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Boston Scientific Announces the first implants in Spain coronary stent for cromo platino OMEGA (TM).

Boston Scientific Announces the first coronary stent in cromo-platino OMEGA Tm. Spain implant

-third-generation metal Stent implanted in Spain

Madrid, March of 2011. Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BS) announced on Monday the first implant in Spain of metallic stent in cromo-platino OMEGA (TM), which recently received the CE mark. This first implant was carried out by Professor Mariano Valdés, head of the Department of Cardiology of the Hospital Universitario Virgen of the Arrixaca of Murcia. OMEGA incorporates a unique alloy of cromo-platino (PtCr), designed specifically for coronary stents, and aims to provide the interventionist cardiologists metallic stent for best performance for the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis.

“The new generation of cromo-platino Stenting, offer superior in comparison to the previous generation performance that represent a significant step forward in the proceedings with conventional stents and improvements that could simplify the interventions and allow a greater variety of patients to receive treatment,” says Professor Mariano ValdésHead of service of Cardiology of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. “Its innovative design makes me enormously the navigability and better visibility with which just providing greater security in comparison with previous generations”.

OMEGA is part of the family of stents Boston Scientific cromo-platino the PROMUS Element â„¢ everolimus-eluting stent and TAXUS r Element Tm paclitaxel-eluting stent. The three have the novel alloy of PtCr and an innovative design, which combine to offer a greater radial strength and flexibility, while minimizing the recoil of the stent. The highest density of alloy provides better visibility, allowing at the same time reducing the profile of the legs of the stent compared to previous generations [1]. The release also has been optimized, consists of a double-layer ball designed to improve access to the most difficult injury.

OMEGA is available in 48 sizes with diameters of 2.25 mm 4,50 mm and lengths of 8 mm to 32 mm.

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in Europe and in the European Union (EU). More than one third of all cardiovascular deaths are caused by coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death in the EU (see).

Disease arterial coronary (EAC) occurs when the atherosclerotic plaque (hardening of the arteries) builds up on the wall of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. The process of atherosclerosis causes significant narrowing in one or more coronary arteries – and if we add the formation of a clot (thrombus) in the upper part of the plate, artery blocks altogether which can cause a heart attack. Interruption of the supply of oxygen and nutrition due to a heart attack leading to ischemia and later necrosis of tissues of the heart that may lead to the death of the person concerned.

About Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific is a company dedicated to the development, manufacture and marketing of medical devices around the world, and its products are used in a wide range of medical specialties interventionists.


[1] Based on bench testing. Data on file with Boston Scientific.

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50% Of the people which has been placed a saphenous vein bypass will need a reoperation after ten years.

50% of the people which has been placed a saphenous vein bypass will need a reoperation after ten years.

-more than twenty cardiologists interventionist representatives of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) involved to date Friday during the prestigious international interventional cardiology EuroPCR, which this year is taking place in Paris.

– participants in the course include the President of the SEC, Dr. Carlos Macaya, who will act together with Dr. Javier Escaned as a moderator of one of the symposia of interest and focus on how to cope with the bypass secondary.

– Symposium, experts discuss how avoiding the high number of repeat that occur after the placement of a bypass. Will be also broadcast live five interventions of this kind from the Hospital Clínico de Madrid.

-another Spanish representative, Dr. Francisco Javier Goicolea, President of the section of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the SEC, will participate along with the Portuguese society of Cardiology in the session “ Invasive strategies for STEMI initially treated with fibrinolysis: a case-based discussion ”.

