine schedule, and that everyone should have a day: tétanos-difteria, paroditis, rubella, measles, polio, varicella, hepatitis B, etc. When it comes to travel, the most common destination tend to be of hepatitis A, typhoid fever and influenza. Then there are also some specific that depend on the type of trip to perform, which are, for example, those of Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, rabies and plague. For other diseases that have no vaccine, such as malaria or malaria, there are several drugs, and recommended one or the other depending on the chosen destination and the time of the year.

All vaccines except specific can be purchased at the pharmacy through the corresponding medical prescription, and the own pharmacist can advise in the form of administration, recommended pattern, expected side-effects and contraindications. The same apothecaries recommend not downplay the administration of these drugs. “ Not to vaccinate is can be become infected during the trip with some very serious disease and endangering even the life of the person; in fact, bearing in mind that there are diseases that are not detected immediately, because they have a long incubation period, must be monitored health even during a time at the turn of the holiday ”.

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Hospital Sant Joan is a pioneer in the community in the donations to stopped heart.

The Hospital Sant Joan is a pioneer in the community in the technique of the donation to heart stopped.

marks a year of the implementation of this procedure in the Center

– is one of the few Spanish centres that carry out this type of donation

Sant Juan, October 2010.- the unit of coordination of transplants of the Department of health Alicante – Sant Joan d ’ Alicante has become the first Community Centre in developing a stopped heart grant or donation program in asystolicspecializing in the removal of kidneys, serving now a year of its implementation.

This unit, composed of the DRA. Lorraine Peiró and the nurse sea Alba, featured during the last quarter of 2009 with a donor to these characteristics and the current year have already reported four cases. “What we value as a figure significant, taking into account that the potential donor must meet certain requirements (as being under 60 years of age, have had a tumour disease not malignant and have not been diabetic or hypertensive long-term, among others), as well as the difficulty of carrying out this technique and speed of action and rapport which is required to” “the different teams which take part in it”, noted Peiró.

In this sense, the donation to stationary heart requires a good infrastructure of the services involved: emergency, surgery, urology, UCI, SAMU, judges and medical examiners. “This has been possible by means of regular meetings between the unit for the coordination of transplants and the mentioned services, transmit them, in addition, illusion in the task”, added the officials, “there is a basic work with the SAMU, by raising awareness of the speed with which must deal with a potential donor (a patient suffers a heart stop and receive advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation without)” success for a long time (usually 30 minutes) “.”

Performance and development of the technical Protocol

In this case, the SAMU gives the warning to the CICU (coordination and emergency information center), and it communicates to the emergency room and the coordinators of transplants at the hospital at the time that comes the potential donor.
Thereafter, er continue maneuvers of resuscitation, and in case of death the Transplant Coordinator assesses whether the donor is valid or not, pursuant to the aforementioned requirements. Then, if the family accepts the donation has signing authority. Highlight the responsible, families are generally aware and often access to the donation.

If this happens, is the application of the technique, in which surgeons perform a groin pipe and placed catheters in an artery and a vein. Through them starts the phase of “perfusion” of the kidney (phase of cooling due to the spread of a fluid through the body).

“Times are fundamental.” There has to be witnesses to mark the moment of death; Thus times need to be accurate and requires that all work together. “As an example, since that is the case the stop heart until that begins the perfusion must within a maximum of one hour”, noted the head of the unit.

Renewal of a classic method

Hospital Sant Joan is one of the few Spanish centres that carry out this procedure, among which are hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid, clinic of Barcelona, and Virgen de las Nieves in Granada, among others. From the ONT (national transplant organisation) and the regional coordination of transplants of the region is intended to promote this type of donation.

Currently, the donation in asystolic in more hospitals due to a decline in donor Classics (for Encephalic death), as a result of the decrease in traffic accidents and, on the other hand, advances experienced in the field of neurosurgery is promoting. Therefore, it is a valid way to contemplate, but mindful that requires a running time, as well as a major collective effort.

