Boston Scientific Announces the first implants in Spain coronary stent for cromo platino OMEGA (TM).
Boston Scientific Announces the first coronary stent in cromo-platino OMEGA Tm. Spain implant
-third-generation metal Stent implanted in Spain
Madrid, March of 2011. Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BS) announced on Monday the first implant in Spain of metallic stent in cromo-platino OMEGA (TM), which recently received the CE mark. This first implant was carried out by Professor Mariano Valdés, head of the Department of Cardiology of the Hospital Universitario Virgen of the Arrixaca of Murcia. OMEGA incorporates a unique alloy of cromo-platino (PtCr), designed specifically for coronary stents, and aims to provide the interventionist cardiologists metallic stent for best performance for the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis.
“The new generation of cromo-platino Stenting, offer superior in comparison to the previous generation performance that represent a significant step forward in the proceedings with conventional stents and improvements that could simplify the interventions and allow a greater variety of patients to receive treatment,” says Professor Mariano ValdésHead of service of Cardiology of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. “Its innovative design makes me enormously the navigability and better visibility with which just providing greater security in comparison with previous generations”.
OMEGA is part of the family of stents Boston Scientific cromo-platino the PROMUS Element â„¢ everolimus-eluting stent and TAXUS r Element Tm paclitaxel-eluting stent. The three have the novel alloy of PtCr and an innovative design, which combine to offer a greater radial strength and flexibility, while minimizing the recoil of the stent. The highest density of alloy provides better visibility, allowing at the same time reducing the profile of the legs of the stent compared to previous generations [1]. The release also has been optimized, consists of a double-layer ball designed to improve access to the most difficult injury.
OMEGA is available in 48 sizes with diameters of 2.25 mm 4,50 mm and lengths of 8 mm to 32 mm.
Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in Europe and in the European Union (EU). More than one third of all cardiovascular deaths are caused by coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death in the EU (see).
Disease arterial coronary (EAC) occurs when the atherosclerotic plaque (hardening of the arteries) builds up on the wall of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. The process of atherosclerosis causes significant narrowing in one or more coronary arteries – and if we add the formation of a clot (thrombus) in the upper part of the plate, artery blocks altogether which can cause a heart attack. Interruption of the supply of oxygen and nutrition due to a heart attack leading to ischemia and later necrosis of tissues of the heart that may lead to the death of the person concerned.
About Boston Scientific
Boston Scientific is a company dedicated to the development, manufacture and marketing of medical devices around the world, and its products are used in a wide range of medical specialties interventionists.
[1] Based on bench testing. Data on file with Boston Scientific.
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