Paris, 2011-may coinciding with a new edition of the international course on Interventional Cardiology EuroPCR, which is taking place in Paris, members of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) will participate in various meetings, including participation in a plenary Symposium on secondary revascularisationregarded as one of the most important tables of course.

plenary session is divided into two sections, the first, “ Restenosis in DES: an unfrequent but complex diagnostic and therapeutic problem ” will be moderate by Dr. Javier Escaned, Member of the SEC and Interventional cardiologist of the Institute Cardiovascular of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos Madrid; and the second, “ Secondary Revascularisation of saphenous vein graft attrition: complex decisions in high-risk patients ”, by Dr. Carlos Macaya, President of SEC.

the secondary revascularisation is a reoperation to be performed when the bypass of saphenous vein (vein of the leg) is some sort of complication as the reappearance of the clot or narrowing of the arteries.

coronary bypass is the most common cardiac intervention in Spain. Each year between 8,000 and 10,000 people benefit from success this intervention carried out because the arteries become clogged by an accumulation of fat and need to create a new route or bypass around the artery to improve blood flow to the heart.

the operation consists of sewing a section from a vein from the leg (saphenous vein) or an artery in his chest, or another part of the body in order to circumvent section blocked or damaged coronary artery. The procedure creates a new route which can flow the blood that the heart muscle can receive blood rich in oxygen it needs to function properly.

Unlike the mammary artery bypass or other types, which are seldom clog, 50% of cases of saphenous vein bypass will need to be operated within ten years. “ are the people that are reintervenidas usually patients with high cardiovascular risk because they are elderly people, who have many years suffering from this diseasethat have already been subjected to other complicated surgery and they also have a higher cormobilidad. In these cases, your cardiologist will know react correctly, if it has to solve it with a second surgery (esternotomía) or via a percutaneous intervention by placing a stent ” tells Dr. Carlos Macaya.

“ there is no single solution to this intervention, depends on the characteristics of each patient and the type of condition. What is important is to implement use among cardiologists embolic protection devices, since they may reduce by 30% the embolization through the placement of a stent ”, says Dr. Macaya.

there are various types of embolic protection devices, although the most commonly used is the use of an umbrella, which allows the passage of blood but not of the thrombus, thus facilitating their future extraction.

“ failure in the placement of the saphenous vein bypass tends to produce a new emergence of stenosis, in other words, by the narrowing of the coronary artery. This is because, in many cases, the placement of stents in complex in bifucarciones or in the core anatomical areas. Therefore it is important that, to treat patients with these complications, has a multidisciplinary team, both with interventionist cardiologists and clinical cardiologists, to be able to assess better what option take ”, declared Dr. Javier Escaned.

on the assessment of the participation Spanish in this new session of EuroPCR, Dr. Macaya declares that “ is important to high Spanish participation in the Symposium, as well as acting as moderators, Hospital Clínic in Madrid will speak live to five patients and these cases will be discussed by experts who addressed the Symposium ”.

among other Spanish participants, members of the section of hemodynamics of the SEC will also have a prominent role in EuroPCR. as noted Dr. Francisco Javier Goicolea, President of the section of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the SEC, “ although we participate in several sessions there is one which is particularly relevant as we carry out it together with the Portuguese society of cardiology. At the meeting, called ‘ Invasive strategies for STEMI initially treated with fibrinolysis: a case-based discussion ’ discuss what to do after a Thrombolysis that occurs after a myocardial infarction. ”

Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC).

the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) is a scientific and professional non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.

in addition, the SEC has among its main objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating links to national and international development actions, and representing all professionals interested in the field of cardiology.

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New bodies created from stem cells.

New bodies created from cells mother.

-VIII Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Cardiovascular Innovations

– the “ VIII Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Cardiovascular Innovations ” is held at the headquarters of the Consejo Superior de scientific research CSIC (c / Serrano 117) in Madrid on 9 and 10 June

Madrid, June of 2011- directed by Prof. Francisco Fernández-AvilésHead of service of Cardiology of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon, this scientific event has established itself as the most important meeting of the world on medicine related to the cardiovascular application of stem cells and tissue engineering techniques.
Development of progress on regenerative medicine will have a space in this Symposium as novelty will feature an extensive section especially destined to the critical mass of young researchers, which will have the opportunity to present their latest scientists.