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“The application of biomedical image in cardiology allows us to investigate innovative technologies to address the problems of current therapies and improve their future effectiveness.”

“ The application of biomedical image in cardiology allows us to investigate innovative technologies to address the problems of current therapies and improve its future effectiveness ”.

as pointed out by Dr. José Ángel Cabrera, Chief of Cardiology of Quirón Madrid.

-project Cenit for the Ministry of science and innovation CVREMOD: convergence of medical technologies for the integrated management of the Cardiovascular remodelling, today presented his initiative and evolution in first year since its inception underway within the framework of the Congress of the Spanish society of Cardiology held in Valencia

-Congressdedicated to the study of cardiovascular disease, has gathered to the exponents in the scope of the study and treatment of these pathologies

Valencia, October 2010- the emergence and development of new technologies has led to a qualitative leap in the performance of biomedical images and their direct transfer on the improvement of cardiovascular Diagnostics. Although the current clinical practice related to cardiovascular disease has at its disposal a wide range of interventionist and medical treatments, there are still many questions to answer both basic knowledge and its implementation in actual clinical practice, where therapies are optimized for each patient. According to Dr. José Ángel Cabrera, Chief of the service of Cardiology Hospital Chiron Madrid, “ advances in biomedical image are allowing certain diseases early diagnosis, to a greater precision. These allow us to evaluate early and objectively the changes individually for each patient for treatment, putting a series of new tools, along with the usual clinical methodology available to health professionals, will enhance the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment focused on the individual patient ”

CVREMOD aims at the assessment of the mechanisms of the remodeled cardiovascular with the highest mortality, researching innovative and integrated technologies to address the existing problems in current therapies and improve its effectiveness and suitability for each patient, addressing comprehensively in the different phases of the cycle of health care. “ The current vision of health systems should not be focusing on therapeutic acts or medical diagnoses isolated, but addressing the patient’s life or a particular clinical condition of integrative and comprehensive manner. In CVREMOD adopted a comprehensive vision to treat all stages of the cycle of health, from diagnosis to treatment, based on the understanding of the pathophysiology combined with efficient strategies for monitoring and prevention ”, said Dr. Marta Sitges, Coordinator of cardiac image of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.

Dr. Roberto Sanz, engineer of research biomedical of the Group of quantification of Chiron Valencia Hospital, has commented on the evolution and development of this ambitious project stressing “ the close collaboration between the different working groups with the realization of earlier versions and prototypes of population-based cardiac atlas, new textile tools of signal acquisition and the development and implementation of new algorithms which will result in the simulation tool that will be validated in the third year by the clinical setting involved in the project ”

CVREMOD project has been designed to provide an improved response coordinating and consolidating the necessary critical mass within Spanish ecosystem of technology, so that support to the Spanish industry of medical products and attract to Spain investment r & d of multinational companies in the sector. In this way, will be achieved make the competitive r & d worldwide, resolutely committed to leadership and visibility of Spain in this area.

The CVREMOD project aims at:

1. Validate computational physiological models by understanding the basic mechanisms involved in the cardiovascular remodeling through animal experimentation

2. Enable pervasive monitoring of multidimensional patient physiological information and integrate it in hospital information systems

3. View the mechanisms of cardiovascular remodeled through advanced image protocols, new contrast media and techniques of image posproceso

4. Extend the use of computational models to help in the advanced planning of interventions minimally invasive

5. Transfer the knowledge generated to six clinical stages of clinical evaluation and demonstration

the research being carried out in two distinct groups. On the one hand, the axis clinical Experimental, where there are specific evaluation scenarios, including animal experiments and clinical validation; and, on the other hand, the technological axis, where they investigate and develop new technologies in key areas defined beforehand by the experimental clinical axis.

Participating private entities are: AB Biotics industrial productions of Microbiotas, Atos Origin, Quirón hospital, Philips healthcare, Plastiasite, RGB Medical Devices, Sorin Group Spain, Transmural Biotech hospital, UDIAT Centre diagnosis.

The research organizations involved are: Association Center for cooperative research in biomaterials (CIC biomaGUNE), technological centre Cetemmsa, Fundació Clínic per a the biomedical research of the Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona, Fundació Privada ASCAMM, Foundation Doctor Peset, Institute of computer applications (IAC3)Institut d ’ Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universidad de Valladolid.

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Experts discussed different aspects of cardiovascular disease in the week of the heart.

Experts addressed different aspects of CVD in the week of the heart.

-the next Monday, November 8, starts a new edition of the week of the heart in Donostia, organized by the Association Bihotz Bizi-heart live, with the collaboration of Policlínica Gipuzkoa which will host the Conference

-the program will feature a series of conferences to address cardiac rehabilitation, risk factors, the new horizons in research on factors of growth or erectile dysfunction in operated from the heart, among others

-talks, with free admission, will take place in the Athenaeum of Policlínica Gipuzkoa, from 8 to 12 November to 19,30 hours

Donostia-San Sebastián, November 2010- the Association for information and prevention of disease Cardiovascular Bihotz Bizi – heart alive has organized a new edition of the week of the heart in Guipuzcoa, which will take place next week, from 8 to 12 November.

Under the motto spread by the Spanish Heart Foundation “ lightened your heart, being overweight is a risk ”, a cycle of lectures given by six medical specialists that address different aspects of cardiovascular disease has been scheduled for this year. These actions aim to bring to the public as an attractive and informative way the impact of cardiovascular disease and the importance in research into their treatment.

On Monday, November 8, the first Conference will focus on the cardiac rehabilitation and her taught Dr. Jesus San Vicente, responsible for the service in cardiac rehabilitation of the Donostia Hospital, which will be released to attendees content and operation of these programmes, as well as its benefits and guidelines to follow.

The programme will continue on Tuesday, February 9, with the talk “ erectile dysfunction in patients of heart ”, who taught doctors Ion Madina and Javier Azparren, Policlínica Gipuzkoa urologists.

The “ processing of industrial casualties for sufferers of heart ” will be the title of the Conference to be held on Wednesday, November 10, conducted by Dr. Andrés Alonso, head of disability of the Cabinet legal Dr. Ochoa, of Bilbao.

They closed the cycle two papers which will be held on Thursday, Dr Javier Montes, Policlínica Gipuzkoa cardiologist and Dr. Ignacio Gallo, Policlínica Gipuzkoa Cardiovascular surgeon. They will address the importance of healthy life habits as well as the latest advances in cardiac surgery with growth factors.

Under the title “ lightened your heart, being overweight is a risk ”, Dr. Montes will discuss risk factors associated with being overweight, obesity-related diseases and will offer some tips for healthy living. For his part, Dr. Gallo will be the growth factors in cardiac surgery, as well as the latest in this line of research that it has been developed and applied in the past few years.

2010 Heart week

All the conferences will take place in the Athenaeum of Policlínica Gipuzkoa, to 19,30 hours.

Monday, November 8: Conference.
“ Benefits of cardiac rehabilitation ”. (Free entry)

Speaker: Dr. San Vicente. Cardiac Rehabilitation Hospital Donostia service

Tuesday, November 9: Conference.
“ Erectile dysfunction in patients of heart ”. (Free entry)

Speakers: Dres. Ion Madina and Javier Azparren. Policlínica Gipuzkoa urologists

Wednesday, November 10: Conference. (Free entry)
“ Processing of industrial casualties for sufferers of heart ”

speakers: Dr. Andrés Alonso. Head of legal Cabinet disabilities Dr. Ochoa.

Thursday, November 11: Conference.
“ Lightened your heart. Being overweight is a risk ” and “ growth factors in cardiac surgery ” (free entrance)

speakers: Dr. Javier Montes, Policlínica Gipuzkoa cardiologist. Dr. Ignacio Gallo, Vice President and cardiovascular surgeon of Policlínica Gipuzkoa.

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Life after heart surgery.

Life after surgery heart.

in La Rioja, half of cardiovascular patients do not control the factors of risk

-the prestigious cardiovascular surgeon, Ignacio Gallo Mezo, Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery and hemodynamics of the Hospital Viamed Los Manzanos service will deliver the lecture “ life after heart surgery ” within the cycle “ health classroom ”. On this occasion the surgeon will be accompanied by a clinical psychologist from Los Manzanos Viamed Hospital, Rosa María Hidalgo and the President of the Association of La Rioja heart transplant, John V. of the Poplar

– “ return to normal with the best possible quality and reduce the risk of relapse is the objective to achieve after surgery heart ”, explain the cardiovascular and surgeon “ the so-called secondary prevention is very important that the patient learn to control risk factors: high blood pressure, cholesterol, overweight, obesity and diabetes and learn cardiosaludable habits to avoid smoking, poor diet, lack of physical exercise and depression ”

-to accept the new reality, requires resignations and both the patient’s commitments of their family environment, solve your doubts, facilitate the return to work, restructure relationships … is very important psychological support, psychological group therapy and relaxation techniques oriented toward the control of stressful situations

-the Conference will have in place today, Tuesday, November 9 at 20.00 p.m. at Centro Cultural de Caja Rioja-Gran Vía in Gran via 2 and will have a sign language interpreter to facilitate accessibility to people with hearing difficulties. The entrance is free.

Logroño, November 2010- This month the Los Manzanos Viamed Hospital health classroom and Caja Rioja Foundation devoted his speech to the disease cardiovascular and, more specifically, the day after heart surgery. To this end, there will be two rapporteurs of exception, the cardiac surgeon and Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery and hemodynamics of the Viamed Los Manzanos Hospital services, Dr Ignacio Gallo and as a patient, the President of the Association of transplanted heart in La Rioja, John v. The Alamo. As an expert in the management of emotions, anxiety States, etc. to be able to provide their important professional advice, will attend the psychologist from Los Manzanos Viamed Hospital, Rosa María Hidalgo.

Classroom health will take place today Tuesday, November 9, in the Hall of Caja Rioja Foundation of Gran Vía, at 2000 hours, with entry free, as on other occasions.

The high incidence of this disease gives hope to the organizers that there will be a great attendance. In La Rioja, if we analyse the mortality by age, we note that cardiovascular diseases are among the three leading causes of death in the age group 45 to 54 years for males and 65 to 74 years for women. After 75 years, these diseases occupy first place in both sexes.

In the same way, has already undergone a cardiovascular episode or suffers an illness of this type, they can reduce the chances of return to suffer acute coronary episodes if risk factors are controlled, comply with the treatment prescribed by your doctor and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, in the light of the recent published studies it is estimated that more than half of patients with prior cardiovascular events do not conveniently control their cholesterol or blood pressure numbers, continue smoking more than 20% and 30% are obese.

According to the latest study published in the year 2000 on the risk factors in La Rioja, is 50 per cent of diagnosed patients do not adequately control their life habits. Thus emerges from the study by 56.4% showed values colesterolemia high (61% male, 52 per cent women); 46.3% had high blood pressure (53.4% male and 32.4 per cent women); they were smoking 31.8% (39% men and 25% women) and almost half the population was sedentary, being more this situation in women (61%) than men (42%). 12.3% Of the women and 13.5 per cent of men had obesity.

At least 36.9% of the population, had a modifiable risk factor. Because of the ageing of the population and the persistence of the factors of risk, despite a better health care; morbidity and mortality for a cardiovascular episode will increase over the coming decades, according to experts. And despite the knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors various studies show that the control of them is far from optimal.

According to data from the national survey, the autonomous community of La Rioja exceeds the national average in childhood obesity and overweight in adulthood. Classroom health tips and guidelines for aid will be offered to enhance these trends.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips