The first bio on Spain device has been implanted.
Has been implanted the first bio in Spain device
-two interventions with this revolutionary type of stents, is carried out on the morning of the last Wednesday in the Hospital ClÃnico San Carlos Madrid, carried out by Dr. Carlos Macaya, Chief of the cardiology service and President of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC); the DRA. Rosa Ana Hernández AntolÃn, section chief of the unit of hemodynamics and Cardiovascular Institute interventional cardiology and DRA. Nieves Gonzalo, doctor hemodynamic attached
-interventions are part of the research study Absorb Extend, which analyzes the metabolization of coronary device
-bioabsorbable device functions the regular stent, but degrade over time, disappearing completely from the body of the patient in less than a year
Madrid, 2010-December the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) is pleased to announce the introduction of the first device bio Spain.
Throughout the morning of last Wednesday, has been made two speeches that had been introduced, for the first time in Spain, this revolutionary type of stent to two patients with coronary heart disease. These operations have taken place in the Hospital ClÃnico San Carlos Madrid, carried out by Dr. Carlos Macaya Chief of service of Cardiology and Chairman of the SEC; the DRA. Rosa Ana Hernández AntolÃn, section chief of the unit of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the Cardiovascular Institute of the Hospital ClÃnico San Carlos of Madrid and DRA. Nieves Gonzalo, Assistant physician of hemodynamics.
Interventions are part of the research study Absorb Extend that analyzes the metabolization of coronary device to demonstrate the incredible benefits of this type of devices on the patient but “ is very likely that in 2012 and we find this type of stents in Spanish hospitals on a regular basis ”, explains Dr. Carlos Macaya.
In recent times, the Interventional Cardiology has come a long way thanks to the advent of stents, significantly reducing the mortality and morbidity in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Even so, it is necessary to continue working in this area to improve the safety of patients that carry this type of prosthesis, because during the first year, between 1.5 and 3 per cent of them suffer a late thrombosis and 0.6 per cent per annum make it past this period.
The late thrombosis responds to the formation of a blood clot in the metal structure of the stent, that can lead to a sudden and unexpected attack with serious clinical consequences. A long-lasting with antiplatelet therapy is needed to treat.
Although the percentages of patients suffering from side effects with traditional stents are very low, to avoid these inconveniences, the technology has continued to make progress up to create the bioabsorbable devices.
This type of device serves the usual stent but is transient, degrades over time until eventually disappear completely from the body of the patient in a period of between two months and one year. These new devices also allow the patient passed this time, enjoy a few arteries returning to dilate and shrink according to the needs of the Agency. The vessels return to behave dynamically.
Bioabsorbable devices consist of non-toxic polymers, such as acid, poliláctido or magnesium alloys. The particles are excreted and metabolized in the same way that the points of suture.
“ The device has the potential to revolutionize how we treat the patients with coronary artery disease. In fact, if this therapeutic option continues to function as indicated by the promising data so far, could benefit from it virtually all cases of angioplastias in Spain, which are more than 70,000 patients annually ”, concludes Dr. Macaya.
Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC)
The Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) is a scientific and professional organization non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.
addition, the SEC has among its principal objectives contribute to international research, especially European and Latin American, to create national and international linkages for the development of actions and represent all interested professionals in the field of cardiology.
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