Participation as speakers of more than 60 experts arrived from many countries, the meeting serves to exchange knowledge and develop in-depth discussions on the main developments related to stem cell-based therapy. It analyze both the progress made in this field and the obstacles encountered in the implementation of this type of regenerative therapy in a realistic way.

The topics addressed include the application of genetics in daily clinical practice, developments in the application of stem cells for heart repair. So they analyze and discuss recent advances in animal experimentation and presents the results of various clinical studies in Europe and the USA, which discussed the usefulness in human cells derived from fat, bone marrow and other origins.

Also analyze the biotechnological advances aimed at preventing and combating the heart failure, including the implant of heart valves with catheter, advances in transplantation and preservation of organs and mechanical assistance procedures circulatory. particular importance is the presentation and discussion of advances in applied tissue engineering storiesn, and in particular what has been until now in the manufacture of organs or tissues bioartificial through decelularización and recellularization of structures derived from body procedures.

Prof. Francisco Fernández-Avilés

another aspect of great importance is the pulmonary hypertension. Rare but devastating, disease that requires an effort of research and innovation essential. This issue raises issue that surrounds this old drama and there is the potential role that can be played in it stem cells and other innovations.

Prof. Francisco Fernández-Avilés, Director of the Symposium had stressed that “ cell therapy for cardiac regeneration has advanced dramatically, but remains still at a preliminary stage with a level of development that depends on available cells of the clinical situation facing patients.

In patients with acute myocardial infarction is where most has matured this kind of treatment. We know that cells derived from bone marrow in these patients are safe and produce a significant additional benefit on the heart function compared with standard therapy. Under its seventh framework programme, the European Union has funded more than 6 million Euros from a pan-European study on a large scale in which, with the participation of 31 research groups in 21 countries, consider the impact of this therapy on survival and quality of life of 3000 patients. The results of this study will finally define the usefulness of this treatment ”.

Fernández-Avilés also pointed out that “ in patients with chronic heart disease the maturity of this type of research is not so great. It is known that cells can be applied with relative ease and total security and has progressed a lot in the development of systems of navigation and catheters which allow safe and accurate way to implement these treatments in these high risk patients. However, although some derivatives of the fat cells show encouraging results, the effects on the heart function are more subtle than those observed in patients acute in these patients the destroyed tissue is very large. You need cells with greater plasticity. Hope in this field are the iPSCs (induced pluripotent cells) ”

for patients with terminal heart disease Fernández-Avilés Prof says that “ isolated from stem cells administration plays no role or will play it ever, given that this situation has lost functioning heart tissue and three-dimensional structure which holds. The injection of cells in this situation not never fix the problem. In this type of patients the only alternative to the conventional transplantation is the application of tissue engineering to obtain organs bioartificial from decelularizadas and recelularizadas body structures. Advances that are taking place in this field are enormous, but we are more incipient phase of what will be the development ”.

East “ VIII Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Cardiovascular Innovations ” is organized by the service of Cardiology of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Madrid), with the collaboration of the Institute of Sciences of the heart (ICICOR) of the Hospital Clínico-Universitario of Valladolid, the thematic network Research Cardiovascular of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RECAVA), the thematic network of therapy cell of the Institute of health Carlos III (TERCEL), the Group of Cellular therapy applied to myocardial infarction (TECAM – Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, the Institute of biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Valladolid and the Institute of Sciences in the heart of the Hospital Clínico-Universitario of Valladolid) and the European society of Cardiology (Task Force on Stem Cell Regeneration of the) (Heart).

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Primary angioplasty is positioned in Spain as the technique more used to a myocardial infarction.

primary angioplasty is positioned in Spain as the technique most used before a heart attack of myocardium.

22ND annual section meeting of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the SEC.

– in the framework of the 22ND annual meeting of the section of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology, Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) which was held in Valencia, the success of the Stent For Life initiative, devised by the European Society of Cardiology has corroborated and which helps the SEC, it has managed to increase by 6.5 per cent the number of primary angioplastias to a heart attack of myocardium.

