Basques increasingly worry about preparing a travel kit for your holidays.
Basques increasingly worry about preparing a travel kit for their holidays.
which medications are essential to go travel?
-vizacaya pharmacists recommend prepare awareness kit trip prior to departure, depending on the destination, the age of travellers, the medications usually taken…
-disinfectant for priests, antidiarrheal, analgesics, post bites of insects, laxatives, antitussives, flu, something for the dizziness and condoms to prevent STDs can not miss in our Kit, as well as insect repellent sunscreen and insect (main carriers of diseases)
– “ from the pharmacy can assist travelers, both in medications to formats that are comfortable, and, above all in the indications for administration of medicinal products ”, says Sonia Saenz de Buruaga, Member of the College of pharmacists of Bizkaia
-travel to exotic countries, it is necessary to report recommended vaccines and view them in advance to have effect (minimum one month)
Bilbao, 2011-August holidays are a time of entertainment, but to be able to enjoy it is necessary to also take precautions. A small problem of health not chafe us the holidays can be achieved with a suitable travel kit. In fact, according to the sensation of own pharmacists, Basques increasingly worry more than carry the suitcase with the towel and bathing suit, a proper assortment of medicines for the case to which they are required.
Vizcaya pharmacies provide advice to travelers to choose the correct supply of medicines. “ Advise you on medications that must be in basic form, both on the type of drugs more comfortable formats and, especially in administration of these indications ”, says Sonia Saenz de Buruaga, Bilbao and vocal pharmaceutical of the official College of pharmacists of Bizkaia (COFBi), which delves into the importance of carrying a travel kit for “ according to the destination, there are medications that are basic and may not be easy to find ”.
The choice of medicines to take may vary depending on the destination, the age of those who travel (if there are children or elderly people), if you are pregnant, if you are taking any medications regularly, etc, but there are a number of drugs that are almost essential when it comes to going on vacation. Disinfectant for priests, antidiarrheal, analgesics, antiallergic, bites of insects, laxative, antitussive, flu, post something for dizziness and condoms to prevent the (STD) sexually transmitted diseases, are fundamental in the kit. also, the inclusion of the insect repellents, is recommended in most cases are those who transmitted diseases most serious and importantas well as a good sunscreen if we are going in search of the Sun.
Aware of vaccines
When the destination chosen for the holidays is an exotic country, it is possible that some kind of vaccine is recommended to avoid contracting diseases in that country. It is important to be attentive to the recommendations of each country, to make health services of their own and the advice of the pharmacist, since that does not manage a needed vaccine could lead to the spread of diseases that can be dangerous. In this respect, the Basques are not so fine with the usual travel kit, but “ we still lack some forecast ”, says Saenz de Buruaga.
First thing to consider is if the destination has recommended vaccines, as for its proper administration it should be remembered that the vaccines have guidelines and need time to make effect (minimum one month), irrespective of whether they are oral or injection. These requirements vary depending on the country, time of the year in which we travel, length of stay, and if the destination is urban, rural or directly jungle. “ The ideal is to go to our provinces outside health centres, and heeding the recommendations that will give us ”, advised the pharmaceutical.
Different vaccines to keep in mind, first of all there are a recommended regardless of the place of destination, immunizations that are included in the regular vaccine schedule, and that everyone should have a day: tétanos-difteria, paroditis, rubella, measles, polio, varicella, hepatitis B, etc. When it comes to travel, the most common destination tend to be of hepatitis A, typhoid fever and influenza. Then there are also some specific that depend on the type of trip to perform, which are, for example, those of Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, rabies and plague. For other diseases that have no vaccine, such as malaria or malaria, there are several drugs, and recommended one or the other depending on the chosen destination and the time of the year.
All vaccines except specific can be purchased at the pharmacy through the corresponding medical prescription, and the own pharmacist can advise in the form of administration, recommended pattern, expected side-effects and contraindications. The same apothecaries recommend not downplay the administration of these drugs. “ Not to vaccinate is can be become infected during the trip with some very serious disease and endangering even the life of the person; in fact, bearing in mind that there are diseases that are not detected immediately, because they have a long incubation period, must be monitored health even during a time at the turn of the holiday ”.
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