– during the meeting, the national registry of activity data were also presented in interventional cardiology and showing a growth of more than 100% in coronary interventions in the past 10 years.

– Registry TAVI, (transcatéter of aortic valve implantation) has done for the first time in Spain. TAVI is a technique carried out on patients who suffer from aortic stenosis and show contraindications to surgery. This record, presented during the meeting, has proved a success for 94 per cent among the patients implanted.

– The register TAVI has been made thanks to the collaboration of the section of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the Spanish society of surgery Torácica-Cardiovascular and the support of SEC.

valencia, June 2011.- section of hemodynamics & interventional cardiology, Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) held their annual meeting, the most important which took place in Spain on this subject. During this meeting the national registry of activity data have been presented in interventional cardiology, who has shown a growth of more than 100% in coronary interventions in the last 10 years (from 31.290 interventions in 2001 to 64.331 in 2010).

success in Spain of the initiative Stent For Life.

according to the national register of activity in interventional cardiology, Spain has increased by 6.5 per cent employment of primary angioplasty as a technique to a heart attack (AMI), which makes this technique as most used by cardiologists above fibrinolysis.

primary angioplasty is the occlusion of the coronary artery by means of mechanical destruction of the clot to then deploy a stent (MeSH) to resolve the underlying tightness. On the contrary, the fibrinolysis consists of the administration of drugs that dissolve the clot desobstruyendo glass bottle capping.

“ Spanish cardiologists to prefer the use of primary angioplasty as a response to a heart attack, is the result of the success of the Stent For Life initiative, devised by the European Society of Cardiology, which also involved the SEC ” emphasizes Dr. Javier Goicolea, President of the hemodynamics & interventional cardiology of the SEC. section

in Spain 2010 were an average of 235 primary angioplastias for every million inhabitants. Navarre, with 410 primary angioplastias per million inhabitants is the autonomous community that more interventions has done; While Valencia, with 122 angioplastias, is the least.

“ this difference of interventions is due to the lack of centralized, promoted and supported by the different health administrations ”, concludes Dr. Goicolea

TAVI, an effective alternative to conventional surgery in replacement of aortic in patients of high risk.

section of hemodynamics and interventional cardiology in the SEC and the Spanish society of surgery Torácica-Cardiovascular, developed for the first time in Spain TAVI registration, which collects and analyzes the results of interventions TAVI (impantación aortic valve transcatéter) in patients who suffer from aortic stenosis and which may not be operated by the be considered high risk. conventional surgery

aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the aortic valve which reduces the flow of blood from the heart. It is the disease’s most common heart valve in the West, which affects 2% of the population over 65 years, 3 per cent of persons aged 75 years and 4 per cent over the age of 85.

make a surgical replacement of the aortic valve open heart becomes necessary in these cases, since if the intervention is not performed, the survival of patients after three years of the diagnosis of the disease is less than 30 per cent. However, there is a large number of people affected cannot operate because of contraindications and high surgical risk posed by the operation.

in this situation, in recent years has developed the technique TAVI, implement via the transfemoral aortic valve (through the femoral artery) or transapical (through a small incision through the ribs).

“ this technique implies a decrease in the risk of patients during the intervention, that prevents the opening of the heart, postoperative time is much less ” says Dr. Goicolea.

the registry TAVI, presented this morning, has proved a success of 94% in patients that this intervention was conducted in 2010 in Spain, patients who were not eligible to receive conventional surgery. Thus, 30 days of the intervention, mortality among these patients was 7%.

Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC).

the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) is a scientific and professional non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.

the SEC has among its principal objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating national and international links for the development of actions and represent all interested professionals in the field of cardiology.

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Get “Face plant to the heart”, a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of establishing areas cardioprotegidas.

Becomes “ expensive plant to infarction ”, a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of establishing areas cardioprotegidas.

mortality from cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Spain

– every 20 minutes produced in our country a stopped heart and six of every 10 affected die before reaching the hospital. Mortality from cardiovascular disease accounts for 32.5 per cent of the total

– every minute of delay in resuscitation maneuvers decreases the chances of survival between 7 and 10 per cent, still, 42 per cent of patients not no resuscitation maneuver is practiced before the arrival of the medical equipment

– it is estimated that every year increases 1.5% the number of cases of angina and heart that entered the Spanish hospitals

-the campaign mission is educate the public of the need to implement cardioprotegidas areas, installing portable defibrillators on key points: sports centres, companies, hotels, gyms, schools

Madrid, 2011-June aiming to educate the citizens of the importance of prevention and the need to implement cardioprotegidas with defibrillators portá areaslaptops at key points such as schools, gyms, hotels, or sports centres, among others, the campaign set in motion “ expensive plant to infarction ”, with the collaboration of Oxidoc and the support of the European Foundation for Health, Research and Education, Scientific International Committee of Emergencies, the International Federation of Emergency Associations 112, the Spanish rescue societyRescue and Socorrismo-Medicina intervention in emergencies, catastrophes and disasters, the Spanish Association of emergency 112 and the American Heart Association Authorized Training Center.

He is estimated that every year increases 1.5% the number of cases of angina and heart that entered the Spanish hospitals. The total number of strokes, only 61 per cent receives hospital care and it is estimated that more than one-third died before reaching the hospital.

The estimate of the cost of ischemic heart disease in 2003 was 1.948,89 million euros between direct and indirect costs, and cardiovascular diseases represent an annual total cost for the Spanish of some € 7 billion public system.

The campaign “ expensive plant to infarction ”, aims to create a network of areas cardioprotegidas that allows to have quick access to a defibrillator in the event of sudden death or myocardial infarction, as indicated by the study, 80% of deaths from heart attack could avoid having quick access to a DEA (External Defibrillator semi automatic). The campaign has been available to the public website, which offers tips on how to proceed from a heart attack and how cardioprotegerse.

For Dr. Leandro Plaza bushel, President of the Spanish Foundation of the heart, and one of the participants in the presentation “ action is needed to prevent cardiovascular disease, it is the leading cause of death in developed countries. It is a disease that begins in the 1920s, increases with age and does not cure ”, and continues to “ is the responsibility of the patients avoid the four major risk factors: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and diabetes, and is responsible for the Administration to invest in prevention for citizens ”.

Campaign features the image of former Miguel García, a midfielder who with 31 years, fell today in plenary meeting on October 24, 2010, during the course of the Party of the Union Deportiva Salamanca against Real Betis, and whom the swift action of the medical services of the club saved lives with two downloads of the defibrillator. Miguel García was stopped temporarily for 20 seconds.

“ We are facing a pathology dependent, because with each minute of delay in the adoption of measures the chance of survival decreases 10%. “We in SAMUR adopt the chain of life that includes early warning, the training of nationals in techniques of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), semi-automatic defibrillation, advanced life support care and coordination with useful Centre for leads to each patient Center specialized in your problem”, the Dr. Erwig poultry Torres Deputy Director General of the SAMUR-Civil protection, said during the presentation.

The campaign will be, from the month of September, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla and Bilbao with demonstrations, actions of awareness-raising, etc.

Mr. Miguel Vaquer, President of Oxidoc, said “ I would like everyone to have clear that nowadays all defibrillators are safe and that it is important that people lose fear using them because no patient will only worsen with the use of defibrillator, if not needed, but you need it can save your life ”.

OXIDOC was founded in 1988 and is a Spanish company based in Palma de Mallorca from medical products. It was created initially in order to give coverage to the growing demand for kits by the mutual work accident being innovative in this regard with the introduction of the kit of plastic as a means of improving first aid in the company, which has led him to become undisputed leaders in this market in the Spanish State.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips